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RWC 2019 Final: England v South Africa


Andrew Slack (58)
Status Update: still stoked the Poms lost.

Repeat repeat repeat.




John Thornett (49)
Do we REALLY want to go there?

How long have you got?

Personally I have no problem doing so. Indeed, would probably find it quite interesting. But equally I doubt (m)any others on here are interested in seeing this thread go wildly off course, hence why I chose not to follow up.


Bill Watson (15)
Personally I have no problem doing so. Indeed, would probably find it quite interesting. But equally I doubt (m)any others on here are interested in seeing this thread go wildly off course, hence why I chose not to follow up.

I'm happy to hear it.

I remember my father even telling me years ago, that when he was managing a team of South Africans, one of them(who was of English descent) warned him the other may resent him for being an Australian, as the Afrikaans still had a bee in their bonnet about Australia getting involved in the war.

That was 1 comment from 1 person, so may be total BS, but happy to have the record set straight.


Rod McCall (65)
I want to apologise for my previous rants in this thread. I was extremely inebriated.

No probs Boet. I remember as kid my pa use to walk out of the room when God save the queen are playing before a rugby test. There were some deep wounds.


Andrew Slack (58)
Actually at some time it would be interesting. It's not rugby, maybe there is an off topic somewhere?

Careful. You don't wan't to get the Oom all hot under the collar.

It's a fascinating topic and one obviously close to the heart of us Afrikaners. Often for pretty sobering reasons like 4000 woman and 16000 children dying in concentration camps and the British blaming their mothers for their "lack of hygiene and no knowledge of modern medicine."

I guess nobody told these poor mothers to walk around the corner to the 711 to buy some soap and antibiotics.

Those who survived were pretty pissed and as we all know it was downhill from there in many ways.

Paarl mentions his father walking out to God Save the Queen. I had relatives who would reprimand anyone using an English word and refused to speak or listen to any English. They were also pretty miserable people. :D

Anyhoo. Books arrived in SA yesterday to some crazy scenes:


Nev Cottrell (35)
Careful. You don't wan't to get the Oom all hot under the collar.

It's a fascinating topic and one obviously close to the heart of us Afrikaners. Often for pretty sobering reasons like 4000 woman and 16000 children dying in concentration camps and the British blaming their mothers for their "lack of hygiene and no knowledge of modern medicine."

I guess nobody told these poor mothers to walk around the corner to the 711 to buy some soap and antibiotics.

Those who survived were pretty pissed and as we all know it was downhill from there in many ways.

Paarl mentions his father walking out to God Save the Queen. I had relatives who would reprimand anyone using an English word and refused to speak or listen to any English. They were also pretty miserable people. :D

Anyhoo. Books arrived in SA yesterday to some crazy scenes:
During primary school one of the teachers, during a parent-teacher meeting, uttered the words:

"Engels is die taal van die antichris, maar ongelukkig moet hulle dit leer" and the response was some clapping and laughing.

To translate for you: "English is the language of the antichrist, but unfortunately they have to learn it"


Andrew Slack (58)

What the locals thought? Fear, disdain, suppression, powerlessness, confusion, anger, hate to name but a few.

Not too different to what the locals here would have felt a while after Cook and his mates arrived.