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The League Media

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Mark Ella (57)
I fully understand the camera coming out to film the drunken idiot. Would I get the camera out? I doubt it, the tool wouldn't have come back to my place to start with, but if he was there first reaction would be eviction, that is my age group, my first thoughts don't revolve around social media and posting shit on line. However younger people, and some not so young seem to think everything needs to be photographed/video'd and anybody who does shit like this should expect there will be evidence of it.

As for paying for such footage, such is the nature of rampant consumerism. It sells papers and gets viewers. Its gutter journalism and its pretty taudry, but I can't blame those who took the pictures, just as much blame lies with the consumers of the media that have ultimately paid for the product.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
The sad part is that I wouldn't recognise Pearce to begin with. I guess that comes with watching a maximum of three games of mungo each year. As it is, this episode makes everyone involved look like a gronk - Pearce, the photographer, Channel Nine, and the Terrorgraph.

The most intelligent mammal in the video appears to be the dog.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
There is nothing to fear from the cameras if there is no underlying culture of tolerance of dickheadedness.

I have been in many situations where some present have been quite intoxicated, but can't recall anyone present trying to shag a dog, simulated or otherwise. Urine was generally directed towards a suitable receptacle and solid waste ended up in a dunnie, not a team mates shoe or hotel corridor. It beggars belief how the mungos struggle with controlling basic body functions and decency.

Where was his wingman?

Yes HJ, but even today, there would be sections of mungoland sniggering at the incident and wondering what the fuss is all about - just young blokes on the piss having a bit of fun would be the refrain.


Alex Ross (28)
Yes HJ, but even today, there would be sections of mungoland sniggering at the incident and wondering what the fuss is all about - just young blokes on the piss having a bit of fun would be the refrain.

I have to say that I'm in this category. This behaviour is pretty mild compared to some of the stuff that the NRL has let go in the past. Greg Bird (allegedly) glassed his girlfriend, and went on to have a decorated career. Jonathan Thurston was (allegedly) implicated in the Canterbury Bulldogs (alleged) gang rape, and is the face of the game.

In recent years, the kind of stuff that has got people banned from the NRL has involved a bloke pissing in his own mouth (which, while pretty weird, isn't hurting anybody) and two guys doing stuff to dogs (which, while genuinely rubbish, doesn't come close to domestic violence for my money). Meanwhile, Shaun Kenny-Dowall gets charged with multiple counts of domestic abuse, misses a couple of months of footy (after initially not being stood down at all), and then is allowed back in after the smoke clears. What the hell kind of shit set of priorities is that?

And before anyone starts on the 'Kenny-Dowall hasn't been found guilty yet' stuff, this happens literally all the time in both codes of rugby. Greg Inglis, Kirisome Auva'a, Ben Barba, Blake Ferguson, etc. etc. etc. all admitted to or were found guilty of assault of women, all are still playing (some as genuine stars).

(And just so that we don't get too smug, Julian Savea admitted to assaulting his partner, and nobody in New Zealand gives a shit.)

So is Pearce an idiot? Undoubtedly. Does this rate a mention on my give-a-shit meter? No. The worse thing he did was accost the girl, but if you start banning NRL players for that level of gendered aggression you'll literally have to shut the tournament down.

The ARU has its own issues, but one of the things for you guys to be genuinely proud of is that they wouldn't tolerate that kind of stuff (although that strange Kurtley story a few years back had shades of it).


Nathan Sharpe (72)
i'm more impressed with how the media are dogged in their pursuit of this story



George Smith (75)
Staff member
Barbarian, In the end I don't think you would do it :)
Pfitzy, you would. You 'd buy another Tesla with it.

Anyway, what this discussion has made me realise is that there is no fricken way I'm attending the G&GR Xmas drinks with you and you camera happy lot ;)

Nobody gets that pissed at GAGR functions. We're too cheap!


People have got a hold of the details of the person who recorded the incident and are now spreading his details across social media with comments like "you will get whats coming to you"... disgusting

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
That didn't take long. The papers are now reporting the name of the person who allegedly sold the video. Also sounds like it may get worse for the Roosters.


The most significant thing that I take from that article (including the audio/visual) is that Mitchell Pearce has admitted that he has an alcohol addiction and is taking steps to deal with it. It's a big thing for anyone to admit an addiction, but for a young man to do so in full public glare is impressive IMO. I sincerely hope that he is successful in getting on top of it.

It's what those who defend, condone or rationalise the incident fail to realise - that they aren't helping the individual that they are purporting to defend at all. What they are doing is aiding and abetting a young man ruining his life.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
It goes without saying that the guy has a serious alcohol problem.

I do not agree.

The problem is that he is an idiot.

There have been periods of my life where I could be considered to have a serious alcohol problem. But I never forced myself onto a women, pissed on another persons lounge or got involved in fights at pubs or in the street.

Alcohol does not make you violent, it lowers your inhibitions to the point where the real person underneath comes out, in this case it brought out a person who thinks they are the most important person in a room who can do as he pleases because this is how his life has always been.

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
People have got a hold of the details of the person who recorded the incident and are now spreading his details across social media with comments like "you will get whats coming to you". disgusting

More gronks come out of the woodwork. I couldn't think of anything that screams out 'avoid, avoid, avoid!' like this saga. Yet here we have social media warriors not only getting willingly involved in this quagmire, they're PUTTING THEIR NAMES TO IT. Twenty bucks (in vouchers) says that at least one of them have their employment details visible to the public as well.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I do not agree.

The problem is that he is an idiot.

Alcohol does not make you violent, it lowers your inhibitions to the point where the real person underneath comes out, in this case it brought out a person who thinks they are the most important person in a room who can do as he pleases because this is how his life has always been.

He may or may not be an idiot, but he does have an alcohol problem.

The link between alcohol abuse and violence is so overwhelming, you're the first person I've ever heard deny that. (And I spent 21 years working at the coalface in this area).

The last two lines I agree with - which is why he doesn't need to be indulged anymore, but needs to be held personally accountable for fixing his problem.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
He may or may not be an idiot, but he does have an alcohol problem.

The link between alcohol abuse and violence is so overwhelming, you're the first person I've ever heard deny that. (And I spent 21 years working at the coalface in this area).

The last two lines I agree with - which is why he doesn't need to be indulged anymore, but needs to be held personally accountable for fixing his problem.

I work in the coal face too.

I see a link between violence and being a dickhead, the alcohol brings out the dickhead rather than causing it.

To me an alcohol problem is a reliance on alcohol where you have withdrawals if you don't imbibe (addiction) and not what you do when drunk. I believe Pearce was on a drinking ban during the season so I doubt he is addicted.

In this case it seems very convenient that he will be locked away in rehab and wont be able to be tested for the cocaine allegations that were on the news.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
He may or may not be an idiot, but he does have an alcohol problem.

The link between alcohol abuse and violence is so overwhelming, you're the first person I've ever heard deny that. (And I spent 21 years working at the coalface in this area).

The last two lines I agree with - which is why he doesn't need to be indulged anymore, but needs to be held personally accountable for fixing his problem.

The link is undeniable but I'm not convinced it's 100% cause & effect: by most accounts I'm a fairly prickly character when sober but ply me with drink & I'm everybody's best mate ever. OTOH I have multiple friends & colleagues who're the exact opposite i.e. nice as pie sober but horrible drunk. On balance I agree with LB (while not denying or belittling the evidence of your time at the pointy & no doubt shitty end of the problem).


John Eales (66)
As I understand it, alcohol and other drugs that lower your inhibitions amplify certain behaviours or attitudes. So someone who has some control issues when sober completely lose it when they're intoxicated or a happy go lucky person might be friendly to the point of annoying. I know many people who exhibit this kind of behaviour. It's possible that Pearce and other loig reprobates just need that trigger to bring to the surface what's already there, like any other dickhead you might steer clear of at the bar.
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