Tony Shaw (54)
Whoever put that out is going to get a huge reaming from his boss! Terrible mistake to make. Probably a mungo who didn't know any better.
Well I won't be there. Though I'm sure Tah fans won't be too sad to see one less Sader in the crowd. The price of a ticket was not an issue. I thought they were reasonably priced. Rather the train getting me back into Newcastle at 2am was definitely an issue & I don't have the funds to stay over night in Sydney.
2am on a train in Newcastle on a weekend? I'd have to be armed like Ellen Ripley heading off to face the queen to even consider that.
That aside I'm looking forward to the game, even though I'll be watching from home. Cannot predict how this will go. Nerves have not kicked in yet. JD is on stand by.
Talk about your kiss of death, Growden on ESPNScrum & some twat on Planet Rugby are tipping the Crusaders, by 7 & 6 respectively. All we need now is for the real P Fitzy to talk us up in his SMH column tomorrow morning & we're truly fucked lol.
Gave up the sports betting a few years back but even in my degenerate gambler days I wouldn't have gone near this, it's just too close to call (but, perversely, there's a good chance that whoever gets on top early could blow the other team off the park, can easily see a 13+ margin, just not sure who to).
Unless they mean their nation's captain.
But is that still wrong?
Fuck the Crusaders. they are chokers and haven't won since 2008, choke choke choke. The media talks them up like they are gods gift to footy and lets be honest, they were shit until half way through the season.
I want to see all those stupid kiwi's that hijack the Wallabies page after a win whinging their head off, I want to see them complain and moan for weeks. "Referee missed a penalty in the opening 30 seconds which cost us the game" "advantage only went for 2 minutes"
I thought he only glided? Or does he power the plane with sheer will?I think they were just being literal.
Captain Richie McCaw.
What's interesting though as that the media both here and (especially) across tha dutch have pretty well decided the Crusaders already have their 8th title.
I for one am pretty happy with that. Means all the big talk is on one side and NSW can just focus on the task at hand.
Who ever said Kiwis lack the ability to laugh at themselves?
I thought he only glided? Or does he power the plane with sheer will?
I do like the irony of a flightless bird on the roundel of an Air Force plane. Who ever said Kiwis lack the ability to laugh at themselves?
the biggest issue is that he'd loiter on the wrong side of the runway and not allow any legitimate planes to access their terminal