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The Awful Truth About The ARU's Financial Position

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Casual employee or permanent part-time employee.

Regardless the figure buys a few development officers in the West.

If you could get four people who were half as good, and would do the job for $400000 pa, we would still have a shitlot of money for community rugby, and the Brains trust working 160 hours plus a week as opposed to 20-40 hours that JO'N worked would have had time to do some decent policy development and implementation. $400000 buys you a bloody good Executive Officer in most organisations. Imagine the difference that four such persons could make to the ARU.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
I wonder what his pay packet looks like?

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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I find it hard to accept that anyone is worth $2 million a year, let alone people running sporting bodies.

Unless of course you are self-employed and earning it for yourself.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
We got 100+ pages of Quade hate, and depending on which side of the argument (or border) you were on, he only took the ARU for about $400k.

How many pages of discussion can we get debating the merits of an individual who worked part time for a non-profit organisation and received remuneration in the vicinity of five [5] times that that one of the most polarising figures in the game?

How did the Board allow this to happen? It is a long bow, but I think that they still remember working a BBQ or selling meat raffle tickets at the local RSL to raise a couple of dollars to pay for the electricity bill at the clubrooms. If they don't remember what goes in to keep our game going, then they bloody well shouldn't be on the Board.

Sausages come at $8-10 per kilo. On average you get 9 sausages per kilo. You get bread for $1 per loaf via special deals with local bakeries as opposed to Coles. There are 9 double slices of bread in each standard loaf.

You can sell a sausage sanger for $3 each (inc "free" onions and sauce). Ignoring the costs of BBQ, gas, onions and sauce, you make about $2 per sanger. Simple maths says you need to sell 1 million sangers just to pay for the alleged salary of a part time CEO.

If a rugby oval can sustain 6 games of rugby per Saturday over the 8 hour period from 9am to 5pm, and there are 20 players in each team, with each player bringing 2 spectators along, and 30% of the total people at the oval that day buy a sausage sanger, with the $2 profit from each sanger to go to ARU to fund JO'N, nearly 1200 all day rugby sausage sizzles have to be held across this wide brown land before a cent is available for the clubs running the BBQ.

Taking a stab in the dark and assuming that there are 200 Ovals in Sydney and Brisbane. I have no idea of the actual number, but many of them do NOT run all day rugby, but stay with me here. Rugby is typically run a 20 week season. This will give us 4000 BBQ opportunities, of which 1200 (or approx 30%) are needed to cover CEO costs.

Taking this one step further, it takes 2 people to operate the BBQ at the footy. These two people (or a rostered combination) are required to be there for the full 8 hour period of the 1200 BBQs above. The 1200 BBQ’s then would require 2400 volunteer days effort. With the average worker working 200 days per year, and the average wage in Australia being $70k, the Rugby BBQ Volunteers are “donating” $420k in labour to raise the $2M needed to cover the Salary of the ARU CEO.

Are you happy that 30% of everything that you do at grass roots to raise funds to keep our game going is what one individual is taking out of the game by way of their remuneration package?

I'm not.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
We got 100+ pages of Quade hate, and depending on which side of the argument (or border) you were on, he only took the ARU for about $400k.

How many pages of discussion can we get debating the merits of an individual who worked part time for a non-profit organisation and received remuneration in the vicinity of five [5] times that that one of the most polarising figures in the game?

How did the Board allow this to happen? It is a long bow, but I think that they still remember working a BBQ or selling meat raffle tickets at the local RSL to raise a couple of dollars to pay for the electricity bill at the clubrooms. If they don't remember what goes in to keep our game going, then they bloody well shouldn't be on the Board.

Sausages come at $8-10 per kilo. On average you get 9 sausages per kilo. You get bread for $1 per loaf via special deals with local bakeries as opposed to Coles. There are 9 double slices of bread in each standard loaf.

You can sell a sausage sanger for $3 each (inc "free" onions and sauce). Ignoring the costs of BBQ, gas, onions and sauce, you make about $2 per sanger. Simple maths says you need to sell 1 million sangers just to pay for the alleged salary of a part time CEO.

If a rugby oval can sustain 6 games of rugby per Saturday over the 8 hour period from 9am to 5pm, and there are 20 players in each team, with each player bringing 2 spectators along, and 30% of the total people at the oval that day buy a sausage sanger, with the $2 profit from each sanger to go to ARU to fund JO'N, nearly 1200 all day rugby sausage sizzles have to be held across this wide brown land before a cent is available for the clubs running the BBQ.

Taking a stab in the dark and assuming that there are 200 Ovals in Sydney and Brisbane. I have no idea of the actual number, but many of them do NOT run all day rugby, but stay with me here. Rugby is typically run a 20 week season. This will give us 4000 BBQ opportunities, of which 1200 (or approx 30%) are needed to cover CEO costs.

Taking this one step further, it takes 2 people to operate the BBQ at the footy. These two people (or a rostered combination) are required to be there for the full 8 hour period of the 1200 BBQs above. The 1200 BBQ’s then would require 2400 volunteer days effort. With the average worker working 200 days per year, and the average wage in Australia being $70k, the Rugby BBQ Volunteers are “donating” $420k in labour to raise the $2M needed to cover the Salary of the ARU CEO.

Are you happy that 30% of everything that you do at grass roots to raise funds to keep our game going is what one individual is taking out of the game by way of their remuneration package?

I'm not.

I wonder how many of the board have actually worked the barbeque?

Your points are well made and if you were to factor in the salaries of others (not all) in the organisation, we'd all be barbequeing until eternity.

I'd still like to know how an organisation run by the former head of a bank could blow the proceeds of the 2003 RWC and have almost nothing to show for it (from the organisation's point of view that is).

If they'd have spent the money, for example, establishing a network of junior village clubs in western Sydney and other growth areas and installed paid people to run them, it would have been money well spent. Just imagine how many development officers on say $50,000 could have been employed to run new junior clubs on the money paid to JON. If he could have got by on $1,000,000 and no bonuses, I reckon you'd be able to fund 20-30 junior club administrators in areas of need.

I know which option spells value for money.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I seem to recall somewhere one of the Pirates friendly Gaggerlanders saying that their club treasurer is something to do with the Australian Prudential Regulator, and that he runs the finances of the pirates on the Micawber Principle. "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."

I vote for him to be on the ARU Board of Directors.


Mark Ella (57)
After reading Scott's piece on the Front page I am horrified that so much of the losses have been hidden by what I regard as shonky accounting practices. Using forward earnings to offset current losses.

The board has as much responsibility for this as JON. They have been permissive of his running the ARU like his personal fiefdom, which would have been fine if he had achieved reputable results. The fact is the results have been questionable and have been questioned by a few people on various fora for more than a couple of years. The very systems and integrity of the ARU have been questioned and unfortunately it appears that those people have been proved right to question. The management of the ARU MUST be placed under external review, with the results made public. No more secret performance reviews.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
We got 100+ pages of Quade hate, and depending on which side of the argument (or border) you were on, he only took the ARU for about $400k.

How many pages of discussion can we get debating the merits of an individual who worked part time for a non-profit organisation and received remuneration in the vicinity of five [5] times that that one of the most polarising figures in the game?

How did the Board allow this to happen? It is a long bow, but I think that they still remember working a BBQ or selling meat raffle tickets at the local RSL to raise a couple of dollars to pay for the electricity bill at the clubrooms. If they don't remember what goes in to keep our game going, then they bloody well shouldn't be on the Board.

Sausages come at $8-10 per kilo. On average you get 9 sausages per kilo. You get bread for $1 per loaf via special deals with local bakeries as opposed to Coles. There are 9 double slices of bread in each standard loaf.

You can sell a sausage sanger for $3 each (inc "free" onions and sauce). Ignoring the costs of BBQ, gas, onions and sauce, you make about $2 per sanger. Simple maths says you need to sell 1 million sangers just to pay for the alleged salary of a part time CEO.

If a rugby oval can sustain 6 games of rugby per Saturday over the 8 hour period from 9am to 5pm, and there are 20 players in each team, with each player bringing 2 spectators along, and 30% of the total people at the oval that day buy a sausage sanger, with the $2 profit from each sanger to go to ARU to fund JO'N, nearly 1200 all day rugby sausage sizzles have to be held across this wide brown land before a cent is available for the clubs running the BBQ.

Taking a stab in the dark and assuming that there are 200 Ovals in Sydney and Brisbane. I have no idea of the actual number, but many of them do NOT run all day rugby, but stay with me here. Rugby is typically run a 20 week season. This will give us 4000 BBQ opportunities, of which 1200 (or approx 30%) are needed to cover CEO costs.

Taking this one step further, it takes 2 people to operate the BBQ at the footy. These two people (or a rostered combination) are required to be there for the full 8 hour period of the 1200 BBQs above. The 1200 BBQ’s then would require 2400 volunteer days effort. With the average worker working 200 days per year, and the average wage in Australia being $70k, the Rugby BBQ Volunteers are “donating” $420k in labour to raise the $2M needed to cover the Salary of the ARU CEO.

Are you happy that 30% of everything that you do at grass roots to raise funds to keep our game going is what one individual is taking out of the game by way of their remuneration package?

I'm not.

"Like" does not do this post justice.
Can we get a podcast with the Pulveriser so we, the die hards, can understand what the ARU has planned? I'd love him to tell us why his predecessor was worth so much but I am sure he wont.

blues recovery

Billy Sheehan (19)
Said earlier that Bill is not a happy man. Have met him and he's a decent bloke who loves the game , albeit he is the best Australan spinner since Warnie.
Unfortunately he is a big chance of being on watch of the banktruptcy of the game He needs to stop trying to placate the old boys network, Sydney Uni, GPS schools, RUPA ( run by Uni ) et al and actually try to grow a game that is frighteningly full of people with self interest and no vision for a strong national game.
Again unfortunately he was appointed by the old boy network and shows no sign of being anything but being directed by it. His job is not a popularity contest.


Frank Row (1)
We got 100+ pages of Quade hate, and depending on which side of the argument (or border) you were on, he only took the ARU for about $400k.

How many pages of discussion can we get debating the merits of an individual who worked part time for a non-profit organisation and received remuneration in the vicinity of five [5] times that that one of the most polarising figures in the game?

How did the Board allow this to happen? It is a long bow, but I think that they still remember working a BBQ or selling meat raffle tickets at the local RSL to raise a couple of dollars to pay for the electricity bill at the clubrooms. If they don't remember what goes in to keep our game going, then they bloody well shouldn't be on the Board.

Sausages come at $8-10 per kilo. On average you get 9 sausages per kilo. You get bread for $1 per loaf via special deals with local bakeries as opposed to Coles. There are 9 double slices of bread in each standard loaf.

You can sell a sausage sanger for $3 each (inc "free" onions and sauce). Ignoring the costs of BBQ, gas, onions and sauce, you make about $2 per sanger. Simple maths says you need to sell 1 million sangers just to pay for the alleged salary of a part time CEO.

If a rugby oval can sustain 6 games of rugby per Saturday over the 8 hour period from 9am to 5pm, and there are 20 players in each team, with each player bringing 2 spectators along, and 30% of the total people at the oval that day buy a sausage sanger, with the $2 profit from each sanger to go to ARU to fund JO'N, nearly 1200 all day rugby sausage sizzles have to be held across this wide brown land before a cent is available for the clubs running the BBQ.

Taking a stab in the dark and assuming that there are 200 Ovals in Sydney and Brisbane. I have no idea of the actual number, but many of them do NOT run all day rugby, but stay with me here. Rugby is typically run a 20 week season. This will give us 4000 BBQ opportunities, of which 1200 (or approx 30%) are needed to cover CEO costs.

Taking this one step further, it takes 2 people to operate the BBQ at the footy. These two people (or a rostered combination) are required to be there for the full 8 hour period of the 1200 BBQs above. The 1200 BBQ’s then would require 2400 volunteer days effort. With the average worker working 200 days per year, and the average wage in Australia being $70k, the Rugby BBQ Volunteers are “donating” $420k in labour to raise the $2M needed to cover the Salary of the ARU CEO.

Are you happy that 30% of everything that you do at grass roots to raise funds to keep our game going is what one individual is taking out of the game by way of their remuneration package?

I'm not.


Frank Row (1)
I saw a guy run the line for 4 games yesterday - based on JON's remuneration package formula - 4 games in an afternoon would have to be worth $10k.....

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
& if you ever the have the misfortune of meeting an ARU employee (or NSWRU employee for that matter) it's like watching a scene from a mid 60s zombie movie. They are so used to being told there is no money, they have ceased to dare to dream about how to improve things because there are no funds! An evil catch 22.


Fred Wood (13)
We got 100+ pages of Quade hate, and depending on which side of the argument (or border) you were on, he only took the ARU for about $400k.

How many pages of discussion can we get debating the merits of an individual who worked part time for a non-profit organisation and received remuneration in the vicinity of five [5] times that that one of the most polarising figures in the game?

I am going to skip past all the interesting arithmetic and focus on this part.

JoN and Quade should both be at the pointy ends of their professions, so imagine this scene...

Quade is running to the north end of Suncorp stadium, one defender to beat, that one defender is JoN. Any bets on what would happen?

Now imagine they meet on JoN's turf, the negotiating table. Now imagine what will happen?

Actually it is well known what will happen. Quade will go on to national television and embarrass the sport and walk away with a raise for his trouble.

According to this logic, JoN should be starting at 15 for the wallabies.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I seem to recall somewhere one of the Pirates friendly Gaggerlanders saying that their club treasurer is something to do with the Australian Prudential Regulator, and that he runs the finances of the pirates on the Micawber Principle. "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."

I vote for him to be on the ARU Board of Directors.
It's such a fundamental principle, it's actually quite surprising that it's considered to be noteworthy.

You fund your recurrent expenditure from your income. You use your savings to fund one off large expenditure which are of a more permanent nature. Any emergency use of savings for recurrent items needs to be repaid ASAP.
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