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RWC: CAN v FRA (Milton Keynes): POOL D

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Herbert Moran (7)
PSA and Lagisquet (our backs coach) have been absolutely rubbish. The part that pisses me off the most is hearing these two sorry fellows say that set-piece plays are a thing of the past, that defences are too well-organized to be outmaneuvered off first phase. Yeah. Do they even bother watching other teams ? Australia v. South Africa 2015 or Japan v. South Africa 2015 come to mind, England against us as well...

That being said, Yannick Bru (forwards coach) and Romain Teulet (kicking coach) have done a great job over the past few months. I agree with Highlander35, they have a couple of good games left in them. I don't know whether that will be enough to go beyond 1/4 finals though: the ABs won't allow a repeat of 2007, and we'd probably be ambushed by Argentina if we played them on the back of a win against Ireland.

Dewald Nel

Cyril Towers (30)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/12074658_994910307240595_3688570614910127577_n.jpg?oh=9347bd7b3ae5606d0c3e2b24a4665249&oe=56A9AEBB&__gda__=1453550595_e1123c82387ae3bada85c77fb051cd98


Colin Windon (37)
^^^^^ Cudmore's a cheeky monkey


Fun Cudmore facts:
  • He used to be the enforcer for a drug gang in British Columbia before he became a pro rugby player
  • His brother played Colossus in the X-Men films
  • He has his own wine label called Sin Bin

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
PSA and Lagisquet (our backs coach) have been absolutely rubbish. The part that pisses me off the most is hearing these two sorry fellows say that set-piece plays are a thing of the past, that defences are too well-organized to be outmaneuvered off first phase. Yeah. Do they even bother watching other teams ? Australia v. South Africa 2015 or Japan v. South Africa 2015 come to mind, England against us as well.


Sometimes I wonder if they wat ch their own team play, let alone watch other teams.
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