Okay - I think I better understand both sides of the argument by now (more or less) - but what do you do when you have a talented young child and would like him to enter a GPS school and the only way that would be possible would be via a scholarship?
I don't want to get into a debate about 'non-GPS schools also develop great players' or 'you don't need to go to a GPS school...' I know, I know, I get that. But if my son was offered a scholarship, why wouldn't I take it if I thought it would help him both academically and with his rugby development?
I believe most scholarships these days are not full scholarships (correct me if I'm wrong here), which therefore still requires a financial commitment - great! My niece has a 50% academic scholarship to a academic school on the Gold Coast, so why couldn't my son be given the same chance to receive sports scholarship when that's what he is good at?
I must admit, I totally disagree with 'stacking' in the final years - I couldn't imagine what that would be like as a player who has been looking forward to his final year/s in the first XV to have that taken away.
Anyway, it appears there are many perspectives and points of view on this matter... and that is mine