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Sydney Subbies 2020


Was at Newport and they had temperature check and Scan app as well as apply hand sanitizer score they gave you a wrist band that allowed you to be served at the bar.

When it is run like that it is great, very good example set by Newport. Hoping nothing major comes from those that don’t follow the guidelines set by NSW health, would hate to see any more restrictions this close to season end.


Arch Winning (36)
Newport Div 3 champs and ready to step back up to Div 2. Sad stuff to see Redfield forefeit every grade Barr colts. Hopefully they can rebuild back in 3rd Div next year.


Bob Loudon (25)
Surprised about the Newport positive chat, I came on here today to say I saw a lot of social media posts from friends yesterday who were there and social distancing did not look to be enforced in any way shape or form, especially around the bar area post games


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Sore boy after a full game in First Grade against Sydney Irish. Think I've popped some cartilage after a particularly squeezy scrum but I'll live. As long as I don't stand up or sit down too quick ;)

Reffed Halligan Cup Colleagues v Renegades which was a bit of fun, too. Long way to go in getting my lines right but at this point, I'm field tested and certified ;)


Arch Winning (36)
Surprised about the Newport positive chat, I came on here today to say I saw a lot of social media posts from friends yesterday who were there and social distancing did not look to be enforced in any way shape or form, especially around the bar area post games[/quote

All any club can do is take every precaution possible, have NSW health come down and advise on any additional steps which included two security guards walking around. I was asked 3 times myself to spread out.

I Just watched replay of rats vs manly, looked like the crowd on the eastern side were on top of each other. No social distancing there. I’m sure they were doing there best too.

Life goes on, for those waiting till a vaccine, stay in lockdown and we will give you a shout when you can come out.


Bob Loudon (25)

Eh you can have all the swanky security you want but from the videos I saw, the crowd resembled a inner city bar more than a club attempting to be responsible and practice social distancing

Wouldn’t have considered that taking every necessary precaution but maybe I’m expecting too much


Arch Winning (36)
Eh you can have all the swanky security you want but from the videos I saw, the crowd resembled a inner city bar more than a club attempting to be responsible and practice social distancing

Wouldn’t have considered that taking every necessary precaution but maybe I’m expecting too much

What club are you affiliated with? Your heavyb’s mate aren’t you?


Bob Loudon (25)
What club are you affiliated with? Your heavyb’s mate aren’t you?

None really, i played for oatley last about 4-5 years ago

No idea who heavyb is or which club he/she supports...............unsure how it's relevant tho


Bob McCowan (2)
Will be interesting to see the movements of clubs between the top three divisions next season and how everyone goes. Does anyone know the situation regarding both Barker and Redfield only fielding three teams and their div 2 futures? Surely this isn’t cutting it from the perspective of subbies?


Arch Winning (36)
None really, i played for oatley last about 4-5 years ago

No idea who heavyb is or which club he/she supports.....unsure how it's relevant tho

My apologies you are Nath from Engadines mate who doesn’t believe in the rugby tradition of a drink after the game. Enjoy your off season Sendit.


Arch Winning (36)
Will be interesting to see the movements of clubs between the top three divisions next season and how everyone goes. Does anyone know the situation regarding both Barker and Redfield only fielding three teams and their div 2 futures? Surely this isn’t cutting it from the perspective of subbies?

Redfield down, BOBS given an opportunity to field at least 4 grades next year in Div 2


Bob Loudon (25)
My apologies you are Nath from Engadines mate who doesn’t believe in the rugby tradition of a drink after the game. Enjoy your off season Sendit.

Not really, just don’t believe there should be an expectation

Lol did I insult your club there Heavyd, my apologies if I did so but yea kinda poor effort but that’s ok, I hope they see this and are accountable and do better next week


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Don't think I'll read much into this season in terms of numbers or form for new Divisional structures. It was a bloody weird one to both organise and participate in with shorter season probably bringing a few guys in who won't stick around.

Balmain, Brothers, Mac Uni will be keen to get back to multiple Grades. Their Halligan record this year suggests they can do it fairly comfortably.
Savers want two Grades, from speaking to them and seeing 4 rounds get up for Halligan and another couple at least missed due to lack of opposition.
Wakehurst will be thinking about a second grade but the short season and lack of league competitions probably helped them get out most weeks.
Covies and Chatswood one grade next year IMHO but hopefully moving forward on recruitment.
I'm treating the Dee Why/Terrey Hills merger as a year-by-year prospect.

None of the teams here fielding a Halligan to my knowledge, tho a few team sheets suggest Oysters might have the depth to do it - given their undefeated record they'll probably attract a few players.

Maccabi and Convicts will be having a long think about whether their respective carrots - Bingham Cup and Maccabiah Games - give them the depth to go multiple grades again. They had decent First Grades but the bigger and more physical clubs like Raptors were a bridge too far.

Irish might have enough quite enough players to get 3 grades on the park and cover all the tight five positions. Wise choice to stick with 2 and make them competitive with a list of about 55 guys from what I can see on the sheets.

Raptors go from strength to strength, winning the premiership last year and the Club Championship this year, despite not quite topping either table. They will be tough to beat in finals, and the Irish v Raptors clash will be a cracker for the McLean Cup. But can they add another grade? Would they want to? I think they could but it depends if the competition is there to support it IMHO.

Northern Saints expressed to me a desire to get four teams back including their Colts, and they did that on the weekend with a Halligan Cup game. Depth is their problem as their First Grade is good and only going to get better, but the supporting cast aren't at the same level.

Canterbury had a bit of a slow couple of weeks with forfeits and a close game against Saints. Looking at the weekend, their best 2nd grade side are back and will probably waltz it in for Grose Cup. The risk is in having their second grade as an almost club-within-a-club. Creates selection issues.

Dukes. Well who knows? After their fourth red card on the weekend for a bad tackle they might not even be in the competition before the week is out, and will have conditions placed on them for next year. Two grades will be the aim, but the practicality of it remains to be seen.

And the Renegades? Well we had enough numbers to go the distance (over 100 registered) but the organisation and selection challenges week to week continue to hound us. Halligan Cup all times of day and then cancelled at the last minute on one occasion. Second Grade guys working every second weekend. Our best options for First Grade injured in the first couple of rounds. I think we can continue with 3 Grades but we need to be better organised and have a competition there to help us stabilise. Lots to think about.


Bill Watson (15)
My apologies you are Nath from Engadines mate who doesn’t believe in the rugby tradition of a drink after the game. Enjoy your off season Sendit.

Um, it was I who said I do believe in a beer after the game.


Alfred Walker (16)
at least no crowds in subbies finals temporarily alleviates my biggest gripe with subbies - paying money to watch games where the players aren't allowed to get paid.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
at least no crowds in subbies finals temporarily alleviates my biggest gripe with subbies - paying money to watch games where the players aren't allowed to get paid.

First aid staff, gate and ground staff, venue hire - none of them are free.

Additionally, Subbies is one of the very few rugby unions in Australia that is financially independent and not reliant on external parties. I'd say $15 a ticket for a full day's rugby is a fairly small price to pay in order to keep that going.


Alfred Walker (16)
First aid staff, gate and ground staff, venue hire - none of them are free.

Additionally, Subbies is one of the very few rugby unions in Australia that is financially independent and not reliant on external parties. I'd say $15 a ticket for a full day's rugby is a fairly small price to pay in order to keep that going.

okay then, let the players make a buck out of it then too... can't have your cake and eat it. Goes a long way to solving the numbers issue as well.

$15 to watch subbies rugby is absurd. You can go to an AFL match for less.


Arch Winning (36)
okay then, let the players make a buck out of it then too. can't have your cake and eat it. Goes a long way to solving the numbers issue as well.

$15 to watch subbies rugby is absurd. You can go to an AFL match for less.

Heavyb comes out swinging. Mateeee, $15 to go to the finals. I’d pay $30 at the moment to get in.

In terms of professional vs amateur, my view remains keep it amateur.


Arch Winning (36)
Not really, just don’t believe there should be an expectation

Lol did I insult your club there Heavyd, my apologies if I did so but yea kinda poor effort but that’s ok, I hope they see this and are accountable and do better next week

No insult taken. I just disagree with your assessment of poor efforts from small surburban rugby clubs who spend a couple of grand to meet their obligations around doing all they can to be COVIDSafe in what is a public park. I’m sure the Accountability you ask for is what volunteers who put their hands up to run local sporting clubs in their spare time know all about.


Bob Loudon (25)
No insult taken. I just disagree with your assessment of poor efforts from small surburban rugby clubs who spend a couple of grand to meet their obligations around doing all they can to be COVIDSafe in what is a public park. I’m sure the Accountability you ask for is what volunteers who put their hands up to run local sporting clubs in their spare time know all about.

You sure? you sound kinda insulted given that reply lol

So we aren't supposed to call out stuff like this at a time of a pandemic? We are supposed to just let it slide and have a little chuckle "oh well they tried, good on em"?

What clubs am i assessing? Only mentioned one and again id challenge they didn't meet their obligations. I'm talking about the clubhouse not the actual sidelines, unless the clubhouse is part of the public park?

Like i said previously, if i didn't recognize the clubhouse i would've said it were a inner city bar/pub pre-covid, but maybe i just saw multiple videos with really bad camera angles that made it look like it was pretty packed full of people standing shoulder to shoulder? If you were in the clubhouse for the day and are able to correct me i'm more than happy to retract my comment

I both work in the sports industry and am a volunteer at a "small community club" in another code, accountability is great and has ensured we are able to continue to operate during a trying time. I know our clubhouse have remained closed so as to avoid such a scenario.

Nobody is above accountability at a time like this and how lax you seem to be regarding it is pretty fucking concerning especially when trying to point the finger at the manly/warringah game or asking what club I'm affiliated with as a means to discredit my comments, shows a real lack of maturity & accountability towards the situation