Izzy on The Rugby Club last night made a comment that I found refreshing. When asked what surprised him most about playing Rugby, he offered something along the lines of, "I didn't think I would get that much opportunity to attack, or to run with the ball. But the opposite is true. Chieks told me I should be looking for work, looking to get my hands on the ball and play some footy."
One thing that frustrates me is when a convert goes back to League from Union, the League commentators/players/fans all say that he got bored in Union sitting out on the wing. Which is patently untrue in the case of almost all the converts that have played in the outside backs (Sailor, Tuquiri, Rogers etc). Yet the League masses, believe what they are told and so Folau thought, I'll just bide my time for a year in Union even though it will mean sitting on the wing doing nothing, then he plays the game and wouldn't you know it, it's freakin AWESOME!