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RWC QF 4 AUS v SCO (Twickenham) 19th Oct 0200 AEDT

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Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I hope Sio is ok........ seemed to get it rough from Joubert, and I'm not sure if it was fully deserved.........


Andrew Slack (58)
That game reminded me of Ireland in 1991. Good come back from Foley to nail that one at the death.

Iñaki Zubizarreta

Herbert Moran (7)
I know it's not a really popular comment here but Pocock is the ONE guy in the Wallabies that every other team in the world is genuinely scared of. He is almost the MOTM in every damn game he plays and I wish his parents had moved to NZ instead of Aus.LOL

I'm sorry, I was so focused in Ireland.. what happened to Pocock??


Steve Williams (59)
We love Grieg, but a poor 6 nations would see him get dropped. Pyrgos and Hidalgo-Clyne are snapping at his heels, and Sam is almost as good a kicker as he is. If we find a Captain elsewhere, he's in his swansong come February.


Bob McCowan (2)
We played our worst game of the WC and won a quarter final. That'll do me fellas. Owens to ref the final after that dismal display by the man in the middle.


Desmond Connor (43)
Laidlaw comes across like a massive douche. half their goal kicks were off questionable penalties FFS - how many of them went to the TMO dip shit?

Whatever. The dude has just lost a world cup quarter final in the last minute to a DODGY PENALTY. You seriously saying Scotland scored off questionable penalties? Bah, the Wallabies had all the help from the ref in this one old chap.

5 tries to 3.

2 of their tries against the run of play/lucky.

Don't say we didn't deserve to win.

They didn't really. That's not to say Scotland deserved it.

Wallabies didn't really control the game, lots of errors. Two of your tries were off the back of dodgy penalties. Scotland shouldn't have been carded. The last penalty is NOT a penalty to me.


John Hipwell (52)
I partially agree, but to be fair, we replaced Pocock and Folau with two players who have been playing very well... so it's no excuse...

I don't think Folau is as irreplaceable as many think. Beale played very well tonite I thought.

The Pocock situation for the Wallabies ATM reminds me of the McCaw situation a number of years back. It's not that the back-ups were terrible - guys like Marty Holah probably would have walked into many other Test teams - but the gap between McCaw and him was just so damn noticeable whenever McCaw didn't play.

I think that's where it is as for Pocock right now. He is just immense in every game he plays.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
THEY were bloody lucky too though to be fair. 2 of their three tries were massively against the run of play and purely brain snap moments from us.

It's test match footy. You make do with whatever comes your way.

Congratulations to the Bravehearts. Written off by nearly everyone as having no chance, and came within a whisker of winning. The good news is that the you get rid of all the Faux Scot Soap Dodgers that got on your bandwagon in desperation to have a team to support at RWC.


Cyril Towers (30)
No one can feel good about the end of that game.

I did. The Scots didn't deserve to be in the qtrs to begin with frankly and the only kept in touch through penalties and then Laidlaw had the gall to complain about there being no TMO for them


Sydney Middleton (9)
All the people saying Scotland was robbed, that game was pretty much Aus v Aus. We had some really crisp attack with good phases, followed by a loose knock on or brain snap. Scotland were only even close due to tries against the run of play.

Scotland played well, but they were no way the better team. They just almost took advantage of Wallaby muffings.
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