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Wallaby 31 players for 2015 RWC

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Michael Lynagh (62)
I think so, I wouldn't have change the rules to get him in (I don't believe the ARU did it for that reason either), but now that he's available I think you take a look at him during the Rugby Championship. He was named the best player in Europe so he should serve as a good test case to see weather NH form should be worth anything going forward. I don't think he starts initially, get him back to learn the systems and have a look at training, maybe playing off the bench then if it goes well give him a crack against the argies.

He should probably be called over for no other reason than to piss off Boudjellal and show him we're going to use reg 9 and maybe he should think twice before poaching aussies. ;)

You highlighted the point why it would be ridiculous to not look at Gits during rugby championship....he was named best player in Europe...and in case people's memories are foggy to call NH rugby crap etc....you mind want to remind yourself their are NH teams higher than us on IRB rankings....and indeed a number of them kicked our arse at last EOYT....


Mark Ella (57)
Nutta, are the NH sides higher up the tree because the wallabies have been pretty poor for a long while our because they are so good? I would suggest a bit of both but mainly the former. Only the Irish have really improved, the Welsh are exactly what they were when Gatland took over and getting exactly the same results, the French are pushing hard to be a2nd tier side. The scotts remain under manned and the English still don't know if they want to play their traditional game or a more open one.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Nutta, are the NH sides higher up the tree because the wallabies have been pretty poor for a long while our because they are so good? I would suggest a bit of both but mainly the former. Only the Irish have really improved, the Welsh are exactly what they were when Gatland took over and getting exactly the same results, the French are pushing hard to be a2nd tier side. The scotts remain under manned and the English still don't know if they want to play their traditional game or a more open one.

If my mother had wheels she would have been a bicycle.

In other words, you're completely right: if we were better than them they wouldn't be better than us.

But I think that is quite a simplistic way of looking at it. By all means I think the NH sides have improved.

Wales have come a long way in the last year. I've always maintained that if they had a decent coach and a decent flyhalf they would be worldbeaters. They have a team teaming with talent.

Ireland have been playing some amazing rugby, and so have England (especially considering the amount of injuries they have). Both teams on the up.

Hell, even Scotland looked better during the 6 Nations.

Believe you me, England, Ireland and Wales will play out of their skin this RWC, and that should make every SH nation exceptionally worried.


Michael Lynagh (62)
So Cheika has had so much time with the team.. to be honest he lost alot more then he won..

I don't expect Smith to be picked.. it just doesn't fit but you would have to be dumb to not drag him out during the rugby championship and see what his got. no offense to Hooper or Poey.. they are both trying to be Smith..

Now if your a coach and you don't take 10 minutes (before the world cup) to see if Gits, Michell and Smith are any good.. your a clown..

Players available for selection will be looked at whereever they play in the world (which because of rule changes means Cheika will look at those overseas who fall into that category ie Gits, Smith, Mitchell etc)....as coaches are their to pick their best side to win games.....

Do you think other countries who don't have such restrictions on them (e.g. South Africa, NH sides etc) really care where they play but rather choose on form and as best players for the position....


Michael Lynagh (62)
I agree - Ireland would be my dark horse roughie for RWC whilst Wales equally would equally test on their day....England also improving so would not write them off....

Behind NZ I actually think England, Wales and Ireland are the bigger threats at the moment....South Africa had a rough time on their last EOYT....whilst Australia had a even rougher time....


Jim Lenehan (48)
I think that's on the money BDA except I would drop Genia for Adam Coleman and Jones for Higgers

I could definitely see Higgers over Jones (given that he offers something different from our other backrowers).

not sure I could see Genia left out though. I know a lot of people dont rate him atm. truth be told neither genia nor white are setting the world on fire, but if we have to rely on one at the WC ill take the bloke with 58 tests.


John Thornett (49)
Dan Biggar is more than a decent flyhalf - he was one of the form players through the 6N. Wales' woes run much deeper than that.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
You highlighted the point why it would be ridiculous to not look at Gits during rugby championship..he was named best player in Europe.and in case people's memories are foggy to call NH rugby crap etc..you mind want to remind yourself their are NH teams higher than us on IRB rankings..and indeed a number of them kicked our arse at last EOYT..

And of course they are all playing the ABs and Saffas multiple times each and every year. ;) The teams we play most of all certainly have a significant impact on current rankings.

And is it suggested that as the UK teams are improving, it stands to reason that someone starring in the French competition is playing at that improved level? The French seem to be going backwards moreso than progressing lately. And EOYT form should be taken with a grain of salt. The Wallabies' scrum was severely undersized and underweight last year and if we can't put together a better pack for RWC then it won't matter who plays at 10 or 12.


Phil Kearns (64)
I have said it before, and I will keep saying it. For all the talk about our back row options, issues about strengthening our scrum, etc etc, we have absolutely no chance of going anywhere without a couple of reliable kickers, one from the spot, one out of hand.

For all Foley's fancy-pantsy tricks, he fails the single most important quality that we need. He is not a Test match quality kicker.

I would prefer to see Lilo there, frankly.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
To'omua, Giteau and QC (Quade Cooper) are all test match quality which means that if Foley starts, To'omua or Giteau must as well. I would choose To'omua with Gits on the bench. Only one of Foley or QC (Quade Cooper) in the 23.


Ken Catchpole (46)
The Wallabies' scrum was severely undersized and underweight last year and if we can't put together a better pack for RWC then it won't matter who plays at 10 or 12.

I think there is a lot to be hopeful for on this one. Will Skelton appears to have come along way in the past few months, particularly his scrummaging. Greg Holmes has been looking really good since he has been back. PAE also looking really good.

I think (hope) that last year's EOYT was a nadir and in the words of the Badge "we're going vertical" in 2015. Scrum-wise, I don't mean literally.


Andrew Slack (58)
PAE seems to give away a lot of penalties at scrum time - or is that just my impression? I thought Holme's time had passed, but I personally would prefer him as back up TH at present.

I must admit Skelton has come along far more than I thought possible. Honestly I never bought into the hype and I doubted he would ever be an effective test player, but he looks well on the way to proving me wrong.

We may well be on the way to having a functional scrum and lineout.

Now we just need an effective kicking game.


Mark Loane (55)
Are we still all about ball running props? I don't think we are. I think we have learnt our lessons and are nearly in the right frame of mind to pick a TH prop based on scrummaging ability.

Slipper and Kepu make things easy while fit as they both offer the best of both worlds. But if we had a TH pot plant to bring to the RWC I'd be overjoyed. Holmes is probably closest to this at the moment and needs to be in the 23.

I think talk if PAE is premature.


Steve Williams (59)
I don't think he's ready. But most of PAEs problems come down to his age as much as anything else. In at least the last 2 seasons, I've never seen him give away a penalty for being done over. His penalties involve experienced looseheads luring him into giving away more technical penalties (See Slipper and Robinson in Reds and Tahs game) or simply not having the tank to compete with fresh props, he's still a 55 minute prop, when he probably needs to be able to play for 65-70 minutes.

He's gotten better each and every year though, and as the puppy fat slowly melts away, he continues to make more and more of impact around the field.

If he was around next year, I'd think we'd have simply consigned him to "not for world cup" status, but because of no obvious 2nd tighthead, plus the fact that he's leaving, it's the situation that this board, and perhaps the Wallaby Coaching staff, find themselves in as well.


Jim Lenehan (48)
agree re PAE. I think people like the look of PAE because he's about 130kg and has the potential to be a very strong scrummaging TH. The truth is he looks to be still a bit rough around the edges. I cant remember him really dominating any LHs but conversely i cant remember him being dominated. He's given away a fair few penalties too. He looks to be a few years from his best.

Whilst i dont pretend to know much about scrummaging, my observation is that scrummaging at test level often comes down to technique, smarts and trickery as much as it does horse power. If current form is anything to go by, I think the more experienced NH props would make him look like a test rookie. For that same reason I'd go with Holmes. He's certainly not as heavy and powerful as PAE, but his technique this season looks excellent. He's a good example of the old adage that props peak late in their career.

If there's a few injuries at TH, then I'd probably turn to PAE, but the 2019 WC will probably be his time to shine (if he's around).


Samu Kerevi, based on form he would be the starting 13, reality is he probably won't be included in the Wallaby squad due to his inexperience and lack of versatility. It's nice to see a powerful ball running alternative to Kuridrani though.

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Vay Wilson (31)
Surely they'll toss PAE 20 mins off the bench to lock him in to Aus? It's not like we have so many likely young props running around that we'd risk having him line up against us next world cup. Give him a spell against Argentina then pat him on the back and send him on his way.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Samu Kerevi, based on form he would be the starting 13, reality is he probably won't be included in the Wallaby squad due to his inexperience and lack of versatility. It's nice to see a powerful ball running alternative to Kuridrani though.

His problem at this point is his defence. He's absolutely brilliant on attack but a couple of his mistakes led to Hurricanes tries. It's not really surprising for someone with his lack of experience. 13 is a very tough defensive position and he hasn't been playing at this level for long. He was also playing against the All Black centre pairing.
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