Subbies need to make major changes to their comps for next year or were going to have 7 team competitions soon.
My answer is this
Div 1 - 4 grades and 1 colts - 10 teams
Div 2 - 3 grades and 1 colts - 10 teams
Div 3 - 3 grades - 10 teams
Div 4 - 2 grades
Div 5 - 1 grade - maybe in 2 parts
10 Teams comps just isn't possible at the moment. Not if you want to you want to avoid regular forfeits. 10 team comps is the ideal future state. But just not feasible right now as injuries and the social aspect of Subbies means you just can't get that commitment.
But how to get there?
1. Stop making 1st grade so bloody important. You can't tell me that bloke who turns up every week to support the Club in 5th grade and invariably play a couple of games to cover injuries is 22 times less important than the 1st grader who generally rocks up 4 hours later and spends less over the bar. Would definitely make the idea of paying players especially stupid and cost ineffective.
2. Allow a higher grade to forfeit. Stop making unqualified players play higher than they can or up to 3-4 games in a day and players might not be so inclined to walk away. Yes there could be shenanigans but you still lose club champs for forfeiting and make finals qualification for lower teams based on lack of forfeits, fines etc. and that could be kept in check.
3. Have 2 and 1 grade comps regional. If people don't have to spend so much time travelling they might actually have time to play footy.
Just a thought or 2
Oh Yeah, stop making social players pay for the salaries of f$%cking useless show ponies.