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Waratahs 2015

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John Thornett (49)
It's a shame to lose Alofa, but the bloke was clearly hunting for a good pay cheque, changing codes, etc. You can't blame the guy for grabbing some cash when he can.

We really should sign Crawford now, however. But the Rebs might throw some real money his way.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I think Crawford is critical because he offers genuine back three cover.

Let's not kid ourselves - we have had a very blessed run as far as injury goes, with Horne putting in surprising performances from wing.

But with Bread gone, Crawford is our best back three cover by a mile and probably the pick of our blindside wings when healthy

Omar Comin'

Chilla Wilson (44)
I reckon Folau might stay in Australian rugby in 2016 to have a crack at the Olympics. I could see him doing that then playing in Japan for the 2016/17 Top League season, going to France in 2017 for a season and returning to Australia in time to make the 2019 world cup squad.

He's going to get ridiculous offers from the likes of Toulon.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I think the massive pile of cash and a discussion with the recent T14 winner Drew Mitchell will see both he and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) up there by the end of 2015


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Toulon have JOC (James O'Connor), Delon Armitage, Mitchell, Habana, Halfpenny, David Smith and now possibly Folau. Talk about stockpiling outside backs.


Chris McKivat (8)
Lets hope he loves Rugby and the Tahs so much that money won't play a part ... we can dream.

Coming from a Broncos supporter who followed his exit from league, he openly said he left because of the money offered by AFL as he wanted to help out his family, so I could see him leaving for money again.

If he does leave it will be a sad day for Aus rugby to lose someone as special as he is.

Train Without a Station

I wouldn't completely give up hope.

Remember in his early 20's he already picked up a massive pay day, greater than what many athletes hope for in an end of career Euro stint. Obviously that would have set him up pretty well already. He has great sponsorship opportunities and agreements in Australia due to his high profile in Australia. These add to his income and would likely disappear if he went to France.

Further, I'm sure his manager is smart enough to realise that remaining in Sydney, he would have excellent opportunities post rugby that he would be able to take a cut from also. These would likely long term be much greater value than a stint in French rugby. Also may not be there if he jumps around and is in and out of the spotlight.

I tend to think that earning slightly less, though still good money, with the view to how he will occupy his time for the next 10 or so years after he retires would be more lucrative overall, and more beneficial.

That being said, the money would be hard to compete with too and it may come down to whether he feels the money is better for him now, or what he does post career. NRL is a real concern in my view.

Crazy Grey

Frank Nicholson (4)
I reckon Folau might stay in Australian rugby in 2016 to have a crack at the Olympics. I could see him doing that then playing in Japan for the 2016/17 Top League season, going to France in 2017 for a season and returning to Australia in time to make the 2019 world cup squad.

He's going to get ridiculous offers from the likes of Toulon.

I'd be happy with that. Anything but league


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It would surprise me if Folau is that interested in moving to France. The guy is well known to be very focused on his family and church and moving to the other side of the world seems contradictory to those needs.

Removing the money argument for a second, it strikes me that playing in France is a great option for a young single guy looking to have some fun for a couple of years or player with a family looking to settle in one location for a period of time with the wife and kids. Folau doesn't fit either of those.

The ARU's biggest selling points for Folau will be Rio 2016 and the next RWC in 2019. If it comes down purely to money, the ARU will lose.

I think the fact that Folau achieved pretty much all there was to achieve in rugby league before he left means that the NRL would only lure him back if the financial incentives were ludicrous (much like his AFL contract).

#1 Tah

Chilla Wilson (44)
Haven't you people heard? If Izzy doesn't sign with the NRL, then fire will rain down from the heavens and the ground will open up and swallow Australia whole! The world might even literally end!

Clearly you haven't read enough of Danny Wiedler's work :D


Phil Hardcastle (33)
hasn't Izzy said before he wants to be considered one of Oz rugby's greats when he finishes and leave a pretty sizeable legacy. Hasn't achieved this yet so maybe he has some personal ambitions to reach and will saty with us

Omar Comin'

Chilla Wilson (44)
If it comes down purely to money, the ARU will lose.

Maybe, but Folau brings more to the ARU than he would to league or Toulon. He's the biggest name in the game by far, whereas in league he would be one of a few big names. The ARU has more to lose than the others have to gain.

I think the ARU would be able to find a lot of money and sponsorship to keep him. Over $1 million per year for sure. Because he's worth a lot more than that in media and marketing value. The other thing they might put on the table for him is a sabbatical to France or Japan. Losing him for one super rugby season (less if he went to Japan!) would be worth it if it meant keeping him in Australian rugby for most of the next 4 years.

Ultimately, he's going to make enough money to set himself and his family up for life no matter what he does. I wonder what he wants to do after rugby? If it's something more than living a quiet life with his family than the ARU and Waratahs should be helping him towards it now as much as they can.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I agree with all that Omar. I think my previous point still stands though.

If Toulon or the NRL really, desperately wanted to sign Folau and his only consideration was money, I think either of those could put together more money than the $1m+ per season the ARU could possibly manage.

With the NRL's proposed central fund for buying players and Toulon's owner effectively having bottomless pockets are far as signing a player is concerned, the ARU can't really compete.

I don't think it will come down to that though. I think the ARU can certainly offer Folau excellent money and it can offer him opportunities neither of the others can which will hopefully sway him in the long run.
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