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Super Rugby 2017: matches not involving Australian teams

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Desmond Connor (43)
Maybe the last 2 decades are clouding my judgement.

Regardless: TJ must be the biggest sook in World Rugby ATM, and Bogan isn't far behind.

Well no arguments, he definitely is. Most of the time he's wrong as well.

He had another whinge tonight though he was right this time. Old mate reffy then watched a replay and admitted he got it wrong. They scored off the back of that..

The Lions also scored 17 points during that yellow card phase. You reckon that was a yellow? Not the worst decision ever but extremely fucking questionable. Penalty of course, but one rough ass card. The Lions looked like they knocked on for their second last try but they got it. Literally one camera angle? That's just run of the mill though. Besides, there actually was a yellow card offence in that phase.

You should have seen some of the earlier games in the republic this season, oof! Jaco Van Heerden is worth the watch himself.

Lions played well though and deserve their spot in the final in the end. They'll be tough to beat in J'Burg. Jantjes' quarterback passes still crack me up though.


Desmond Connor (43)
Hopefully a full house next week

The crowds have been pretty dismal so far across all the finals. If we can't fill a stadium for the final, that shows how low this competition has sunk.

Looking forward to next week. Normally I'd be supporting the Kiwi side but.. it is the Crusaders. Lions probably deserve one for the last two years of rugby. I think I will sit on the fence.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Do you think, as a one-off, it could be moved to FNB in Soweto for a full house? Or would the Lions feel like they've given up home advantage?
THere is heritage involved firstly. Secondly 2 people died today at FNB in a stampede (football / soccer). Third and most important it is now called EMIRATES Airline Park (Not Ellis Park).

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Great crowd at the Cantabs semi. Looked to be well over 100 people there.

Canes drift out of the comp, victims of their own lazy overconfidence. 22-3 up and looking likely to score every time on attack so what do they do? Take it easy, foot off the pedal, have a breather, conserve some gas for last 20. Oh shit. Lions players grow a leg upon sniffing blood, invites the subdued Lions crowd back into the game, they all go berko and run the fuckers down like a motherfucker.

ps cant we just change this threads title to “Super Rugby: matches not involving Australian teams” and let the sad little ugly gingerbread-faced stepsister roll on?


Tim Horan (67)
Well I thought the Lions were bloody good in that win, and by geez there a few players in that team will transfer their games to test rugby bloody well! Anyway not sure why anyone even commenting on TJ being a sook, wasn't it the Lions on a warning for it? Oh it was Highlander so I understand;). I sure think that was another good semi, Canes probably got done over a bit in set pieces, and not a hell of a lot in it between the backs. I pretty comfortable with who wins final next week, obviously would be supporting the Crusaders as a kiwi, but Lions would also be worthy winners. Do think that both teams in finals seem to have bloody good young coaches!


Mark Ella (57)
Wow Congrats to the Lions - well deserved. A great contest to watch.

If they play like they did in the second half a win is very very likely.

Plenty of Aussies will be Lions supporters next week.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Plenty of Aussies will be Lions supporters next week.
Good! At least they’ll be supporting someone! Unlike most of the comp which has emerged from its ritzy kitchen stupidly tarted up to resemble some sort of antithetical marsipan carob buffet that rather than satiate hunger just sows a nagging seed of doubt entitled “Um, I Thought I Really Liked Rugby But Something Is Disquietingly Wrong With This Whole Mother Fucking Picture.”


Mark Ella (57)
There was lots of talk about the Lions not playing a Kiwi side this year but in reality the Lions play like a Kiwi side.

I have a soft spot for them so I hope they get up next week.


Andrew Slack (58)
Good lord TJ Perenara is the most irritating rugby player on the planet.

He is pushing the refs to the limit with his childlike antics. Shut your trap you whining twat.

The yellowcard was accidental but as Peyper argued he applied the law and correctly so. It really is simple. The first infringement was coming in from the wrong side. That resulted in a breakdown of play. The law is clear. Pro foul. Anyone who disagrees does not understand the law.

Come on Lions. 80 minutes like that last 40.


Bill Watson (15)
Those tries they scored when the yellow card period weren't 'one man down' type of tries. They weren't finding the holes with quick hands.

We'll never know, But I reckon they woulda scored them anyway, they were just punching holes in the canes.


Desmond Connor (43)
The yellowcard was accidental but as Peyper argued he applied the law and correctly so. It really is simple. The first infringement was coming in from the wrong side. That resulted in a breakdown of play. The law is clear. Pro foul. Anyone who disagrees does not understand the law.

Come on Lions. 80 minutes like that last 40.

There's no argument about the laws. The problem is if we follow the rule book to the tee this game would be absolute garbage. Barrett literally made the tackle and rolled away instantly. The ball just got caught up in his feet. Why should that be carded? Do you think he would have been carded on the 50m line? No bloody way and there's nothing in the rule book that explains why a clear accident like that should be carded because it's closer to the line. "Pro foul" isn't written anywhere. There are that many deliberate fouls that don't get carded.

The refs are just so influential these days it's impossible to ignore. He was going to give a penalty for a player literally putting his hand on top of someones shoulder, some of these laws are bonkers.. The Lions obviously stepped up and played well in the second half but is it any coincidence they also started getting a number of penalties. One or two dubious ones while they were behind. Causation/Correlation? I'm not trying to take away anything from the Lions. They definitely deserve their spot.

I think it's probably best as a fan to ignore decisions as much as possible. Best way forward, tough though with HD tv and instant replays hehe. I suck at it.


Andrew Slack (58)
The Lions obviously stepped up and played well in the second half but is it any coincidence they also started getting a number of penalties. One or two dubious ones while they were behind. Causation/Correlation? I'm not trying to take away anything from the Lions.

Oh so now you're not only questioning the ref's decision as to the card but you are suggesting outright manipulation by him. Is that what you are saying? Peyper manipulated the result? He deliberately influenced the result? As a Tier 1 ref who gets officially reviewed in every match he oversees? He must really love the Lions more than his job.

Sometimes you Kiwis just need to accept that things might go wrong for you. As they do for any other team.

Anyway there have been numerous instances this year of ludicrous yellow cards because of the letter of the law being applied. This one it no different. A good percentage of cards are dubious at best. Don't make this one into something it is not.

It's unfortunate but that's the way it goes. The ref has to make a snap decision and that's the way he saw it.

We need neutral refs. It keeps getting back to that.


Tim Horan (67)
Well Blue before you say you kiwis should accept that things go wrong, can I say although I thought it was extremely tough, and I a Kiwi and a Cane's mans, I actually can understand Peyper's decision, and think that it is no different to a challenge in the air that is not quite right, or a tackle that someone ducks into. It a bit tough but such is the ways of the game, and I personally dislike it even being mentioned as I think it detracts from how well the Lions played and I though deserved their win. Actually thought was a bloody good game of rugby as you want from a semi final!

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Final confirmed for midnight Saturday AEST, 2AM Sunday NZST.

re: the Barrett YC I thought Peyper got it right both with the decision & the way he explained it to Shields. Whether deliberately or not, Barrett dragged the ball away with his feet/ legs as he rolled clear, denying the Lions quick ball. It's a penalty every time & that close to the line has to be a Yellow. I'd much rather refs etc rule on outcomes rather than trying to guess intent.

Also, re: the Lowe non-try, on what basis did the TMO get involved? Try was awarded, there was no suggestion of foul play so play on FFS.
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