convenient wisdom
Allen Oxlade (6)
Is it just me or does anybody else think that there are way too many players telling the ref what to do at almost every play in Super Rugby!!. Last nights game between the reds and rebels almost finished me ! As a junior ref myself, I can tell you that the youngsters do everything they see their heroes do, the difference being that most of them don't really know the rules. Unfortunately the more the kids call "forward pass, not releasing, offside, knock on etc etc, the less they are concentrating on what they are supposed to be doing, and the more they rile up themselves, each other, their opponents and the crowd !! I can only imagine how difficult it must be for the super refs with the constant cacophony and the need to justify every decision, as well as the assistant refs and TMO chatter. Many years ago, when I played, the ref was quite often likely to penalize chat and instead of justifying a penalty to the offending team, would just calmly jog another 10 metres, and another 10 ....and so on until you stopped whining. What happened to copping adversity on the chin and just getting on with doing the best you can ? Is it just a reflection of society where every perceived injustice a person suffers has an avenue for complaint, for redress, an ombudsman to appeal to. Without naming any specific players, some of them are coming across as massive sooks (even some of the captains) and I wish it would just stop, please.