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School sporting scholarships/recruitment

Stan Pilecki's Left Nut

Bob McCowan (2)
YES to FSRugby. " amazing disappointment and utter disgust " Pass me the Tissues mate.

Fair suck of the sav FS (what does FS stand for?)
Let me guess, you or your kid, couldn't cut it when the "freebies" arrived and the going got tough and the competition harder. That's Life Champ. Suck it up.

Paying a school fee doesn't guarantee you a spot in the coveted 1st's team. You need to earn it, you need to be the best. It sounds like you or your son feels entitled to a position on the top team because you pay a school fee.

Niet, Nein, Ne, Non, NO...said Gus

That's Life, that's what people say.
You're riding high in April,
Shot down in May
That's life, funny as it seems.
Some people get their kicks,
Steppin' on dreams
But I just can't let it get me down,
Cause this big old world keeps spinnin' around.

"Adding them late just introduces the amazing disappointment and utter disgust that has been experienced by many boys and parents."

young gun

Fred Wood (13)
YES to FSRugby. " amazing disappointment and utter disgust " Pass me the Tissues mate.

Fair suck of the sav FS (what does FS stand for?)
Let me guess, you or your kid, couldn't cut it when the "freebies" arrived and the going got tough and the competition harder. That's Life Champ. Suck it up.

Paying a school fee doesn't guarantee you a spot in the coveted 1st's team. You need to earn it, you need to be the best. It sounds like you or your son feels entitled to a position on the top team because you pay a school fee.

Niet, Nein, Ne, Non, NO.said Gus

That's Life, that's what people say.
You're riding high in April,
Shot down in May
That's life, funny as it seems.
Some people get their kicks,
Steppin' on dreams
But I just can't let it get me down,
Cause this big old world keeps spinnin' around.

"Adding them late just introduces the amazing disappointment and utter disgust that has been experienced by many boys and parents."

Stan, loved you as a player, those stories of you having a ciggy for warm up are right up there with Dougie Walters - true Australian sporting hero's, they don't make many like you these days - and we're poorer for it.

The nice, and insightful, thing about your post is that you didn't just post the question, you offered the answer as well - excellent.

Your post " ... You need to earn it, you need to be the best ..."

and that's the point, they haven't earnt it. They maybe the best in the school, but they haven't earnt the right to represent - that requires, on the most part, commitment to the school and its, alleged, ethos over a period of time. Generally this relates to yrs 7 to 12, but, of course there are exceptions.

I don't think anyone really cares if a kid on a scholarship from yr 7 onwards, its when they are parachuted in as close to the end as possible to achieve a specific outcome - ie: win a game of rugby. Yes, it happens in business all the time, and the boys will learn that in due course as they are exposed to it, but I don't think it's part of the educational process to teach kids that life can be really stuffed sometime. As a parent you are of course free to impart that knowledge onto your kids, but it's not what schools are there for.

If the knowledge transfer of all those types of experiences was the domain of the schools they'd be running courses in not getting pissed at the xmas party and rooting the bosses secretary - also ends sadly if he finds out!

Stan Pilecki's Left Nut

Bob McCowan (2)
"but I don't think it's part of the educational process to teach kids that life can be really stuffed sometime."

>>> If they come out of school with one thing, ONE THING, then it's this...Life ain't FAIR so suck it up, get with the program or lay down and get steamrollered. If a kid fully understands that after 12 years of schooling then he's got a true education and not a certificate or an over inflated sense of entitlement because he comes from the right school or neighbourhood or right family.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Alan Jones interviews Dr Lambert

Talk about (a) missing the point and (b) posing Dorothy Dixers.

Major problem in his position is that he agrees with Jones that its appropriate to offer good sportsmen a good education and that is what its about.
So if that's appropriate and he's right that there have been no inducements he has not been living up to his own values.
For those unfamiliar with the Jones interviewing technique, when he is interviewing someone who he agrees with, if they can't produce the "correct" answer, AJ provides a leading question, with the "correct" answer forming part of the question. The interviewee can then merely agree.

Sounds like Dr Lambert just keeps digging.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
"but I don't think it's part of the educational process to teach kids that life can be really stuffed sometime."

>>> If they come out of school with one thing, ONE THING, then it's this.Life ain't FAIR so suck it up, get with the program or lay down and get steamrollered. If a kid fully understands that after 12 years of schooling then he's got a true education and not a certificate or an over inflated sense of entitlement because he comes from the right school or neighbourhood or right family.
I guess it depends what sort of values one would like the school to impart:

1. Work hard, train hard, play hard and at the end your hard work will be rewarded with success and you'll be able to look back with pride on your achievements
2. Wait for the underlings to do the hard work and then come in at the end and get the glory for defeating opponents who for the most part have taken path (1).

Just because life can be unfair, that doesn't mean that you have to impose unfairness on children to prove your point.

young gun

Fred Wood (13)
I guess it depends what sort of values one would like the school to impart:

1. Work hard, train hard, play hard and at the end your hard work will be rewarded with success and you'll be able to look back with pride on your achievements
2. Wait for the underlings to do the hard work and then come in at the end and get the glory for defeating opponents who for the most part have taken path (1).

Just because life can be unfair, that doesn't mean that you have to impose unfairness on children to prove your point.

Quick hands - you beat me to the reply - agree entirely.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ Just in time for the Scots appointed and paid for Independent investigator to investigate a Scots defined terms of reference perhaps and find ..... ... ..nothing untoward ???

Stan Pilecki's Left Nut

Bob McCowan (2)
Quick Hands, just a slight edit so you get the point which seems hard to grasp.

"1. Work hard, train hard, play hard and at the end your hard work MAY/MIGHT be rewarded with success and you'll be able to look back with pride on your achievements


I like to watch

David Codey (61)
For those unfamiliar with the Jones interviewing technique, when he is interviewing someone who he agrees with, if they can't produce the "correct" answer, AJ provides a leading question, with the "correct" answer forming part of the question. The interviewee can then merely agree.

Sounds like Dr Lambert just keeps digging.
It is a puzzling attitude.
This will not go away by digging in one's heels and releasing a sham report.
Surely,he is being more conciliatory with the other Schools in private?


Bob Loudon (25)
For those unfamiliar with the Jones interviewing technique, when he is interviewing someone who he agrees with, if they can't produce the "correct" answer, AJ provides a leading question, with the "correct" answer forming part of the question. The interviewee can then merely agree.

Sounds like Dr Lambert just keeps digging.

Usual struggle street (ie poor kids from the suburbs and bush) and tall poppy syndrome stuff that Jonesy specialises in.

Some quotes form Dr Lambert:
"a means-tested bursary is purely based on someone's alignment with your College's values and mission (ie dominance of Australian sport - as QH picked up from the website)...we have hundreds" WTF - he just admitted to it.
"an important part of the process is losing" - so boys in C,D,E,etc teams also benefit from the system.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Quick Hands, just a slight edit so you get the point which seems hard to grasp.

"1. Work hard, train hard, play hard and at the end your hard work MAY/MIGHT be rewarded with success and you'll be able to look back with pride on your achievements

Just so you get the point - success doesn't necessarily mean winning, which is why I didn't use the word winning.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Usual struggle street (ie poor kids from the suburbs and bush) and tall poppy syndrome stuff that Jonesy specialises in.

Some quotes form Dr Lambert:
"a means-tested bursary is purely based on someone's alignment with your College's values and mission (ie dominance of Australian sport - as QH picked up from the website).we have hundreds" WTF - he just admitted to it.
"an important part of the process is losing" - so boys in C,D,E,etc teams also benefit from the system.
If losing is such an important part of the process, why does he find it necessary to bring in talented sportsmen to win?

I take it from this response, that he would disaprove of a Scots team being undefeated for 6 years as they would have missed out on this important part of the process?

I wonder also at which point his means test kicks in - there aren't too many poverty stricken families in the Newport area.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
If this all turns to custard and the inducement tap is totally turned off, even the Dr Hawke endorsed "one or two" are discontinued, what next?

Will the nasty freeloaders all be removed from the schools and thrust back into the public system from whence they came, or would they be allowed to work their way through to Year 12 (remaining on current subsidy arrangements) but not allowed to play 1st XV/1st XI/1st V sport?

The ARU and the Shute Shield clubs seem to depend very much on the product coming out of the GPS and CAS system, because by and large it costs them very little time and effort and they seem to get a reasonable product at the end of the process.

What is the Pulveriser and ARU going to do in this event?
For too long it seems that ARU have sat back and developed a reliance on the AAGPS, and largely ignored the CHS. CCC and AICES school associations and the Sydney and NSW Country Juniors (with equivalents in Brisbane/QLD).

One good outcome is that this would probably mean that Shore would get more of their "homegrown" certified organic talent selected for Schoolboys, Soup, Wobs and beyond, and that would be seen as a good outcome by some of the myopic self centered types living off past glories.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Let me guess, you or your kid, couldn't cut it when the "freebies" arrived and the going got tough and the competition harder. That's Life Champ. Suck it up.

Paying a school fee doesn't guarantee you a spot in the coveted 1st's team.

Stan - just as well I am thick skinned!

I do not have a kid who was negatively impacted in any way, by the sad "Freebies' events of the last few years. I am not an aggrieved parent or student.

In regards to your second point - I agree fully, but that is not the point. Does the blind pursuit of victory entitle you to ride roughshod over the people that you are meant to nurture and develop?


Herbert Moran (7)
I guess it depends what sort of values one would like the school to impart:

1. Work hard, train hard, play hard and at the end your hard work will be rewarded with success and you'll be able to look back with pride on your achievements
2. Wait for the underlings to do the hard work and then come in at the end and get the glory for defeating opponents who for the most part have taken path (1).

Just because life can be unfair, that doesn't mean that you have to impose unfairness on children to prove your point.

Although the kids this thread refer to are probably already over indexing on 'fairness'' Some would even say drinking from the bottle.