John Eales (66)
Agree it was a success for them in developing players but the competition was not.
Its like creating a restaurant and you have the best meals in the world. Thats great but if you can't afford the food or people arent buying the meals the restaurant is not a success
Nah it was, because the measure of success for the competition is in developing players, coaches and referees in a level below super rugby. Not whether it turned a profit. Super Rugby has never turned a profit, its value to the SANZAAR countries has been that it provided players for test rugby, and test rugby is where the real money was made.
To use your analogy of restaurants, it’s like going to the casino and been given free drinks, it’s costs the casino money to provide you drinks but they know you’re going to spend even more on the tables anyway.
Or to put it more eloquently, it’s an investment in R&D, it’s not going to turn a profit but it’s going to generate long term benefits to the companies bottom line.