Thursday 26 September 2013
Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the past few days you will have read or heard of various media reports regarding the actions of a number of schools concerning GPS sport and GPS basketball in particular.
I wish to inform you, regardless of your son's participation in GPS basketball or otherwise, that I have advised the Principal of The Scots College that St Joseph's College will not be participating in the GPS First and Second basketball fixtures against The Scots College in the forthcoming summer season.
At St Joseph's College we participate in sport because it is considered of educative value to the boys. It is my current view this is no longer the case in these fixtures and this is the basis of my actions. Games in other grades and other sports remain unaffected.
I can also inform you that on previous occasions prior to this action I made my concerns regarding the educative value of these fixtures, and the position I was considering, known to the Principal of The Scots College.
Please accept my apologies for this intrusion into the time with your son during the school holidays.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Ross Tarlinton Headmaster