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Springboks v Wallabies, Newlands, September 28 2013

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Geoff Shaw (53)
Actually getting really sick of watching the Wallabies, everything looks so flat and slow. It's time to play the most attacking player available in each position as this defensive crap is not going to work.

In 2011 when the Wallabies won the Tri-Nations they had a back line that could attack from everywhere, now they don't look like they know where they score a try.

Don't know maybe I am to use to watching the Rebels who always entertain no matter what the result.


Nev Cottrell (35)
KevinO said:
Actually]getting really sick of watching the Wallabies, everything looks so flat and slow. It's time to play the most attacking player available in each position as this defensive crap is not going to work.

In 2011 when the Wallabies won the Tri-Nations they had a back line that could attack from everywhere, now they don't look like they know where they score a try.

Don't know maybe I am to use to watching the Rebels who always entertain no matter what the result.

If you don't have anything to brag about up front you cannot expect to beat the top teams in the world. No matter how good your attack is.


Simon Poidevin (60)
So the citing commishioner thinks flips punch to Tomane should of been a red. So should of Jannie's eye gouge. So 2 reds and 2 yellows it shoul of been. Lol

thierry dusautoir

Alan Cameron (40)
i honestly don't think the game was that bad. I just watched it again and honestly there where section of the wallabies play in the second half which was very impressive.

Besides that awful 5 minute period we were in the game for most of it. But in the second half genia came on and took control.

My main observation is that i was impressed with Quade, he has really lifted his physicality and was sprinting in to a few rucks and hitting them without hesitation. Some of his defence was off the chain as well.

My other thought was that the scum has improved a lot but still not where we want.

I honestly don't think the team is that bad there are some teething issues but i think that overtime they will iron themselves out. The things that are killing us most isn't the fact that other teams are better players but simply operating set piece and the such more clinically. Once the teams confidence grows we won't look so worried a times and add few of our injured players in and things look ay okay.

My only question is would it be worthwhile to play without a bonafide 7 against the springboks and just play another 6? I think Hooper looked good at the end when things opened up but at the beginning when teams are ironing each other out he struggled at times i thought but i still think he is of starting calibre.

end of essay


Bob McCowan (2)
I haven't had a chance to watch the game yet, but since TRC has commenced i think we lack that punch in the centres. Dont get me wrong Lilo is playing well but i would rather see him play at 10 and have a hard running centre pairing of Horne and Kuridrani. Horne will get over the advantage line and is a phenomenal defender but yes he needs to learn to pass more. Kuridrani has that X factor about him and if he can learn to hold on to the pill a bit better i think we have a decent, non glamourous centre pairing with a solid 10.

My EOYT back line.
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)

Mr Doug

Dick Tooth (41)
I'm about to put myself through the torture that you guys suffered last night, by watching the replay on 'One' at 2 o'clock!


Stan Wickham (3)
I think the biggest problem we face is confidence, or should I say a complete lack thereof. When we get a penalty deep in attacking territory we continue to take the 3 point option. I don't think you can beat South Africa or The All Blacks on penalty kicks. Apply pressure & convert into tries. At 23 - 3 when we got a penalty Phil Kearns was saying we should take the three, God help us, although i wouldn't expect anything less to come out of Phil's mouth. As others have said before, we seem to play our best rugby when the game is well out of reach & the shackles are off, play this rugby from the whistle & we might just start to move forward.


Herbert Moran (7)
Actually getting really sick of watching the Wallabies, everything looks so flat and slow. It's time to play the most attacking player available in each position as this defensive crap is not going to work.

In 2011 when the Wallabies won the Tri-Nations they had a back line that could attack from everywhere, now they don't look like they know where they score a try.

Don't know maybe I am to use to watching the Rebels who always entertain no matter what the result.

What "defensive" crap is that?

They've given up 29 points a game this season. The number 1 priority has to be halving that. Whilst we leak easy tries like we did last night, all talk about attack and frankly all the talk about our pigs getting dominated is pointless. You can't plan to beat the ABs, Lions and Boks around having to score at least 30 points a match, no matter how many attacking players you pick.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I don't feel we played that bad. I saw some glimpses of what we are capable of when genia came on. We just lost the plot the first 20

Unfortunately the bloody game is for 80 minutes, and at Test level against #2 or #1 ranked team you can not afford to play a 60 minute game.

Just ask the Argies who were only 2 points adrift of the Darkness at oranges and looking rather sharp. Not for the first time, the Darkness finished stronger than the Argies, not giving up until the Acme Thunderer sounded for the last time.

They are called Test matches for a reason. Our boys need to maintain the focus for the full 80 minutes if they ever want to be pushing for #2 or #1 slot.

Remember in the good old days, when as long as there was time left on the clock and we had the pill, there was a chance of us stealing the game in the last minute, provided we were less than 7 points behind going into the last 5 minutes. We seem to have lost the ability to concentrate and play for 80 minutes. Not sure if it is a fitness, mental or skills issue or a combination of all three.


Herbert Moran (7)
I think the biggest problem we face is confidence, or should I say a complete lack thereof. When we get a penalty deep in attacking territory we continue to take the 3 point option. I don't think you can beat South Africa or The All Blacks on penalty kicks. Apply pressure & convert into tries. At 23 - 3 when we got a penalty Phil Kearns was saying we should take the three, God help us, although i wouldn't expect anything less to come out of Phil's mouth. As others have said before, we seem to play our best rugby when the game is well out of reach & the shackles are off, play this rugby from the whistle & we might just start to move forward.

That's daft. At 23 - 3 points down, you're three converted tries from victory and that's assuming the other side scores 0 additional points. The wallabies hadn't looked like scoring at that point. The only conceivable way you win in that situation is a combination of a couple of unlikely tries and a couple of successful penalty kicks.

The wallabies need to play tighter rugby. Forget "entertainment" or "running rugby", or worrying about tries, they need much more discipline in every aspect of the game.


Herbert Moran (7)
I haven't had a chance to watch the game yet, but since TRC has commenced i think we lack that punch in the centres. Dont get me wrong Lilo is playing well but i would rather see him play at 10 and have a hard running centre pairing of Horne and Kuridrani. Horne will get over the advantage line and is a phenomenal defender but yes he needs to learn to pass more. Kuridrani has that X factor about him and if he can learn to hold on to the pill a bit better i think we have a decent, non glamourous centre pairing with a solid 10.

My EOYT back line.
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)

Yes to Lilo at 10. Neither To'omua or Cooper have lit it up and Lilo is a liability at 12 as he just isn't aggressive enough when running the pill.


Phil Kearns (64)
Lilo has to start, he is our only goalkicker. I hope beyond hope that JOC (James O'Connor) will have worked his way back into favour by the time of the northern tour.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Are we that much better talent spotters and developers than full time prefessionals?

Not only is it their job to watch and analyse the games and player performances in them but they have typically have two sessions per day hands on with the cattle that us humble keyboard selectors don't have. They also have a full bevy of full time professional assistants and analysts to provide advice and bounce ideas off before deciding who plays where to suit their game plan, and assessment of opposition strengths and weaknesses.

Meanwhile we have foxtel IQ, you tube, and a keyboard to help us make our selections. We can also hide behind the anonomity of our avatar when some of our more "inspired" selections do not come off.

Who would want to be a selector (or National Coach)?


Stan Wickham (3)
hughbert, I can see where you're coming from with regards to never look like scoring a try but whilst we're kicking away possession & taking penalty kicks we'll never know how to convert any meaningful possession into a try. We were never going to beat SA or The All Blacks so why not chance your arm & try & regain some confidence. Totally agree we need more discipline from 1 - 15 and some.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Yes, you have an argument and I did not see anyone disagreeing with that but you still whinge like a pussy, it just goes on and on and on..
Not whinging just saying. I've lost all emotion watching the wallabies play of late. Well I still have a vibrating heart at the start of the test but it dies off Pretty quickly. Bad referring decisions or not we couldn't beat Itali playing like we did in that first 20 min


Simon Poidevin (60)
Unfortunately the bloody game is for 80 minutes, and at Test level against #2 or #1 ranked team you can not afford to play a 60 minute game.

Just ask the Argies who were only 2 points adrift of the Darkness at oranges and looking rather sharp. Not for the first time, the Darkness finished stronger than the Argies, not giving up until the Acme Thunderer sounded for the last time.

They are called Test matches for a reason. Our boys need to maintain the focus for the full 80 minutes if they ever want to be pushing for #2 or #1 slot.

Remember in the good old days, when as long as there was time left on the clock and we had the pill, there was a chance of us stealing the game in the last minute, provided we were less than 7 points behind going into the last 5 minutes. We seem to have lost the ability to concentrate and play for 80 minutes. Not sure if it is a fitness, mental or skills issue or a combination of all three.
Dead right. This has to be our best performance to date in the RC though. South Africa are very very good ATM as well

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Dead right. This has to be our best performance to date in the RC though. South Africa are very very good ATM as well

Building nicely for RWC 15. Problems at #9 if they can't rely on FdP otherwise pretty sound across the field, with some good young bulls coming through from the U20 programme.

Fickle pommie weather may stop their charge in 15 but little else.
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