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Shute Shield 2019

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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
According to Wikipedia there are 848 rugby clubs in Australia. What makes Parramatta so special?

I don't know, maybe it's because it's one of 11 clubs in the premier club competition in NSW, so one would have thought that the NSWRU might take a passing interest in their welfare and progress. Although I realise that under the model of sports administration that you subscribe to, the governing body plays no part in the propagation and development of the code, so I see why you would pose as question like this.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Gordon have just announced the signing of Karmichael Hunt...

thats an interesting one. according to social media, it cost them zero as well. they offered a match payment and sign on, and he said no and offered his match fee to a struggling colt. thats pretty good.

i thought he would end up at parra or west harbour. especially after parra lost curtis rona and west lost tuala to norths


Phil Kearns (64)
Hope he gets onto the field for the Highlanders. (Just a game or two in between Soup and Wobbs duties).

Might get a few loig supporters to Chatswood.


Ted Fahey (11)
Hope he gets onto the field for the Highlanders. (Just a game or two in between Soup and Wobbs duties).

Might get a few loig supporters to Chatswood.

Might take their crowd number up to 200 for that game. Do they even have supporters outside of their volunteers etc?

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
^^^^^even the wives and girlfriends stopped going....
Be interesting to see if an improved performance will translate to any real support.


Allen Oxlade (6)
now that's a juicy rumour

no NRL clubs will go near him, ARU already said no, and UK Super league already said no. Plus he cant leave Australia at the moment with all his issues. As much as eastwood saying hes just training to keep fit, 100% expecting him to play the season until (if) he gets the clear from all issues and then off to France.


Trevor Allan (34)
Jarryd Hayne training with Eastwood with a view to a season in club rugby before heading off to France.



Arch Winning (36)
Would be pretty guttered if Eastwood stooped so low as to sign Hayne. It’s one thing to allow a signed player to continue training whilst accused of such things it’s another whole thing to sign someone who you already know is facing charges

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Leagues - go play another code.
Well the season is now underway, Marlins Family taking the teams to Kiama on the weekend,
Marlins 1's took the trophy beating Gordon 19 - 10. Combinations built throughout the day, a couple of colts, some Fijian Flair, and Josh Turner, with great D creating a pretty special day.
Marlins 2's got knocked only loss was to Gordon 21 - 7, had some really strong performers - Brad Hemopo looks like he is ready for a big season.
Mermaids went down to a Warringah (Bah Bah) side that had a few extra players playing from the week before. Mermaids performed strongly with good wins against all other teams. They are building well for the year ahead and will no doubt be fielding 2 teams in a number of tournaments.


Phil Kearns (64)
Would be pretty guttered if Eastwood stooped so low as to sign Hayne. It’s one thing to allow a signed player to continue training whilst accused of such things it’s another whole thing to sign someone who you already know is facing charges

If he is qualified to play, I am all for it. Great publicity for the club game, if it brings in a few more viewers/spectators, what on earth is wrong with that?

And Dave, if we do not want ex-leaguies playing club rugby, who else should we ban? Bugger me, I grew up in an era when we were lilywhites. I do not want to go back in that direction, thanks all the same.

I still remember Michael Cleary being turned away from club membership at Eastwood because he switched codes.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
If he is qualified to play, I am all for it. Great publicity for the club game, if it brings in a few more viewers/spectators, what on earth is wrong with that?

And Dave, if we do not want ex-leaguies playing club rugby, who else should we ban? Bugger me, I grew up in an era when we were lilywhites. I do not want to go back in that direction, thanks all the same.

I still remember Michael Cleary being turned away from club membership at Eastwood because he switched codes.

Ones with form, and ones that impact pathways - is there benefit.
Izzy's brother got a Tah's contract yeah - what our knowledge on his form / skill?


Phil Kearns (64)
We are not talking about a contract with the Tahs, as far as I know, just a bit of trot around for the Woodies. Will he make first grade? Who knows?
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