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Sydney Subbies 2019


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Div 6 - Savers versus Raptors. ... Can the boys from Mounty County win in their first year? I'm tipping they'll go bloody close

Div 5 - I would say Engadine are going to have the measure of the Sea Lice here.

Div 4 - Harlequins will look to take out all 3 here, and I reckon in First Grade they should be too good for Briars, but Canterbury will be stung into action and take reserves and 3s at home.

1 from 5. FFS.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Take heart though, the one you got right you called correctly a few months back...

Wasn't the greatest game of Rugby ever seen. Savers missed an early penalty kick from right in front that cost them dearly.


Chris McKivat (8)
Forest vs Hunters Hill was a great game of rugby. Forest were down 26-12 with 8 minutes to go, but fought back and won 26-27 in the final seconds after missing a conversion 3 minutes earlier.


Chris McKivat (8)
Forest vs Hunters Hill was a great game of rugby. Forest were down 26-12 with 8 minutes to go, but fought back and won 26-27 in the final seconds after missing a conversion 3 minutes earlier.

Could not have happened to a nicer bunch of blokes...especially when the HH hooker stuck his finger up to the Forest crowd as he left the field with 10 to go....


Alfred Walker (16)
Well done to Redfield too. I still don't see how it happens because we came 5th and have no issue beating Redfield but we wouldn't beat Blacktown once in 10 games we played against them....

They fucking pumped them in the end. I guess just fitness?

Singas Rugby Fan

Frank Row (1)
Predictions for div three tomorrow

Thirds - Newport will try to use their big bodies through the centres to get through however I think a strong Beecroft side will be too good tomorrow. Croft by 5 but could go either way

Colts - match of the day!! Surf Bogans against the Ralph Lauren wearing Concrete Cowboys. Breakers a big physical side however Iggies have the edge in the set piece. After watching both sides several times through the year I think the key for tomorrow's match lies through the Iggies halfback. Think his name is Nimkey (spelling?). Has the tendency to kick the ball much to the chagrin of his bench which Newport will pounce on. However, Iggies by 10. Battle between the crowds to be interesting too.

2s - Beecroft probably the strongest side all year however HAC will definitely have a big crack. Crofties are probably favourites however if HAC can dominant the physical battle especially with a bit of niggle I can see them getting the chocolates. Hac by 3

Firsts - Redfield are hard to tip against and I feel whoever won the preliminary final would win the premiership - however with the rain around it could negate the ROBR backline. Full credit to Blacktown for jumping up a division and making the big one. Redfield are a strong pilfering side and are reminiscent of the All Blacks in the way the way they can bend the rules and get away with it. If Redfield can match up physically they will go the long way - but if the Blacktown scrum is dominant they can definitely win tomorrow - look at Woods vs Easts a couple weeks ago. Blacktown by 5-10.

Evidently a slew of close games to hit tomorrow with some exceptional players who would not be out of place playing Shute Shiell. Rugby to be the winner - however still can't believe subbies charge $15 for punters to watch footy - how are we going to grow the game when a casual fan has to pay to get in! All the best to all sides tomorrow.

I saw Iggies went down in colts. How did that halfback Jake Monkey (spelling?) go?
Well done to all the winners on the day. On to 2020!


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Well done to Redfield too. I still don't see how it happens because we came 5th and have no issue beating Redfield but we wouldn't beat Blacktown once in 10 games we played against them..

They fucking pumped them in the end. I guess just fitness?

Yeah, fitness, but differing styles, too.


Alfred Walker (16)
I saw Iggies went down in colts. How did that halfback Jake Monkey (spelling?) go?
Well done to all the winners on the day. On to 2020!

I get the feeling I'll be needing a new club in 2020 at this stage. Thinking I'll just join the masses and fade into obscurity in the lower grades of one of those enormous div 1 clubs.


Arch Winning (36)
Breakers 3rd grade victory was a brutal affair. Despite the weather the handling from both sides was exceptional and the game was played at a very high standard with brutal defense. Defending a slim lead Beecroft tackled their hearts out for 7 minutes as Newport pick and drove searching for the match winner. In the end, the pressure was to much and Newport broke hearts with a try after the bell to seal victory. Wild scenes of jubilation followed on and off the field.

In Colts Newport always looked to have Iggies measure and rain sort of killed that game a little. Iggies came close a couple of times towards the end but the Breakers defense took it up a gear. That colts side is oozing talent and with half of them moving into grade next year things look good for Newport.

Saw the first half of Beecroft vs HAC. Some big boppers running around in that game.

Also when I left two cops cars pulled up and entered the club. Anyone know what that was about?


Arch Winning (36)
I get the feeling I'll be needing a new club in 2020 at this stage. Thinking I'll just join the masses and fade into obscurity in the lower grades of one of those enormous div 1 clubs.

See you at pre-season at Newport heavyb.


Alfred Walker (16)
See you at pre-season at Newport heavyb.

Haha wouldnt that be quite the turnaround.. only issue is I live in the eastern suburbs now. Big trip to Newport for training.

Not sure I could bring myself to play for Colleagues.. might just end up giving it away I reckon.


Bob McCowan (2)
no winners inserted just the wash up my worthless predictions

Div 1 GF 2019
Drummoyne vs Petersham repeat match

Got very close on this one but looks like the Dirty Reds vs the Colonials for an epic thunderdome slugfest

Drummoyne by 10

Waverley vs Colleagues two fast teams with lots of players

Again 1 from 2 aint bad

This one I give to the Reds while Colleagues will give them a fright I cant say this will be a quiet match

Mosman - Knox - More of the same colonial stuff

Got one out of two here

I really dont care about this match as I am tiring of seeing boys who cant make Norths or Eastern suburbs play each other

Drummyone vs Mosman - The rematch that Gotham doesn't need but the rematch that Gotham will get

There is a saying that Drummoyne never go 1 2 3 so I will say this that if Drummoyne dont get 1 and 2 they will have 3

but if they get 1 and 2 they wont have 3

statistics never lie

Waverley vs Colleagues again too much depth

One out of two on this one

Colleagues will be my choice here

Mainly because Waverley are the Balmain of the Eastern Suburbs and try as you might buying trophies does not a team make

yes it lives - Colleagues vs Mosman

Got this in one

it turns out that if you have 62 fifth grade teams your guaranteed at least one of your teams getting in

I think the winner here will be Voltaren and Pain Away

I honestly believe that we should scrap 5th and make it a womens sevens comp

simply for new ideas

oh and it will be Colleagues as im sure that Eastern Suburbs wont be needing there 444th brigade this weekend

Team to be relegated

Blue Mountains while I would love to see them stay they don't have the motor without all the EMU boys leaving to the new Western Sydney Money Club

Well im sure that fourth division will be saying the same thing that first division has been saying about Balmain

Where did **** ******** spend all his money ?????

As for Blue Mountains

their time will come everyone remembers the Brothers experiment


Bob McCowan (2)
So here is my suggestion for a New and Improved Subbies Format

I think maybe we should have a new forum dedicated to this and then submit a proposal for a new format designed and voted on by players.


Luke buckets

Frank Row (1)
You seriously sound like all the other inner city wankers who just don't like losing to a club from the west. Get your facts right before you throw stupid comments up about blue mountains rugby.

And we finish third in kentwell and you say we should be relegated. What about clubs like Balmain who couldn't even field a 4ths or Colts. Or Knox who struggled as well.

We played mosman at back to mosman day and there was like 30 old boys and that's about it. ( great club culture) Blue mountains had back to lappo day and had over 2000 people there. Even ask colleagues they witnessed with there own eyes how strong blue mountains rugby is.

Ozzie Bob

Charlie Fox (21)
Congratulations to Forest. I've seen the video on the Waratahs facebook page of the final kick. Very exciting. I am sure Pats and HH will be frustrated they couldn't win the big one. I think HH lost the final in 17 against HAC so they have now lost a couple in the last 3 years.

I still think moving forward that Forest, Pats and HH should be pushed up to Div 1. That will allow Balmain to end up where they should but it will also allow Redfield, Blacktown and Newport to come up to Div 2. It should also mean only 3 grades and colts in 2nd Div.


Alfred Walker (16)
Congratulations to Forest. I've seen the video on the Waratahs facebook page of the final kick. Very exciting. I am sure Pats and HH will be frustrated they couldn't win the big one. I think HH lost the final in 17 against HAC so they have now lost a couple in the last 3 years.

I still think moving forward that Forest, Pats and HH should be pushed up to Div 1. That will allow Balmain to end up where they should but it will also allow Redfield, Blacktown and Newport to come up to Div 2. It should also mean only 3 grades and colts in 2nd Div.

What happens to division 3 & 4? Merge the two competitions into one without colts?


Allen Oxlade (6)
I still think moving forward that Forest, Pats and HH should be pushed up to Div 1. That will allow Balmain to end up where they should but it will also allow Redfield, Blacktown and Newport to come up to Div 2. It should also mean only 3 grades and colts in 2nd Div.
I would think the way forward would be;

Div 1 - 4 Grades + Colts (10 teams)
Blue Mountains
Forest (ex Div 2)
St Pats (ex Div 2)
Hunters Hill (ex Div 2)

Balmain drops out for obvious reasons. Forest, St Pats and Hunters Hill come up after a solid 2019 season in Div 2 for all 3 clubs on the field and numbers wise to make Kentwell a 10 team competition again. Div 1 restructured to only 4 grades as the Sutherland Cup is slowly dying off (only 5-6 of the 10 teams can consistently put out a 5ths).

Div 2 - 3 Grades + Colts (8 teams)
Redfield (ex Div 3)
Blacktown (ex Div 3)
Newport (ex Div 3)

Redfield, Blacktown and Newport make the jump up from Div 3 after very strong seasons across the board. Div 2 restructured to drop the Richardson Cup (4ths) so there is no extra obligation to the new clubs to put on another grade since only 4 of the 8 teams here can field a 4th grade currently anyway. Safer to go with less grade numbers than more and have clubs over extend themselves. The clubs that can field a 4ths currently would be farmed into Halligans.

Div 3 - 3 Grades - No Colts (9 teams)
UWS Hawkesbury
Hawkesbury Valley
Old Iggies
Balmain (ex Div 1)
Sydney Harlequins (ex Div 4)
Briars (ex Div 4)
Canterbury (ex Div 4)
Macquarie Uni (ex Div 4)

This is about where Balmain belong after their 2019 (no colts for a majority of the year and only 2 grades for the last half of the season) They should be able to find another 15 guys to run around on a Saturday arvo to make up a 3rds. Quins, Briars, Canterbury and Mac Uni come up as all clubs have proven they can hold 3 grades easily. I had to drop the colts out since 5 of 9 clubs have shown they can sustain a side. These 5 teams would form the basis of Radford Cup. Scheduling might be a bit of a pain in the ass here with a bye week but the clubs all seem to be where they belong.

Div 4 - 2 Grades (8 teams)
Sydney Irish
Northern Saints
Brothers (ex Div 3)
Convicts (ex Div 5)
Mosman (5th and 6th grades)
Colleagues (5th and 6th grades)
Burraneer (ex Div 5 - colts & player overflow creates 2nd grade)
Chatswood (ex Div 6 - colts & player overflow creates 2nd grade)

Oatley, Irish and Saints stay in Div 4 and Brothers join them after all their 3rds went missing towards the back end of the year or they just never had them to begin with. Relying on Mosman and Colleagues to continue their strong numbers each week to bolster up competition numbers, they would play at home on opposite weeks to their Div 1 teams. Burraneer and Chatswood make the leap after showing they can field a colts for 2019, generally the 2nd grade level is about what Radford Cup colts is so this should be a good fit.

Div 5a - 1 Grade (6 teams - "A" graded competition)
Merrylands (ex Div 4)
North Cronulla
Lane Cove

Merrylands moves back down after experimenting in Div 4 and not much coming of it. Engadine, North Cronulla, Raptors, Manly and Lane Cove all had fairly strong showings so are graded in the "A" competition. Only a 6 team competition but is probably for the best considering adding a 7th team would put a bye week in. Less byes the better.

Div 5b - 1 Grade (8 teams - "B" graded competition)
Kings (ex Halligan)
Menai (ex Halligan)
Petersham (5th grade)
Waverley (5th grade)

Maccabi, Dukes, Wakehurst and Renegades all had either 50% win/loss record or less so get thrown into the "B" grade. Kings and Menai both showed they could maintain a side each week in Halligans so should be encouraged to join the fold. Petersham and Waverley both had 5 grades consistently throughout the season in Div 1 and not much looks to change here. Half times changed to 30 (possibly 35) mins for a more social competition closer to the grade that these teams should probably find themselves. To cater for Petersham and Waverley, game times moved from 3.15 to 2.10, this allows the 5ths to stay involved with their Div 1 club on game days at home (something like - 4ths @ 9.40, Colts @ 10.35, 3rds @ 11.50, 2nds @ 12.55, 5 "B" @ 2.10, 1sts @ 3.15)

Radford Cup (8 teams)
UWS Hawkesbury
Hawkesbury Valley
Old Iggies
Mosman II
Colleagues II
Uni of Wollongong
Any other clubs with a colts side not already in a competition.

Now my knowledge of Radford Cup is sketchy at best but all 8 clubs have shown they can field a colts so having a proper 14 week competition in line with the rest of Subbies would help.

Halligan Cup (currently 9 teams, in order of Division restructure)

Drummoyne 5ths
Blue Mountains 5ths
Forest 5ths
Mosman 7ths
Hills 4ths
Epping 4ths
Lindfield 4ths
UNSW 4ths
Kings 2nds
Any other clubs with a surplus grade.

This is where the extra grades will have to try and survive. Its not ideal but it seems to be the safest way to go. If it is run similar to what Halligans was in 2018 (i.e. proper competition structure from Subbies with a draw) then this could have legs. It would allow teams to play with their main club a majority of the weeks at home if Subbies can work the draw in the right way.

Another option is to throw teams who can definitely field a team week in and week out to be added into the Div 5 "B" grade with preference to the 3 Div 1 clubs purely for scheduling and ground purposes.


Is it a perfect fix? Probably not. Will all clubs be happy? Again, probably not. However it seems to be the most painless and logical way forward that allows clubs to continue to exist where they belong rather than having teams like Brothers struggle to throw 3 grades out each week and seeing as though Div 1 would move to 10 clubs, not all of them will be able to safely carry a 5ths. From what is laid out above, it helps teams at the top end of town by having consistent games for their lower grades so players don't leave and helps the bottom half of the division structure by bridging the gap between Div 5/6 and Div 4 that currently exists.

Any thoughts, fixes, questions? Is it a shit idea or does it actually have legs?