Nah, Football has the problem that Aussies (as a general rule, not as a specific) are amongst the most fickle sports fans out there. They like watching winners, they want scenarios where you can believe (reasonably or otherwise) it's the highest quality version of it out there, and wherever possible, want to see it "at home".
There's not a good way to leverage the World Cup's success: Only two of the current squad play in the A-League, and the competitions are locked away behind Paramount+, which has one of the worst Cost-to content for streaming services (before you even consider UX) and doesn't even try to provide "all the football" in the way that Stan scoops up as much as is practicable.
It has a big number amount of issues around integrating "Old Sokkah" with new football that will help it stuff things up, but it's an uphill battle there before you even get into their victim complexes around exposure and funding.