OK so let's go a bit deeper on that and look at who we played - I would split Tier 1 from anyone else, for example. I got all the stats from wikipedia and decided to go out to 1970-2019
There are a crapload of caveats to this, of course, and the main one is that NH nations had a track record after professionalism of sending utterly dire second- and third-string teams down here for us to feast upon, while they looked after their contracts (76-0 v Poms, anyone?). Different story now, and like the joys of 1998-2002, something we tend to look at fondly as the norm.
I don't think we lost a single inbound test to a NH nation between 1996 (professionalism) and 2003, when Johnson's England came to play. It didn't happen again in 2010 and now we're looking at regular strong nations getting some RWC practice in with minimal resting.
Graph 1: Total Win % - number of tests increasing over time. Win percentage isn't bad overall, but in earlier years is boosted by Pacific Islands and weak inbound sides.
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Graph 2: Win percentage v Tier 1 Nations - allowing for Italy to be considered "Tier 1" when they joined the 5N in 2000 and Argentina to be considered "Tier 1" when they joined the Trinations in 2012. You could argue against Italy even today, but Argentina started to show signs the last couple of years (not in scope). The picture starts to change slightly. Win trend still fairly flat. And some years like 1995 look distinctly odd because we were crap.
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Of course during this period various nations went through shit like Wales and Scotland so they're not as robust as they are today. That win percentage is struggling to stay above 50% with that considered.
Graph 3: Trends on All Wins v T1 Wins v T1 excluding Italy and Argentina - looking purely at the 1980-2011 period, this line graph (confusingly) breaks down the percentage and trends. You can see the curve is heading downward again even prior to Rennie, and like a badly made bridge is suspended on a couple of high points in the mid-80s, early 90s, and turn of the century.
Note the period around 1996-2004 which is unbroken trend at 50% or above. That's rare and we don't manage that more than a few years in a row at other times.
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I've bored you enough

but if you look just at the 32 years you've nominated, we're 55% win against Tier 1 sides. Not bad BUT if you look at the 50 years from 1970-2019, we're 49%. If I go further back, I suspect it'll get worse, and the forward trend isn't much better. Take out that slice of time in the 90s where we got rubbish inbound tours from NH sides, and that percentage slides even further.
Maybe we're Tier 1, but if so we are the bottom bracket of it, and closer to a strong Tier 2 nation.