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What do you make of Benji Marshal to rugby?

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Ron Walden (29)
I saw the comments by Greg Martin on foxsports.com.au yesterday and whilst not surprised was pretty disappointed.

What a clown.

The guy shouldn't be making these sorts of comments in public and I think it also makes him a massive hypocrite.

He spends most of his time raving incessently about how Quade Cooper is the greatest player we have and how exciting he is to watch and then he comes out and completely rubbishes Marshall who plays football in a very similar style to Cooper. Considering how much money Marshall was paid in the NRL, he will absolutely be taking a pay cut to come to rugby so that is not a motivation.

Why would a commentator be saying that someone from another sport isn't welcome or wanted in rugby union? It defies belief. If someone wants to play rugby, why would you try and stop them?
Unfortunately heard it....was the rantings of a madman...Benji is a great guy.I've actually had a drink with him and chatted to him( he was drinking mineral water i wasn't:)) .Very level headed and focused. I'd be surprised if he hasn't already come to terms with someone. He has served the tigers well and the vitriol on the "Back Page" last night was just as bad. Hopefully none of these reporters ever have to move jobs otherwise they would have to beat themselves up.
He's a pretty proud NZer ,I would be staggered if he ever played for Australia.
As for loyalty how about "I don't want to ever play against the Tigers". This is after they backed away from a handshake deal with him.
In saying this I would also agree that Waratahs need to back Foley for next year. He's about to reap the rewards of a lot of hard work and the last thing we want at the Tahs is to force him out so he can play agst us.

Christopher McDonald

Peter Burge (5)
I don't want him in Rugby either to be honest! I don't watch Leahgueh at all, but I have heard he is past his best and also, I don't agree with players coming from Leahgueh to play Rugby, taking away opportunities from players who are committed to Rugby. By the way, apparently the story about Greg Martin's comments were taken down on various sites. does anyone know why that happened?


Arch Winning (36)
I have absolutely no objection with Benji Marshall going to Rugby....

These days Qantas offer some pretty good fares to London, and if you hire a car from Heathrow it's only a 90 minute drive north to Rugby....



John Hipwell (52)
I don't want him in Rugby either to be honest! I don't watch Leahgueh at all, but I have heard he is past his best and also, I don't agree with players coming from Leahgueh to play Rugby, taking away opportunities from players who are committed to Rugby. By the way, apparently the story about Greg Martin's comments were taken down on various sites. does anyone know why that happened?

No opportunities are taken away from anyone. Benji Marshall won't actually stop anyone from playing rugby. If a player is good enough, work hard enough - and are lucky enough - they will get their opportunities. Rugby is full of stories of players who got opportunities they never imagined.....just ask Beau Robinson, Radike Samo, George Smith or Clyde Rathbone


John Thornett (49)
I don't think we should judge Benji on his form slump. He is not happy at the Tigers and hasn't been for a while. He has been trying too much to get out of the slump and it hasn't worked. I am certain that a chnage of scenery (city and code) will reinvigorate him.

Paul Cully summed it up perfectly:

[players like Benji] have stopped learning. He has been at the same place for a long time. Is he being challenged by running the same plays, or variations of them, at the same grounds, against the same opponents?

I hope he goes to the Blues. Auckland has a strong interest in League. It would create good publicity both sides of the ditch. I believe Kirwan (and Tiejens) would help convert him. I think he is worth pursuing.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-union/union-news/three-things-that-will-make-or-break-benjis-big-decision-20130716-2q2d5.html#ixzz2ZHKzwf83


Chilla Wilson (44)
Yeah good post Ptah. I think he would be good for the (Auckland) Blues, even if it was only as an impact player in the last 30mins.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I don't agree with players coming from Leahgueh to play Rugby, taking away opportunities from players who are committed to Rugby.
You're entitled to your view, but I disagree with the sentiment. As I said way back at the start of the Folau thread, rugby people need to get out of this "he's a league player attitude", with respect it's a relic of the amateur era. Just like Folau, SBW, Brad Thorn et al, he's an athlete and we should be getting as many people playing rugby as possible.

IMO there's nothing wrong with signing players who are playing league. The issue I have is that you need to sign the right ones - not just ones who a good at league. Folau was always a no brainer and I never understood the vehment opposition from some quarters.

Over the decades league signed a lot of players from rugby, no question about taking away opportunities from others - just picking the best players. League nearly always picked guys who made it, and that is the secret - not forking over big dollars for players who aren't any better than what you already have.

I don't think that Marshall would have the same impact as Folau and SBW and if I'd want to see him playing rugby before I'd sign him at a super team.

I was also interested to note that almost invisible and inaudible Waratahs CEO Jason Allen actually contributed something - not sure what to make of that.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
He spends most of his time raving incessently about how Quade Cooper is the greatest player we have and how exciting he is to watch and then he comes out and completely rubbishes Marshall who plays football in a very similar style to Cooper. Considering how much money Marshall was paid in the NRL, he will absolutely be taking a pay cut to come to rugby so that is not a motivation.

Why would a commentator be saying that someone from another sport isn't welcome or wanted in rugby union? It defies belief. If someone wants to play rugby, why would you try and stop them?

The comments say more about Martin than they do about Marshall.

Unfortunately there are many rugby types who don't get it either, and I ask the same questions that you have.

Why would any true rugby supporter try to stop someone from playing rugby? It's bizarre.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
In some ways, I sense that there is an element of defensiveness from Martin.

More players that play like Cooper take away some of the uniqueness of Cooper (even if they're unlikely to be nearly as good).

As far as Marshall is concerned, he's probably in a position where he could take a massive paycut for a couple of years and not really cause himself too many problems (obviously I don't know his specific financial circumstances). He is one NRL player whose post playing future is pretty assured. He's widely popular, well spoken and funny. He already appears on The Footy Show regularly and will waltz into a well paid media role when he retires.

Career wise, his form this year and last year has struggled and the Tigers have become a bunch of duds (I'm a lifelong Tigers fan by the way). It is time for him to move on for his own benefit and for the team (it's time for the Tigers to rebuild in my opinion). If he doesn't want to play for another NRL club then going to Rugby Union sounds like a good option.


Greg Davis (50)
As a Rebels fan I hope the club doesn't sign him. We've done our dash with the high profile stars and should be focusing on developing our own talent and rewarding the young guys who are grafting away.

I hope he does get a contract though. As Braveheart pointed out, he's in a position in his career to perhaps be a bit self-indulgent and not stress about pay. If that's the case then the lure of an NZ jersey at the olympics, or dare I say it, an AB cap, might be just the carrot he needs.

Union shouldn't be too defensive about being used by high profile league players. If he comes over and sets the world on fire, all the better for us. If he fails then we can sit back and chuckle about another bloke who couldn't cut the mustard at the top level.

Has the ARU lost any high profile players to league in recent years (not counting the guys that were switching back)? Seems like almost completely one-way traffic.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
The comments say more about Martin than they do about Marshall.

Unfortunately there are many rugby types who don't get it either, and I ask the same questions that you have.

Why would any true rugby supporter try to stop someone from playing rugby? It's bizarre.

I agree totally.
BTW who made Marto the gatekeeper for the code?
Someone needs to tell Marto, there are a gutload more people wanting HIM out of the game,than those that want to keep Benji out of the game.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
He's entitled to his opinion like everyone else. Even if it is wrong! Only thing is a lot more people are listening when he opens his mouth.

Christopher McDonald

Peter Burge (5)
You're entitled to your view, but I disagree with the sentiment. As I said way back at the start of the Folau thread, rugby people need to get out of this "he's a league player attitude", with respect it's a relic of the amateur era. Just like Folau, SBW, Brad Thorn et al, he's an athlete and we should be getting as many people playing rugby as possible.

IMO there's nothing wrong with signing players who are playing league. The issue I have is that you need to sign the right ones - not just ones who a good at league. Folau was always a no brainer and I never understood the vehment opposition from some quarters.

Over the decades league signed a lot of players from rugby, no question about taking away opportunities from others - just picking the best players. League nearly always picked guys who made it, and that is the secret - not forking over big dollars for players who aren't any better than what you already have.

I don't think that Marshall would have the same impact as Folau and SBW and if I'd want to see him playing rugby before I'd sign him at a super team.

I was also interested to note that almost invisible and inaudible Waratahs CEO Jason Allen actually contributed something - not sure what to make of that.

What generally happens though, is that these players go back after a year or two. I am a supporter of Rugby, my provincial team and my national team and I have a lot more respect for players who are committed to a team for a long period of time. Players like SBW only care about themselves, not the team and not the sport. I have no interest in these players. I do, however, recognise that, if anything, it will become more common, but that doesn't imply one should agree with it, or like it. I also don't believe that showing a decent amount of loyalty and making a good living are mutually exclusive.

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
Hell there no way he will ever make All Blacks, don't watch league, but he would have to pretty special to hope to knock Carter, Cruden or Barrett from All Blacks. More chance maybe of specialising in 7s??

No way? Ever? Not sure Dan. I could name 20 ABs off the top of my head that many a fan thought would never get close to an AB jersey.

Even with those other three he's one injury away from an AB squad. Something in his favour is that I think he is a genuine 10/12 option which only Carter can play.

Never say ever is my motto :)

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
What generally happens though, is that these players go back after a year or two. I am a supporter of Rugby, my provincial team and my national team and I have a lot more respect for players who are committed to a team for a long period of time. Players like SBW only care about themselves, not the team and not the sport. I have no interest in these players. I do, however, recognise that, if anything, it will become more common, but that doesn't imply one should agree with it, or like it. I also don't believe that showing a decent amount of loyalty and making a good living are mutually exclusive.
I understand your view and accept it is a valid point of view held by many.

Once players in all football codes rarely, if ever, changed clubs. As sport became more and more professional and players could make a full time living out of playing, they more and more regularly changed clubs. The public have come to accept this, and very few supporters really expect players to stay with one club for a career. Changing codes is the same principle.

There are many factors in players changing clubs or codes and money is certainly one of them, but players quite often accept slightly less to go to a strong or well managed club in whatever code or to stay with their current club/code because they are happy there.

Neither clubs or players show blind loyalty to each other anymore - once a players powers begin to decline they are often moved on against their wishes, just as players can decide to change clubs for their own reasons. It's just the reality of professional sport - much like any of us choosing to change careers or employers.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Don't know the guy from Adam as I have absolutely no interest what so ever in league. But if he's good enough for the Blues or someone else to offer him a contract then I don't see a problem with it.

Many people on here bemoan the fact that rugby in Aus loses out to League in ratings, attendance, coverage. There's much gnashing of teeth and wailing about the death of rugby.

But we've just had, hands down, the best sporting event in many a year in a fantastic Lions series. Another league convert, Folau was a real star in the series. Rugby has a much raised profile.

Now other league stars are wanting to try their hand at rugby too. With the lure of an Olympic appearance there will probably be increased traffic in the next few years.

On top of that league journalists are having a go at these players for switching codes and are resorting to petty name calling. It would seem there is a whiff of fear in the air.

With these high profile players will also come more fans for rugby. Some will decide that Folau, Benji etc. are "dead to me" but others will want to see how they go. Initially it might just be curiosity to check out the first few games.

Then before they realise it they're watching the games, reading match reports and have become fans of rugby. Then when they are a few years down the track they're actually going to the stadium to watch games. Those who do so are unlikely to completely drop league but that's not a bad thing either. Each one of those fans is another one who will tell their exclusive league mates to shut up when they bag rugby.

Whether he goes to Auckland (which seems the most likely) or to an Aus franchise it's a win for rugby. He may not even make it and spend most of his time warming the bench or sitting in the stands but he's someone who's achieved a lot in his career. There's plenty that younger guys can learn from him in terms of transferable skills, preparation and the mental side of the game.

I see why some people don't want anything to do with league. But I think it's a positive story. Just think back to how much global rugby was panicking back in the days when we were haemorrhaging players to league.
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