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Waratahs 2014

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George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Big opportunity for Cheika to really put his stamp on the side, it appears to be turnover year


NSW Waratahs in danger of mass exodus
THE Waratahs are facing one of the greatest retention battles of any team in world sport because 80 per cent of their frontline roster is off contract at the end of the season.

1 Adam Ashley-Cooper - off contract
2 Ollie Atkins - off contract
3 Berrick Barnes - off contract
4 Peter Betham - off contract
5 Tom Carter - off contract
6 Cam Crawford - contracted
7 Dave Dennis - contracted
8 Kane Douglas - off contract
9 Damien Fitzpatrick - off contract
10 Bernard Foley - off contract
11 Grayson Hart - off contract
12 Michael Hodge - contracted
13 Michael Hooper - contracted
14 Rob Horne - off contract
15 Sekope Kepu - off contract
16 Tom Kingston - off contract
17 Pat McCutcheon - contracted
18 Brendan McKibbin - off contract
19 Drew Mitchell - off contract
20 Wycliff Palu - off contract
21 Greg Peterson - off contract
22 Tatafu Polota-Nau - off contract
23 Benn Robinson - off contract
24 Paddy Ryan - contracted
25 Jeremy Tilse - off contract
26 Lopeti Timani - off contract
27 Sitaleki Timani - off contract
28 Lachie Turner - off contract
29 John Ulugia - off contract
30 Israel Folau - off contract
31 Mitch Chapman (replacement for the injured Fitzpatrick) - off contract
Jed Holloway - off contract
Luke Holmes - off contract
Sam Lane - released
Matt Lucas - off contract
Ben Volavola - off contract

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
As a matter of interest - would having so many contracts end at the same time be a deliberate ploy and, if so, for what reason?
My simple mind suggests that its an invitation to trouble because it possibly gives the players the upper hand in negotiations. What if they all do a QC (Quade Cooper)?
On the other hand if you know youre not likely to keep your coach it gives the new one a chance to build a team in his own image.
Could be very expensive.


Tony Shaw (54)
The turnover next year might be huge or it might not. That will depend on how the season goes and whether the players buy into the "new" way of playing. If the season goes badly then there will be big turnover; if the season goes well players are likely to want to stay around to have a crack at a title. Winning the comp this year is a couple of bridges too far, but if the side comes together and performs well then next year could at the worst mean a top four finish.

That being said, we are likely to lose some of the big names overseas post-Lions, particularly those older players who will probably not be there at the next world cup. This is just part-and-parcel of the short career span of a professional footballer. Life will go on.


Dick Tooth (41)
If the Tahs are going to recruit it is going to have to be from the other Aussie teams. Aside from Beale and SBW are there any big name players coming off contract that could add to the roster?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Priorities should be Douglas, L Timani, Robinson, Betham, Kingston, Volavola, Matt Lucas

I would add to that Dennis. He is experienced, still improving and an important leader.

Also TPN. Good hookers are in short supply and he's a very popular player for the fans, particularly kids.

Bernard Foley has looked good so far at 10, was one of our best last year and is young. He is definitely crucial to build the team around going forward.

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Bill McLean (32)
As a matter of interest - would having so many contracts end at the same time be a deliberate ploy and, if so, for what reason?
My simple mind suggests that its an invitation to trouble because it possibly gives the players the upper hand in negotiations.

It is bizarre to have so many players coming off contract at the one time. I would have thought it best to have player contracts expire on a staggered basis so no more than 40% are coming off contract in any one year. Another Tahs HQ stuff up?

With the dismal crowd against the Rebels etc, the Tahs admin would have their work cut out for them in the back office let alone trying to (mis)manage so many contract negotiations. Here's hoping they learn something out of all this and don't sign all the players to contracts of the same length. Otherwise, they'll be in the same predicament in a couple of years.

On the bright side, it does give Chieka the chance to sign the players he wants.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
On the bright side, it does give Chieka the chance to sign the players he wants.

That was my first thought - but then it occurred to me: he wont be able to find that many blokes to take up contracts because (a) no one lets that many good people go and (b) when they get wind of his predicament the price will go up and the salary cap will come into play.

I cant think why you would do it this way - and even if it was a booby trap left by Hickey (or Foley) someone in the "Contracts Department" should have twigged to it


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
That was my first thought - but then it occurred to me: he wont be able to find that many blokes to take up contracts because (a) no one lets that many good people go and (b) when they get wind of his predicament the price will go up and the salary cap will come into play.

I cant think why you would do it this way - and even if it was a booby trap left by Hickey (or Foley) someone in the "Contracts Department" should have twigged to it

I see it as a positive, there will be a turnover, there are a load of seniors leaving

The side will be refreshed and built in Cheika's image.

Link said once that it took 3 years to get the squad you want, Cheika hasn't even started having a real say over the squad.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
That was my first thought - but then it occurred to me: he wont be able to find that many blokes to take up contracts because (a) no one lets that many good people go and (b) when they get wind of his predicament the price will go up and the salary cap will come into play.

I cant think why you would do it this way - and even if it was a booby trap left by Hickey (or Foley) someone in the "Contracts Department" should have twigged to it
In the normal course of events Foley would have started signing them in the second half in last years comp and then in the off season. Foley was preoccupied in sorting out his own contract and then he escaped to the Force.
Cheika did the sensible thing and signed no one until he has seen them play under his coaching.
I'm sure the younger guys we re sign, individually none of the older guys are irreplaceable.A changing of the guard would be a good thing IMO.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The reality is that not many players will want to go overseas or even move interstate. Many off-contract players will want to stay if they like the culture in 2013. The hardest people to keep will be those whose Wallaby days are waning and will be thinking that a Super Rugby only contract doesn't provide them with the remuneration they need.

The biggest advantage the Tahs have with so many players coming off contract is that the most desired young players won't need to leave for opportunity elsewhere.

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Phil Kearns (64)
One big problem is that Cheika has not been in Australia for very long, certainly not long enough to have built up an inventory of the sort of younger players that he would like to recruit.


Alan Cameron (40)
One big problem is that Cheika has not been in Australia for very long, certainly not long enough to have built up an inventory of the sort of younger players that he would like to recruit.
but I think he has already identified a number of talented youngsters, as indicated by his invited player lists. From what I heard he was very impressed with the NSW academy guys. The players he hasn't seen would be the youngsters outside the NSW system. I guess he will have tickets to a few Shute Shield games this year


Bill McLean (32)
That was my first thought - but then it occurred to me: he wont be able to find that many blokes to take up contracts because (a) no one lets that many good people go and (b) when they get wind of his predicament the price will go up and the salary cap will come into play.

I cant think why you would do it this way - and even if it was a booby trap left by Hickey (or Foley) someone in the "Contracts Department" should have twigged to it

From what Chieka has said in the press, it seems that he has an eye on a few players in club rugby. I couldn't imagine they will be asking for big $$$, probably just happy for the chance.

The lure of RWC 2015 would also be a big incentive for many of the players that will hit their prime by then. As Braveheart81 has mentioned, it is unlikely many, other than fringe players, will head off to other Australian provinces. More likely to see some senior players head off to Europe or Japan.

Nonetheless, it just seems to be a self-inflicted pain that may have been avoided with some astute management.
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