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Wallabies v Pumas, Bankwest (Parra), Sat 5th December

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
It's amazing to me how DHP seems to have fallen out of favour with the GAGR crowd (and selectors if he has been back to fitness for the last couple of games). He's been out injured most of the season and has only had 1 chance for the Wallabies this season coming back from injury. In that game, he fumbled one or two high balls, but that was almost expected given the wet conditions and didn't do much else wrong at all from memory. Banks on the other hand has had numerous opportunities, where he has been OK but certainly not set the world on fire without any line breaks from memory, dropping a ball or two also in wet conditions, but importantly ruining a number of excellent attacking opportunities with very poor passing.

I think if fit, DHP is still a class player that is our best option at fullback, as he has the best all round game for that position. Outstanding positioning, excellent under the high ball, very good last man defender, has a big boot for kick returns, generally beats the first tackle and creates opportunities running at the line with the ball in both hands able to pass both ways and also offloads well. He's a smart, poised, experienced player, who provides good on-field leadership, which are all things that would seem highly beneficial for our very inexperienced backline.

He may have lost a little pace with recent injuries, but that's never been one of his major weapons anyway. While I don't mind seeing Hodge given a go there given it gives us the option of long range penalties, his positional play and ability under the high ball won't be anywhere near DHP's (or Banks) given his lack of experience in the role and would rather have DHP there every day of the week.

TB was one of only four players (Tom Wright, Nic White and BPA the others) who made a line break in the last test against the Pumas. He has been slowly working his way back to form, and his passing is probably the weakest part of his game atm. Happy to see him on the bench, but still would prefer to see Maddocks get a start at 15.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Totally agree BR. Banks has been working his way up to test standard but man i want to see a fullback with a good distribution and kicking game and that's Maddocks. Rennie mustn't like what he sees.


Jim Clark (26)
Totally agree BR. Banks has been working his way up to test standard but man i want to see a fullback with a good distribution and kicking game and that's Maddocks. Rennie mustn't like what he sees.

Agreed. Maddocks looked well suited to playing the last couple of tests particularly with Hodge at 10 and Paisami at 12. The option of a ball player at 15 would have IMO helped unlock the rest of the backline. So hard to see why he wasn't given an opportunity. I would be keen to see Wright given a chance to prove his worth there if there isn't a great deal of confidence in the current options.

Mr Wobbly

Alan Cameron (40)
Another good episode. At the end there, I thought what JT had to say regarding how the AFL guys had been spending their time while in the QLD hub was interesting.

Next season, you should probably start a separate BOG thread for your show, assuming you're planning to do it again.


Tim Horan (67)
Haven’t had time for it yet but it’s definitely on the list.

Next season, you should probably start a separate BOG thread for your show, assuming you're planning to do it again.

+1 It’s good work, let’s get it linked in.


Andrew Slack (58)
Looking forward to the game tonight. Hopefully we get to see a glimpse of the future with the Wallabies with them cutting lose a bit.

Execution has let us down a fair bit over the course of the Tr Nations but we have shown and ability to create and maintain pressure at times. If we can just execute that 20% better I am confident the score board will look a lot healthier.

Hoping for a big game from JOC (James O'Connor). He has runners all around him, so if we can create some front foot ball I think he’ll find lots of holes.

Iñaki Zubizarreta

Herbert Moran (7)
I reckon it was Derpus who found those old tweets.

Either him or Bumbreeze Runner.

Just a hunch I've got.

Holy shit though, that one stupid pointless website can topple some public figures. The tweets were clearly a sackable offense. Unconscionable

Although I dont understand what the Argie public were expecting the team to do to acknowledge a dead guy from a different fucken sport? All wear the #10? Have a big crying lap of honour while dribbling a soccer ball around?

Talk about intense.

I suppose with the latin american passion comes the overwrought propensity for melodrama

Believe it or not, the problem started over that issue. Here, in Argentina, people is crazy about football (most played sport by far), and the best player died, the masses consider that everyone should be on their knees. In addition, ABs showed a shirt with Maradona's name before their haka... now Los Pumas suck. Don't ask me more, because I don't understand either. I think that no one can be required to pay tribute to another, it just have to be sincere. In this country, one day you're a hero and the next people can demand your head!!

However, Matera, Petti & Socino should pay their faults. It's true it was a long time ago, they could change and I hope so, but those words were awful. Unfortunately, racism is still very common here, particularly from Argentina towards their neighbours. That's the reason why it was a delicate issue (I don't know it those are the correct words).

Iñaki Zubizarreta

Herbert Moran (7)
I was interested by what some of the Argentinans fans said about it. Apparently they have similar issues in Argentina where it's seen as a really exclusive sport and only played by posh lads who went to expensive schools. And this is just another example of the rugby stereotype over there.

This is true, sir. Surely in Europe & Oceania it's different, but in Argentina rugby is still considered an elitist sport because it was taught in well known british schools. But now it's very spread across the country. So it's only the prejudice of the ignorant people... I don't have money and played 12 years, so that's the reality now.

Dispite the 3 men out, I hope we can see a good match today! 5.45 in the morning here.......