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Sydney Subbies 2017

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Bill Watson (15)
That is a bit of a break from tradition for Country.

Normally they had a couple of extra blindside flankers chucked in the 2nd row and went with mobility.

Johnny Drama

Sydney Middleton (9)
Well that's real interesting with Lindfield. Wonder how they will work their subs? Quite a strange move one would think but I suppose when else are they going to play it. Be interesting too see how they will go, they have a good colts side so providing they haven't gone away for the break we could see a fair amount of those boys used in these 2 games

Also whilst out there at the subbies rep game yesterday the Canterbury player that was selected was well not the greatest selection. He was a massive body that was put onto the wing, touched the ball 3 times dropped it once and tried to run over Country winger who tackled him with ease. I dare say he may not find himself playing against QLD Subbies. this was all in a solid 30min appearance as well mind you

Heard HAC had a red card 2min into their 3rd grade clash on Saturday for a closeline off the ball. not the best of ways to start a game is it

They don't play QLD Subbies.


Arch Winning (36)
Div 2 has certainly shaped up as an interesting competition so far in the first half of the competiton.

Very interested to see how people view the 2nd half of the season. Hunters very strong in 1st and 3rd grades. UNSW obviously resurging after a tragic start. Mountains bouncing back in 4th grade after last year and their higher grades going well. HAC with all there stocks put into their 1st grade. Hills providing strong outfits this year although their 2nd Grade was shooting planks at the start of the season but are slowly building as we can see from recent results. Forest apparently smashed with injury and well then there is Beecroft, enough said and Linfield being more competitive then expected.

long time follower of this forum, first time poster. Interested to see your thoughts.

Hunters looking good for Barraclough and potential Club Championship promotion. Building depth through the grades is a must for any step up to Div 1.

Blue Mountains sitting strongly in 1s and 2s and in reach in lower grades. With 4 from 7 at home they will be playing finals footy and offer a tough round 2 road trip for travel weary clubs.

HAC have been disappointing. Clearly competitive in 1st grade they are rubbish in lower grades and will be eyeing a return back to Div 3. 4 on the road may see some late season lower grade forfeits.

Hills disappointing thus far from last years heroics but as you said appear to have momentum and could surprise. Their star studded colts teams of past year appear to have moved on.

Forest are rebuilding after several 1st grade retirements. Their challenge is lower grade depth and there successful old 4 graders mustn't have many years left in them. They basically don't have a 3rd grade and are struggling with injury. They'll remain competive but won't feature grand final day in the higher grades.

UNSW are struggling. A couple a late 1st grade wins doesn't hide lack of numbers and quality. As always A strong Colts outfit there only bright spot.

Lindfield - continue to struggle in 1s but have been far from disgraced. Powerhouse 2nds and colts the live blood of their club and will be there GF time. They'd be happy post their relegation after the 1st round.

Beecroft have been disappointing. Solid in the middle grades but with 1sts and colts struggling may also be eyeing happy days in DIv 3.

I wouldn't be surprised if 2 or 3 clubs wouldnt mind heading for Div 3 due to the struggles of fielding 5 teams week in week out. That said, I could be way off the mark, but looking at how BOBs and Newport are rebuilding in Div 3 fielding 4 teams moving down my may prove attractive.


Frank Row (1)
Hunters looking good for Barraclough and potential Club Championship promotion. Building depth through the grades is a must for any step up to Div 1.

Blue Mountains sitting strongly in 1s and 2s and in reach in lower grades. With 4 from 7 at home they will be playing finals footy and offer a tough round 2 road trip for travel weary clubs.

HAC have been disappointing. Clearly competitive in 1st grade they are rubbish in lower grades and will be eyeing a return back to Div 3. 4 on the road may see some late season lower grade forfeits.

Hills disappointing thus far from last years heroics but as you said appear to have momentum and could surprise. Their star studded colts teams of past year appear to have moved on.

Forest are rebuilding after several 1st grade retirements. Their challenge is lower grade depth and there successful old 4 graders mustn't have many years left in them. They basically don't have a 3rd grade and are struggling with injury. They'll remain competive but won't feature grand final day in the higher grades.

UNSW are struggling. A couple a late 1st grade wins doesn't hide lack of numbers and quality. As always A strong Colts outfit there only bright spot.

Lindfield - continue to struggle in 1s but have been far from disgraced. Powerhouse 2nds and colts the live blood of their club and will be there GF time. They'd be happy post their relegation after the 1st round.

Beecroft have been disappointing. Solid in the middle grades but with 1sts and colts struggling may also be eyeing happy days in DIv 3.

I wouldn't be surprised if 2 or 3 clubs wouldnt mind heading for Div 3 due to the struggles of fielding 5 teams week in week out. That said, I could be way off the mark, but looking at how BOBs and Newport are rebuilding in Div 3 fielding 4 teams moving down my may prove attractive.

A very in depth analysis there heavyd, much appreciated I might add. Based on this I can only assume it's going to be a foot race to the finish line in the second half of the season in my opinion wouldn't be surprised if we saw a repeat of the mountains v hunters hill gf of last year in 1st grade. But not counting out a couple of other clubs at this point


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Oatley, Irish, and Canterbury fighting it out for honours this year in Fourth Div.

Its good to have a bit of competition, actually, given the utter farce that was 2015 (Beecroft being gifted a three-division drop by Subbies) and 2016 (Blacktown's Fijian recruiting program).

I'm picking Oatley First and Third Grade, Irish Second Grade.

Ozzie Bob

Charlie Fox (21)
Ive got to say the 3rd division competition has me scratching my head at times.

In first grade Iggies got beaten in round one by HV then haven't lost a game since then. HV have only won one more game since then. Newport's form at home has been fantastic, it will be interesting to see how they go with 3 games in a row on the road (Saints, Brothers, HV) The top two in First grade (Epping and Iggies) will certainly make the finals. BOBs have a bonus point from every game and i'm sure they will target the Epping and Redfield games as opportunities to over turn away results but the trips to Newport, Iggies and Brothers will present tough challenges.

Iggies and Bobs currently have all four teams in the top four at present with BOBs having two teams in 4th place. Club champs should be tight race between Iggies and Epping. I think the 2nd round game between Epping and Iggies will give us a great indication as to who is going to take out the flag.

Definitely keeping an eye on Redfield and Brothers in the Clark Cup. Redfield have been strong for a long time, it will be interesting to see if they can sneak into the finals.


Arch Winning (36)
Ozzie Bob I'll extend on your 3rd Div wrap.

Epping - Solid without being spectacular is fare of their 1st half.
Positives their 1st grade is big and well drilled and will be hard to beat come finals time, they have plenty of overall numbers with enough to field Halligans games. This depth will come in handy late season when injuries expose other clubs.
Negatives – Would like to see their 2nd grade step up a gear as if they have Div 2 aspirations (Prodigy, do they?) you need to have a strong 1s 2s and Colts side to go up a Div.

Iggies – Quality throughout the grades and looked well drilled, well coached and well organised.
Positives – top 2 in every grade, sharp colts outfit and look to be building nicely.
Negatives – 4 away games in back half will test commitment. If they travel well they will be everywhere finals time.

BOBS – the drop down in class from DIV 2 is paying dividends and player numbers look strong.
Positives – BOBS are notoriously strong starters but then fade away in the 2nd round. Plenty of players should shield them from the those late season blues. Momentum is key for this Club and we will see early in round 8 and 9 against Redfield and Iggies if BOBS will be playing finals footy.
Negatives – Don’t have any props, and I mean they have about 4 in the whole club.

Newport – requested drop to Div 3 to rebuild after struggling to put out a 4th grade and the retirement of 11 of last year’s 1st grade.
Positives – very strong at home with arguably the biggest supporter base (along with Forest) in subbies. Last year’s Colts premiers washing through grades means they are young and keen. 2nds and 3rds looking particularly strong and will be hard to beat.
Negatives – size, they don’t have much of it and against larger clubs heart struggles to beat weight. Travel, Ozzie bob you nailed it, they have 3 away on the trot and if they can win those BOBs and Redfield won’t be too keen to get to Porters

Redfield – under new management and would not be thrilled with their start to the season…but
Positives – still well positioned and I think the danger club to really improve and come home in the 2nd round. Plenty of younger plays, well drilled and polished backlines across the club.
Negative – consistency when travelling. That said they have 4 of 7 at home so shouldn’t be an issue.

Saints – would get a C+ for 1st round but with 4 on the road they may struggle coming home.
Positives – 3 grades all competitive but will struggle with depth if hit by injuries
Negatives – Colts, the health of a club is dictated by their colts and Saints need to rebuild on that front. Colts fill holes in other grades, but not these kids.

Hawkesbury Valley – a disappointing round influenced by injuries and constant travel.
Positives – they are generally big men, love a bus trip.
Negatives – travel, ageing player base, forfeited colts last start. Sadly can see nothing but pain for the remainder of the season for this club even with 4 at home.

Brothers – the yoyo’s, they have been up and down Divs over the last decade and appear to have been most vunerable to the amateur change in subbies
Positives – some late season recruitment to 1st grade will make them a far tougher proposition but doesn’t hide the fact of overall weakness in player numbers. 4 of 7 at home will help and they will fight hard to avoid potential relegation.
Negatives - colts, departures, injuries.

Clark Cup - Epping (defeating Iggies)
Farrant Cup - Newport (defeating Iggies)
Campbell Cup - Newport (Defeating Epping)
Colts - Iggies (Defeating BOBs)

The Year Of

Allen Oxlade (6)
I'm hearing that the game was videoed by Hunters Hill, but its being claimed in a tragic turn of events that the lens cap was left on. Damn shame that!

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Is it true the HH player who was found not guilty last week was still dropped from the subbies game? Doesn't sound fair to me! if he didn't do it, he shouldnt have been drop?


Chris McKivat (8)
Is it true the HH player who was found not guilty last week was still dropped from the subbies game? Doesn't sound fair to me! if he didn't do it, he shouldnt have been drop?
I believe the decision got appealed so that might have something to do with it

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The Year Of

Allen Oxlade (6)
I just got told his appeal was on last night. Interesting to see what happen. Impossible to clear a guy one week and turn find him guilty the next


Chris McKivat (8)
I just got told his appeal was on last night. Interesting to see what happen. Impossible to clear a guy one week and turn find him guilty the next
Why is it impossible??? Why allow an appeals process of thats the case...

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The Year Of

Allen Oxlade (6)
For someone found guilty i can understand having appeals but not someone who gets off. In a law court you can't be put thru the process more than once. Why in rugby?


Herbert Moran (7)
Mate Subbies have obviously appealed as the judiciary board have set a dangerous precedence of letting a guy off for kicking someone in the head with no evidence to say otherwise. I can see him getting nothing or getting the book thrown at him.

I think subbies or anyone for that matter who has the evidence to appeal a decision if thing like this happen, just like in the same token someone has the right to appeal if they feel hard done by

If it is true and they originally let him off for being "a good bloke" without evidence that didnt justify the Refs and Touchies report then those on that judiciary board should be stood down


Arch Winning (36)
The other club (HAC?) would have appealed the findings. Subbies are not in a position to appeal.


Herbert Moran (7)
You'll find Subbies actually appealed this one. As the governing body they have every right to appeal the decision their judiciary board hand out. I suppose everything will revealed this after the suspension list comes out


Herbert Moran (7)
I wish I knew the outcome, all I know is that Subbies Appealed it and that it will be announced this afternoon when the suspension list comes out, im hoping the appeal finds him guilty or if they release some info as to why he is not guilty cause as I have said this sets a dangerous precedence

If he gets off anyone can now go and kick someone in the head and then just bring this case up to argue the fact
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