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School sporting scholarships/recruitment

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
The more I read this thread the more ridiculous it becomes.

It can be that but it is useful to stop posters alluding to it in other schools threads and ruining the forum. We can't stop people wanting to write about scholarships; so we isolate it. So long as there is no abuse and so long as people realise that unfounded comments can't be separated from fact it works as a good safety valve.

There is never going to be certitude in discussing the subject. The trick is for folks not to get too upset. If they do get upset it is best not to click on the thread and let others talk amongst themselves.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
If you deal in fact rather than rumour you wont make a fool yourself. The particular school you are referring to had a "one off" low intake year in year 7. The school decided to bring an entire stream (ie 25 boys) into the school to bring the numbers up. I think 2 or 3 of the boys were A grade rugby players which is about what you'd expect from that intake.

The more I read this thread the more ridiculous it becomes. Judging by what is classsed as "importing" by contributors, the only way for a school to avoid suspicion is to make sure they only have an intake in Kindergarten or Year 7. All ou have to do is ask your school's Director of Rugby one simple question: "would you offer a scholarship to a 14 year old ??" I can answer that for you now - it will be a unanimous no !!

At least 3 boys who are not local,who joined in the 15 A's that say they are on scholarships (one of them says he is on 50%)
They might be lying to their mates to give their egos a boost, or some cynics might think it is too much of a coincidence that when they are in yr12 it coincides with an anniversary year for the school.


At least 3 boys who are not local,who joined in the 15 A's that say they are on scholarships (one of them says he is on 50%)
They might be lying to their mates to give their egos a boost, or some cynics might think it is too much of a coincidence that when they are in yr12 it coincides with an anniversary year for the school.

That school were undefeated champions this year and have 11 members of the 1st's backing up next year. They have 16A's and 15A's who were joint premiers. They don't need to import 14 year olds on scholarship to win rugby. This year Tom Connor at Kings was on an academic scholarship - because he was the smartest kid in he school. GPS Headmasters administer as many as 2,000 boys over 2 or 3 campuses. They employ hundreds of staff with budgets that run into tens of millions of dollars. They have to worry about curriculum, human resources, accreditation, community engagement, marketing, fundraising, music, drama, debating and up to 15 sports. Do you really think they spend any time worrying about how to give scholarships under the radar to 14 year olds !!


What if his name was Keliti?

He actually went to Newington on an athletic scholarship because he could run like the wind. When his parents got deported the school had to look after him. Didn't see him in any rep rugby teams of note last year.

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David Codey (61)
Yeah, I do think that someone in the school has the time & the inclination to be doing this.You clearly know a bit about the school, do they have a big anniversary year in 2013???
Funny that you mention Connor @ Kings, but you don't mention one of their best players in the same team who was there purely to play Rugby for the past 2 years.He was definately not on an academic scholarship!


Just a question rugbygirl, where do you get your information from?

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David Codey (61)
He actually went to Newington on an athletic scholarship because he could run like the wind. When his parents got deported the school had to look after him. Didn't see him in any rep rugby teams of note last year.

So athletics scholarships are Ok with the GPS system but Rugby scholarships are not?


Hmmm, I believe that this thread and debate has probably run and could run for another 30 years and the increasing desire of particular schools (Kings, New, and a lesser extent Scots) Rugby Convenors ego's to pursue Rugby success through sponsoring players aligned to the NTS (Junior Gold), Sydney or NSW Country is at the point of damaging the fabric of the AAGPS system and the tradition and values it is based upon.

The facts are
1. Year 11 imports at 16 /17 do increase the probability of success against those following the AAGPS policy. (Kings v Joeys 2010 an exception)

2. The boys that are sponsored increase their chances of playing higher level schoolboy rep rugby because they are on the map and their teams are winning trials whilst selectors are watching.

3. The Traditional colleges (Shore, View, Grammar, Joeys) dont have the same quantity of quality cattle and hence lose trials and hence their quality players within their ranks fail to shine play lower level GPS rep teams and miss on NSW Schools selection. eg Merriman (Shore), Williams (Joeys), Graham (Grammar).

4. A number of the sponsored boys enjoy the free ride through trials to OZ schoolboys, are highlighted in GPS comp games for a lack of physicality and have an increased probability of being tragically exposed against the quality of NZ schools. I no longer wish to nominate the names noting my sometimes brutal honesty does disturbs our monitors but unless there are a number of key elevations from the Presidents XV or Aus A's in a number of positions the same outcome against NZ is likely.

5. The ill feeling towards the Year 11 imports about the injustice of the boys pushed to 2nds remains with the majority of the year group and does nothing for Year 12 unity or school spirit.

6. The meaning of GPS rugby success will soon no longer being measured by a premeirship in lop sided competitions, but the joy of playing with your mates who you have shared a train or room with over a number of years.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
I no longer wish to nominate the names noting my sometimes brutal honesty does disturbs our monitors
So long as your brutal honesty remains within this thread and is not boringly inserted in other threads like a Trojan horse we won't be disturbed too much.


Bob Davidson (42)
I think it's a bit rich someone from Uni questioning if kids are rugby mercenaries or not.


Trevor Allan (34)
4. A number of the sponsored boys enjoy the free ride through trials to OZ schoolboys, are highlighted in GPS comp games for a lack of physicality and have an increased probability of being tragically exposed against the quality of NZ schools. I no longer wish to nominate the names noting my sometimes brutal honesty does disturbs our monitors but unless there are a number of key elevations from the Presidents XV or Aus A's in a number of positions the same outcome against NZ is likely.

The same outcome? A win like the last few seasons?


Haha this thread is hilarious. Every year a thread like this pops up, and its primary contributors are boys/supporters/alumni whose respective schools didnt win a premiership that year.


Haha this thread is hilarious. Every year a thread like this pops up, and its primary contributors are boys/supporters/alumni whose respective schools didnt win a premiership that year.

And they won't win if the current trend continues, i.e. 2 or 3 schools continually topping up their players in positions they know that they are weak in. Funny thing is Scots do it and they still struggle to win more than they lose! Perhaps need to be a little more selective in the quality of the players they bring in. It will be interesting to see if Newington continue their approach once the big anniversary year has passed... Interestingly the 3 schools mentioned (Kings, New, Scots) are also the only 3 schools who have Directors of Rugby (or similar positions) as a stand alone position on big $$$$$. When they have to justify their positions in terms of results it is not surprising that they push for extra talent in the form of scholarships/imports to to make their jobs easier.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Interestingly the 3 schools mentioned (Kings, New, Scots) are also the only 3 schools who have Directors of Rugby (or similar positions) as a stand alone position on big $$$$$. When they have to justify their positions in terms of results it is not surprising that they push for extra talent in the form of scholarships/imports to to make their jobs easier.

What's wrong with having a director of rugby?


I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with having a Director of Rugby - it is a very beneficial appointment to have within a school. What i was making a comment on is that Scots, Kings and New, all have Directors of Rugby who do little teaching or aren't actually qualified teachers. They are on big salaries to solely run rugby (and a few other mickey mouse things that are tacked on for the summer). If the teams perform badly, particularly the flagship 1st XV side, the DOR comes under fire for not doing a good job! They will argue that if they don;t have enough good players then they are not able to be competitive, so they have to buy them in.

If you push for scholarships and then still under perform (Scots and arguably New last year, and Kings this year) then their job might be in jeopardy...


So to summarize this rather petulant thread - Newington and Scots have no right poking their noses into the territory owned by the big 3. No one with an ounce of rugby playing ability need ever be "encouraged" to apply at a GPS school again in case it be perceived by outsiders as some form of athletic recruiting. Arrrggghhh remember the good ole days of Ben Kennedy, Julian Huxley, Dan Halangahu, Peter Jorgensen (yeah this issue is so contemporary - not!) And a level playing field need be established with Sydney Boys High as the yardstick... only guys passing 4 unit maths or who can recite the complete works of Charles Bukowski should be permitted to play in the 1stXV... and the big ABC game this Saturday once again features High v Grammar - who will win this years marquee match up?


so to summarize this rather petulant thread - newington and scots have no right poking their noses into the territory owned by the big 3. No one with an ounce of rugby playing ability need ever be "encouraged" to apply at a gps school again in case it be perceived by outsiders as some form of athletic recruiting. Arrrggghhh remember the good ole days of ben kennedy, julian huxley, dan halangahu, peter jorgensen (yeah this issue is so contemporary - not!) and a level playing field need be established with sydney boys high as the yardstick... Only guys passing 4 unit maths or who can recite the complete works of charles bukowski should be permitted to play in the 1stxv... and the big abc game this saturday once again features high v grammar - who will win this years marquee match up?

well said !!

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
So to summarize this rather petulant thread - Newington and Scots have no right poking their noses into the territory owned by the big 3. No one with an ounce of rugby playing ability need ever be "encouraged" to apply at a GPS school again in case it be perceived by outsiders as some form of athletic recruiting. Arrrggghhh remember the good ole days of Ben Kennedy, Julian Huxley, Dan Halangahu, Peter Jorgensen (yeah this issue is so contemporary - not!) And a level playing field need be established with Sydney Boys High as the yardstick... only guys passing 4 unit maths or who can recite the complete works of Charles Bukowski should be permitted to play in the 1stXV... and the big ABC game this Saturday once again features High v Grammar - who will win this years marquee match up?
I've got a novel idea, why not make the yardstick that only guys who are not having their School fees paid for, as a result of their Rugby ability be permitted to play.