It's an inferiority complex, BDA. They know their game has a shocking reputation and is piss weak on the world stage, so the only way they can feel good about themselves is to attack the more successful code.
I think, generally, we're a level above though.
I can't remember the last time a rugby player glassed his girlfriend and tried to pin it on his mate, or took a dump in a hotel hallway.
a guy I played with had a party trick of dropping a dump in lady's hand bags.
Another was known for "helicopters" (ie when needing to spew, he just started spinning)
Another taught me how to break a schooner glass to get a point on it
etc etc ...... and not that many years ago
"level above" only means not getting caught or not being caught and linked to rugby
Fucken hell![]()
It has a certain grain of truth in there, anyone who has ever been on a good rugby tour (or even very late at a rugby club) should be aware of the mayhem that does ensue
I am just thankful that my worst moments were before camera phones, twitter and instagram were around
As most rugby players profile verges on invisible to the media scum, it doesn't get published
But don't for one moment think that ugly shit doesn't go on, they are very fit, very confident, good looking young units who are rewarded for risk taking on the field, with money and too much spare time.
You guys don't think there is a bit of risk taking and general stupidityhappening off the field?
Come on
The idea that this sort of behaviour only becomes public because the person is high profile is ridiculous.
Outrageous behaviour of many kinds done by complete nobodies generally finds its way onto the internet these days and eventually the people involved get named and shamed.
Dead right. Every night on the news we see some idiot doing something stupid. Just two nights ago on the news in Perth there was the verdict in the trial of a bloke done for DUI on a motorised esky(!). He wasn't famous before that.