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Selection politics and bias, Gold Squads unfairness etc.

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Bump. Post here if you feel the State Squad Selectors have worse eyesight and more bias than the referees, who we all know are out to get you and rob your school, your son, your son's school, and/or your son's school association of a deserved victory and/or a State Rep Jumper.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Aust Schools and Aust Schools Barbarians to be announced later today.

Post here if you feel the ASRU Squad Selectors have worse eyesight and more bias than a very biased vision impaired person.

Astound others with your ability to identify the influence of the ARU folk who are out to protect their "chosen ones" in their protected little Koala Clubs, regardless of their form at Nationals, or how you have cracked the mythical numbers behind the very obvious quotas that mandate how many players must be selected from the minor states.


Stan Wickham (3)
Interesting to see Jack Farrell get the notch ahead of Allen and Smith. From what I've heard Allen had played great this tournament as did Smith. Maybe this has something to do with the head coach being from BBC?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ Never underestimate the ability of some to find conspiracy.

Two yet to be named for Barbars.

Hugh's Law says that there will be replacements. There is an entire season of QLD GPS Footy, and 8 rounds of NSW AAGPS footy to go, and a few NSW ISA and NSW CAS rounds left. Some of the boys have 4 Sydney Colts rounds + finals left. There will be injuries and call ups from shadow squad before the squad assembles for the Incoming Tests. Then there will be the injuries from those games.

Plenty of water to flow under the bridge before real evidence is found of a real conspiracy.


Ward Prentice (10)
Interesting to see Jack Farrell get the notch ahead of Allen and Smith. From what I've heard Allen had played great this tournament as did Smith. Maybe this has something to do with the head coach being from BBC?

Bahaha "From what I've heard" here you are giving an opinion, which you're permitted to do so, however you did not perceive yourself how Allen and Smith played or even Jack Farrell for that matter, but yet you write your dribble that it has something to do with coach being from BBC. Don't make comment on hearsay as hearsay is unreliable !


Darby Loudon (17)
Bahaha "From what I've heard" here you are giving an opinion, which you're permitted to do so, however you did not perceive yourself how Allen and Smith played or even Jack Farrell for that matter, but yet you write your dribble that it has something to do with coach being from BBC. Don't make comment on hearsay as hearsay is unreliable !
Farrell deserved selection from what I "saw"...


Peter Burge (5)
Farrell deserved selection from what I "saw".
Interesting to see Jack Farrell get the notch ahead of Allen and Smith. From what I've heard Allen had played great this tournament as did Smith. Maybe this has something to do with the head coach being from BBC?

I went out to riverview to watch the final, I think with smith he play very well but his size matter and versing NZ and Samoa he's to small in attack may be he go well in defense, i think that why the selector went for bigger 7,i feel for Allen he should made the aust 1

Old Red

Allen Oxlade (6)
Selection politics and bias, Gold Squads unfairness etc.

Let's move this to the top, with Gold cup around the corner it's going to get some sort of hammering.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)

Post here if you feel the NSW, or QLD State Squad Selectors or the vested interests selecting the Combined States team have worse eyesight and more bias than the referees, who we all know are out to get you and rob your school, your son, your son's school, and/or your son's school association of a deserved victory and/or a State Rep Jumper.

Get stuck into the selectors here, if you must.


I played in CHS 1st's quite a few years ago and I came down to watch all three trials that my cousin played for the CHS 2nd's. I have to say how disappointed I am to see only 1 CCC player being selected as a reserve for the NSW II side. I felt the selectors were highly disregarding of the talent which these players had shown throughout the trials. There were a few of these boys which I felt should have made the team. Their number 8(Franele Betham) was a very destructive ball runner and their number 6(Riley wilson) was a better flanker than anyone else at the trials. The way which he got over the ball was like nothing I had ever seen. I feel sorry for these associations. Maybe in the future, the selections will be actually based on trial performance rather than favourites.


Charlie Fox (21)
selection of coaches must be difficult or limited applicants
not being sure if the head or tail wags the dog maybe both should be removed
where opportunity permits

or maybe if the ARU has any interest in schoolboy rugby invest in coaches not on the payroll of any of the associations


As mentioned Selectors for Australian Schools are from ACT and Qld.
Is there always only 2 selectors?
Wouldn't NSW have the largest number of schoolboy rugby players?
Are the Selectors from each State rotated each season?
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