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Shute Shield BBQs and Canteens

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ You are absolutely right to be not happy. That effort appears to be worse than the No Onions reports from Coogee Oval from Wicks Catering (post #41). At least they appear to have had some Train Smash.

Did you get a taste of any Nomad Craft Beer at the Village Green @Lily?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Round 8 BBQ Tips
Eastern Suburbs v West Harbour. Grain fed Angus burgers, immaculately cooked but overpriced and too healthy, with unsmiling professional serving staff. Bronze Medal for the round.

Eastwood v Sydney University. Solid performance on the BBQ but the Pies and Sausage rolls will alternate between boiling hot and lukewarm. Serving staff will be cheerful and up for a good chinwag.

Parramatta v Gordon. Will run out of delicious home made pumpkin soup after the early rush, but the M2B will win Canteen of the Round for their range, quality, quantity and value for money.

Randwick v Manly. Need to lift their game. Tipping they will run out of onions before the start of 1st Grade, and no hot tucker will be available until the start of 3rd grade. Newly converted beer snobs, thanks to Nomad Brewery sponsorship product, MMM supporters will reject the Jeff Sayle Ale and Bintang options.

Southern Districts v Northern Suburbs. Ordinary coffee, but great healthy options (with free salad) from the BBQ will see the Hobbits declared runner up for the round.

Warringah v Penrith. Basic offerings only but ticking the grease, cholesterol, fat, and hints of protein boxes. Beer will be too warm, and they will run out of Coke Zero.


Syd Malcolm (24)
Parramatta v Gordon. Will run out of delicious home made pumpkin soup after the early rush, but the M2B will win Canteen of the Round for their range, quality, quantity and value for money.
While pumpkin soup will tire early, the bench replacement $10 meal deal, will make a huge impact covering a lot of ground with beef burger, chicken schnitzel or fish with hot chips and a drink!

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
If ever there was a pico-Niche of a micro-niche of a niche topic of conversation on the Internet - this topic is it.

But oh so important!
My only criticism of last Saturday was no diet Coke or Pepsi available.
With the comment: "surely you don't expect to get anything healthy at a rugby game".

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
While the sun is out, it will still be a bit chillsome around the ovals today.

Just hope that they have made a double batch of the delicious home made pumpkin soup for the Mighty Two Blues Canteen. Nothing better to warm the up the insides on a cool day.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Gourmet BBQ surrounded by well kept 'racehorses' and a view of the game will take some beating.
Loses points for the sheer professionalism of it all but my vote goes to Easts, followed closely Penrith

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Great burgers (with beetroot) at Forshaw yesterday + draft beer + free McGleish Wine tasting + bright sunshine + Xmas in July / Ladies Day.
Well done Rebels :)

You only spoiled the day by smashing the Wicks in 1st grade :mad:


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Saturday was Day Of The Brisket at Mac Uni Old Boys day. They had their chef in place and it was farking delightful to tuck into one of those on my way out.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
The lunch options at TG Millner are fantastic, pies and roast beef rolls outside or the sensational Chinese inside the clubhouse. 29,890 lobster thermadoirs in 7 years.


Ted Thorn (20)
I'm told Parra again lead from the front at their canteen on Good Friday catering for the many people dedicated to their religion by providing Fish Burgers and Fish and Chips for sale and selling out of both.

And they've separated the alcohol from the canteen and are selling it at the old BBQ. What's the idea behind that and how is it working?
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