David Codey (61)
I really don't know what we should do with 9, 12, 13 and 14 next week. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) will be there somewhere...
You must be the only one confused about who to play at 9.
I really don't know what we should do with 9, 12, 13 and 14 next week. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) will be there somewhere...
Scott Johnson is a major believer in flat alignment so the depth tonight is out of character with his views and unsustainable, I reckon.Shitty defending in broken play, No set piece coherence, Attacking way too deep.
There was no way we were going to win when all that was going on. I'm not happy with a number of decisions made, especially in the pack, considering you were well understrength.
But, you did it. Well done.
Do those in theUnited KingdomNorthern Hemipshere (reading kiap in France v Bokke thread) really look forward to a 1/4 of the game spent on setting and re-setting scrums? Fix up your grounds.
Isn't the roof in Dunedin of a glass/perspex/plexiglass type that lets the sun in to engourage photosynthesis, unlike the roof at many other venues that are of a metal type, and when closed the surface is in darkness?Forsyth-Barr is the yardstick
Not sure.Isn't the roof in Dunedin of a glass/perspex/plexiglass type that lets the sun in to engourage photosynthesis, unlike the roof at many other venues that are of a metal type, and when closed the surface is in darkness?
Well HJ, as we all have 4 grandparents and only one has to be Scot, coupled with the fact that cousins generally have only 2 grandparents in common, there is only a 50/50 chanceIf Sean Maitland is QC (Quade Cooper)'s cousin, and has qualified for SCO on the basis of a Scottish Grandparent, could QC (Quade Cooper) have ended up in SCO as well?
We manage it with no changescan be a touch hard to get everyone off same page with a lot of changes.
Not sure.
Is there ever much sun in Dunedin?
The surface though, as I understand it, is 1/10th synthetic.: every 10th blade of grass is plastic. I think.
The grass itself is 100% natural, but it's root system is intertwined with synthetic fibre.