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Rugby TV Shows

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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Dead set this show is becoming waratah TV. A casual observer would think folau is the only rugby player in oz. Ffs surely they can find someone new to interview.

Folau is in the opening credits of the show.

My guess is that one of the third party arrangements established as part of his ARU deal was money from Foxtel and in return for that, he appears on Rugby HQ most weeks.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I think most people like Rugby HQ better this year than The Rugby Club from the last few years.

The discussion about one or two key issues in more depth rather than filling the hour with highlights of last weekend's games and lots of discussion about the upcoming games seems to be an intentional shift. You can be fairly sure that Rugby HQ viewers are a subset of the subscribers who watch Super Rugby and are therefore likely to be pretty familiar both with what happened last weekend and what is happening next weekend.

The long interviews with people like Jake White and Ewen McKenzie together with Georgina Robinson's involvement have definitely lifted the insight the show provides.

Next Prop Model is clearly one of their light entertainment segments and I do think the show needs something like that. It also provides introductions do players who otherwise don't get much or any media attention. In relation to last night's episode, there were a couple of minutes with Tetera Faulkner that whilst were fairly light-hearted, provided viewers with far more insight into who he is than we'd be likely to see otherwise.


Tom Lawton (22)


Ted Thorn (20)
I'd also like to add to the praise for Georgina Robinson. She's worked her way into the role, seems like she's comfortable in the role now and she's doing a great job. The best thing is she keeps the rest of them honest and on topic, so if they rubbish on about something, she brings the conversation back to the rugby itself.


Mark Ella (57)
Aiui it is recorded in Sydney so that may account for some of the guests selections, but I don't see why they can't use a satellite link for other guests.

Charlie Brown

Chris McKivat (8)
I have to say. I get a little fed up with watching the hosts rap on all night about the Waratahs and the Reds. Theres 3 other franchises out there, who are doing just as well if not much better then these two and never, ever get much of a rap, and when they do get a mention its usually a negative one.


Peter Johnson (47)
The problem is there isn't that much rugby to talk about in Australia.
How do you think a club rugby round up would go? Nothing in it for foxtel though.

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I actually think it would be a good idea. I would like to see the ARU start marketing from club rugby upwards to give the game more exposure and show off the grass roots so to speak - and the people involved. Also give the punters a chance to be introduced to some of the up and coming players (club, EPS academy) and watch them develop.

Other things i would be interested in it the behind the scenes work for the WC. Have McKenzie take us through some logistics planning, show us the training base etc and even thought about the other teams - strengths, important players etc.

I am not sure (if you recall) the Scott Fardy profile piece (by Landrover) that was shown - what did you think of it? I wish they would do similar with the potential Wallabies players (especially the younger emerging ones or even the 20's Aus side) and do it like a pathway to the Wallabies piece. It could be a bit reality TV'ísh but it would get people to know the players, their teams (Club and soup promotion opportunity) etc and be involved in where they are at and see they off the field as well (not the Mungo ball knobs!)

We should also add in the 7's stuff. And remember there is also the women's and gay comps. Plenty of content really.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
The problem is there isn't that much rugby to talk about in Australia.
How do you think a club rugby round up would go? Nothing in it for foxtel though.

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I reckon that's a cracking idea.
Not sure about Brisbane,but there seems to be a bit more of a buzz around the Shute Shield this year.
Crowds seems to be much stronger this year,but that may just be the games I have attended.


Peter Johnson (47)
Thanks for that :)

I do like having a different perspective than the usual Kearns/Kafer/Horan show. I think Nick McArdle and Georgina add plenty and is a big difference between the two Gregs that used to rule the roost.

Boys, she is great in that she is a real quality jurno - with two exceptions;The first I know you Tah's boys wont mind - she does have the blue tinged glass a bit, but that can be overlook being based on Sydney and spending a lot of time with the Tah's (I could think of nothing worse :eek:) . The really pathetic thing about her will be on display on the next show - she so has a massive teen girl crush on Hooper - almost like one of the Bieberler girls who will troll you if you even look at him wrong. Way over the top! She does more promotion for him than his agent, the Tah's and the Wallabies combined!


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Boys, she is great in that she is a real quality jurno - with two exceptions;The first I know you Tah's boys wont mind - she does have the blue tinged glass a bit, but that can be overlook being based on Sydney and spending a lot of time with the Tah's (I could think of nothing worse :eek:) . The really pathetic thing about her will be on display on the next show - she so has a massive teen girl crush on Hooper - almost like one of the Bieberler girls who will troll you if you even look at him wrong. Way over the top! She does more promotion for him than his agent, the Tah's and the Wallabies combined!
You're aware she's a Queenslander, right?


Peter Johnson (47)
You're aware she's a Queenslander, right?

And her birth place has what relevance to her sporting allegiance?
I though this explanatory statement was fairly straight forward - "she does have the blue tinged glasses a bit, but that can be overlooked being based in Sydney and spending a lot of time with the Tah's" - obviously not and a bit too complicated for some.

But thanks, I doubt I would have worked out she was a Brisbane girl just on her telling us so on last weeks show! o_O


Peter Fenwicke (45)
You can take the woman out of Queensland but you can't take the Queenslander out of the woman.
Just like a Kiwi living in Oz most of their life, but rocking up to Suncorp/SFS in a black jersey.


Peter Johnson (47)
Pretty disappointed none of the panellists asked Ewen about the goal kicker.

I wish they did qwerty as its a damn good question. I would also like to hear who he has in mind or is the plan to avoid kicking?
I was wondering if any players come to mind who are natural kickers (natural talent so its second nature) in Australia? I am fascinated that it seems we just don't have anybody like a Carter / Wilkinson / Steyn or the like in Australia or am I wrong?
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