I guess I have to put my hand up and make a comment. I have mentioned before I only became involved with Gordon this season, so can't comment on all the talk about the previous seasons - so I cry "ignorance".
But I can talk about this season.
At the start of the year there were enough players to form 3 colts sides - which was an absolutely remarkable turnaround of 300% over last year. Unfortunately there were an early couple of injuries (shoulder and knee operations) which started to put a dent in ranks.
The players were absolutely loving their training, and the respect for the coaching team and the patterns they were putting together was clearly evident. Sure they were going to have to punch above their weight, but were very willing to get into the fight

The trial against Warringah had Gordon field three teams of Colts but with very few reserves. Against Easts they were down to 2 colts sides with quite a few reserves, the same against the Newcastle Wanderers last weekend.
I don't intend to even try to get into the heads of the Gordon management, but it looks like the decision was made to field 2 colts with ample reserves, rather than field 3 colts and take the risk of losing a few players and then having to fold during the season - this would really "piss people off".
And the railway line can also be an "enemy" with about 5 Central Coast boys dropping out because of the reality of the distances to travel for training - perhaps they'll be back next year when their school commitments finish???
I am just coming to terms with the "need to hate Gordon" and I must say that this is an entirely new experience. Maybe this rubs off on some of the younger players who decide that Gordon isn't for them because they don't like the idea of being hated