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Wallabies 2023


John Eales (66)
Note that Robbie Deans referred specifically to the 'federated' system, the inference being that it's systemic of that model. Hence the move to a centralised one. On that, I knew the past three coaches have identified the fitness issue, I didn't realise Deans had as well. Link is the missing link here (pun intended).

I know it's for another thread but I do believe the current board are onto this, it's not an overnight fix though.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Note that Robbie Deans referred specifically to the 'federated' system, the inference being that it's systemic of that model. Hence the move to a centralised one. On that, I knew the past three coaches have identified the fitness issue, I didn't realise Deans had as well. Link is the missing link here (pun intended).

I know it's for another thread but I do believe the current board are onto this, it's not an overnight fix though.
What makes you think this?


Alan Cameron (40)
It kind of should be an overnight fix though right? Why are we the only country that has to do this? Welsh clubs are absolute dross yet they don’t have to injure all their players trying to make them fit enough for test match rugby

A professional sportsman not being fit enough is absolutely ridiculous


John Eales (66)
What makes you think this?
The general commentary from Hammer & Waugh, and I saw something from Joe Roff the other day as well. Harrison also is quite vocal about it. Being vocal and actioning aren't the same thing of course. It does seem we are heading towards centralisation though, which hopefully would instill a base fitness program.


Herbert Moran (7)
So why don’t Super Rugby coaches get their players fitter? Seems like an easy fix
Ridiculous question because a myriad of coaches from so many setups and experience levels haven't been able to arrest the slide.

Unless there was some kind of organisation that could collectively impede the different franchises and coaches of a wide range of backgrounds and experience by some kind of enforced agreement.

Players would need to have 100% buy into such a thing and there's no way that could happen.

Australian super rugby is just unlucky with their coaches to have had sustained success with superior fitness, basic skills and winning and varied gameplans.


John Eales (66)
It kind of should be an overnight fix though right? Why are we the only country that has to do this? Welsh clubs are absolute dross yet they don’t have to injure all their players trying to make them fit enough for test match rugby

A professional sportsman not being fit enough is absolutely ridiculous
Its because we are complacent. Our coaches just have the 'our players are better than yours' attitude and spend most of the time practicing sophisticated game plans that we aren't good enough to execute. Fitness obviously isn't ignored completely but it's not given enough of a priority.


Alan Cameron (40)
Its because we are complacent. Our coaches just have the 'our players are better than yours' attitude and spend most of the time practicising sophisticated game plans that we aren't good enough to execute. Fitness obviously isn't ignored completely but it's not given enough of a priority.
Considering how bad we have been for 20 years, any coach that thinks our players are better than anyones deserves an uppercut


Herbert Moran (7)
Its because we are complacent. Our coaches just have the 'our players are better than yours' attitude and spend most of the time practicing sophisticated game plans that we aren't good enough to execute. Fitness obviously isn't ignored completely but it's not given enough of a priority.
Sophisticated gameplans?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Definitely insightful:

“In Australian rugby, that risk level is always highest when players come out of Super Rugby and into the Wallabies, and because their fitness is considered woefully inadequate for Test rugby they get flogged for a few weeks. Without sufficient rest, multiple players often pick up injuries in this window.

And it’s been happening for a decade. Robbie Deans identified it as one of the biggest problems of Australia’s federated system, over a decade ago.”

I think part of the issue is that a lot of the Wallabies do a very limited preseason. They miss the large chunk of the Summer where the Super Rugby players do get flogged.

A lot of it comes down to the extras the various players are willing to do. Michael Hooper wouldn't have done a preseason in a decade but he's always about the fittest guy on the field. It's well known how much additional training he does to keep himself in that sort of shape.

There's still a significant gap in rugby in most places (South Africa would be a bit of an exception) where players aren't as fit, strong and lean as they potentially could be. It's still considered that skill is the most important aspect and while that's true, if there's two teams with equal skill, the side that is that bit stronger, faster and fitter is going to win most of the time.

You look at a sport like the NFL which obviously pulls from a much larger talent pool and everyone (outside of positions where you need additional bulk) is incredibly sculpted. It is so competitive and every additional bit of performance that can be squeezed out of someone is important.

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
This is complete speculation on my part, but bear with me. I wonder if the lack of fitness is a lack of match fitness? If our players played more high level rugby throughout the year, I wonder if coaches would feel the need to overtrain the players when they arrived in Wallaby camp?

Is the lack of fitness that's being discussed here due to the lack of an adequate first class comp in Australia? I reckon it would partly explain why it's been identified as an issue going back such a long time.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I would be surprised if our players aren't fit enough generally. I think a substantial part of it is that teams that were previously less professional have caught up and are closer or the same level of fitness.

Even 5 years ago we could have probably relied on a team like Fiji only being able to compete for part of the game before badly running out of steam late in the contest. Now that doesn't happen.

We run out of steam against the teams that are better than us not because they're significantly fitter than us but because we are generally exerting a lot more effort to stay competitive.