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The League Media

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waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
It seems that the latest big innovation in Loig is that when awarded a penalty within ~30m of the sticks, one "takes the two" rather than kick for touch & get a fresh set of tackles. Wow. Or as Phil Gould would probably say, "Wow! Just WOW!!!" (I don't know this for sure as I've managed to convince wifey that if we absolutely must watch the Loig then we should at least take the slightly-less-vomit-inducing Foxtel feed).

An upside to this is that one can throw the Broncos recently "taking the two" no less than four times in a match & putting up more kicks in play than in the average Super Rugby fixture. Shuts 'Em up rill gud, does that :).

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
It seems that the latest big innovation in Loig is that when awarded a penalty within ~30m of the sticks, one "takes the two" rather than kick for touch & get a fresh set of tackles. Wow. Or as Phil Gould would probably say, "Wow! Just WOW!!!" (I don't know this for sure as I've managed to convince wifey that if we absolutely must watch the Loig then we should at least take the slightly-less-vomit-inducing Foxtel feed).

An upside to this is that one can throw the Broncos recently "taking the two" no less than four times in a match & putting up more kicks in play than in the average Super Rugby fixture. Shuts 'Em up rill gud, does that :).
pointing out that since you are not allowed to rake the ball back in the play the ball that the ball is actually out of play from the time held is called until the ball clears the ruck usually annoys League fans.

Once they realise the ball is out of play more than Union they lose their arguments

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I sauntered over here expecting someone to have beaten me to exposing this absolute classic:
Screen Shot 2016-04-05 at 7.23.55 PM.png

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
One of the smartest people I know played NRL and Superleague but he must be an exception.

There must be some idiots playing league.

Obviously there is no consideration to consequences for your actions in an NRL mind.


Watty Friend (18)
pointing out that since you are not allowed to rake the ball back in the play the ball that the ball is actually out of play from the time held is called until the ball clears the ruck usually annoys League fans.

Once they realise the ball is out of play more than Union they lose their arguments

I believe the rule you are referring to is as follows:-
(d) The tackled player may not play-the-ball before the players effecting the tackle have had time to clear the ruck.
Play with foot
(e) When the ball touches the ground it must be heeled (i.e. backwards) by the tackled player. The ball must not be kicked or heeled by the player marking him. The ball is in play when it has been played backward.

(h) having retired the distance prescribed in the preceding paragraph no player of the team not in possession may advance until the ball has cleared the ruck. A player who is out of play may again take part in the game when the advantage gained by not retiring has been lost.

the ball clearing the ruck is when the guy playing it uses his foot to play the ball backwards.

So the only arguable down time, is when the held call is made and the ball touches the foot, however, if the guy playing drops it or has it stripped (very contentious area this one, most of them are dropsies that sometimes get called strips) a knock on or penalty is called. Hence the game is still live, sort of like the ball can't be stolen once their are two in the tackle, but the game is still live.

Obviously, the fight for possession isn't the same focus as it is in union.


Watty Friend (18)
I sauntered over here expecting someone to have beaten me to exposing this absolute classic:
View attachment 7640

tbh, mates having fun go for funny grabs all the time.

same happened in union games I played, a bit odd in the proffessional scene.

As a raiders fan, I thought he was just trying to grub it up to get under his skin, but since hearing that they have been mates since their junior days, who cares, have a bit of fun.

If you want to have a crack imo the wild turkey incident was worse.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
tbh, mates having fun go for funny grabs all the time.

same happened in union games I played, a bit odd in the proffessional scene.

As a raiders fan, I thought he was just trying to grub it up to get under his skin, but since hearing that they have been mates since their junior days, who cares, have a bit of fun.

If you want to have a crack imo the wild turkey incident was worse.
They might be having fun but it isn't a good look for the game given history of these sort of things happening before

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
sure, but honestly a still can be made to say 'anything'. Want to make a politician look stupid? Just take the photo as he is (normally) blinking. Voila, he looks like a moron. easy.

Dunno, but prob if you see the full video it could be clear it was mucking about.

Aussie D

Bob Davidson (42)
Does anyone know what Bill Pulver did to Rebecca Wilson? She seems to have a dig at him and the ARU every week in her Saturday column.
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