Once, or twice if it's not too bad and I'm probably okay with it, but passed out on the car while driving is far too much, let alone twice. He easily could have killed someone!
I also think everyone needs to keep Latu's performances in mind... He had ONE good World Cup campaign, and has otherwise been fairly average, he's got major disciple issues both on and off the field. Sure he's probably a really nice Super Rugby player, but I'm not sure he'd have sustainable performances at Test level his on field discipline is just too poor. Maybe if he was Tupou level dominant (I think if Tupou isn't the best propcl in World Rugby he's pretty bloody close!), but Latu even at his best is not Tupou good.
But in short, drinking until you pass out while driving is a black list offense at least until you see some kind of change. Fuck O'Connor was drink flying and he was blacklisted for more than a decade and there no one was in any danger like both Latu's drink driving.