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Rugby Match Forum Rules.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
The Match thread rules. Please paste these in the first post of any match thread.

This thread is for discussing this match only

The Rules
  1. Do not give scores for any other match from this round until 24 hours after the last game!
  2. Do not discuss other matches in detail.
  3. Good hearted banter is encouraged but trolling is not allowed.
  4. Be respectful to posters, players, coaches and match officials.

Breaches of the rules will be handled by the Mod Team.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
I'll eventually just leave the rules in the first post.

Hi Guys,

In one of last weeks Rugby match thread someone posted the result from another match in the thread and spoilt someones recording of the game. This happened to me twice last season. So after avoiding the news, Facebook, Twitter and the threads relating to the game I still ended up knowing the score before I watched the match.

So when it happened this weekend I decided to add some rules to every match thread. We don't really mind if the match threads ramble about and discuss other games but will this lead to the result being obvious to someone waiting to see a recording?

So here's your chance to make the rules yourself! We don't want to stifle the conversation but we don't want to spoil other members enjoyment of our game.

Tell us what's to harsh, what we've missed and what's not needed. Thank you.

here is what we've come up with so far.

This thread is for discussing this match only

The Rules
  1. Do not give scores for any other match from this round until 24 hours after the last game!
  2. Do not discuss other matches in detail.
  3. Good hearted banter is encouraged but trolling is not allowed.
  4. Be respectful to posters, players, coaches and match officials.
Breaches of the rules will be handled by the Mod Team.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Good ideas @Sully.

I think the embargo about other games results should remain in place for 24 hours only.

If you have not caught up on your recording of the game within a day, then I seriously doubt that you have not heard the score by some other means.

Either that or Rule 1 and 2 should be amended to read " from this round" instead of "ever". "From this round" would work for NRC, ITM Cup, 6N, TRC and Super Rugby rounds.

If we are to be respectful to players, could we add another clause to "Post respectfully about a referee or match officials performance."


Geoff Shaw (53)
If we are to be respectful to players, could we add another clause to "Post respectfully about a referee or match officials performance."

Come on Huge, your only leaving Reds fans with the coach to blame for the rest of the year.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
It gets bloody tedious when posters on here blame the referee for a Wallabies or <insert their favourite Super Rugby team> loss.

It happens far too often on here and only makes the Wallabies supporters sound like a pack of whingers. Most of the complaints about referee performance only look at one aspect of the referees performance, and rather conveniently overlook the howlers made by the same incompetent buffoon in favour of their supported team.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Good ideas Huge. I can add coaches as well.

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
It gets bloody tedious when posters on here blame the referee for a Wallabies or <insert their favourite Super Rugby team> loss.

It happens far too often on here and only makes the Wallabies supporters sound like a pack of whingers. Most of the complaints about referee performance only look at one aspect of the referees performance, and rather conveniently overlook the howlers made by the same incompetent buffoon in favour of their supported team.
On that subject, I was bemused by some vitriol chucked at Walsh on social media and here by some Tahs fans. Usually this idiotic "centre of attention" rubbish. I think he's a good accurate ref, and couldn't give 2 hoots if he likes some limelight. It's such a cheap criticism. As far as I could see, his only mistake was the grounded kick off in goal ruling. I queried a maul issue ( not being sure of the law) but was put right by others who knew better. I think. ;)
That said, a reasoned critique of decisions is fine. But I agree the " we woz robbed" a la Shiggins is crap.

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Tony Shaw (54)
I think they were ok the way they were but I accept that I might be Robinson Crusoe when it comes to how I consume my rugby. I'm pretty time poor. Work full time, studying Engineering part time and raising a young family means it can take me all week to watch a rounds worth of games.
I don't want to make this a big deal but I really don't see a need to discuss anything but that match in the match thread for it. Ever. But maybe that's just me?
Both instances from the weekend were just asides and the thread would've been no different if they weren't included.
Anyway. Whatever works. :) Cheers for having a crack!

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
You must have a good "cone of silence" @Scoey if you can manage the whole week after the round.:)

As an aside, if you do not watch the recorded matches in the right sequence, the Fox Sports Commentary team can also "spill the beans" about the result of an earlier game during their later games commentary.

The revised rules work for me, @Sully.


Tony Shaw (54)
It's taken practice but necessity is the mother of all invention. ;)

Don't get me started on the fox sports commentators. I swear they do that on purpose to discourage people recording and get them to just watch live.
I have my ways of avoiding them too. ;)


Jim Lenehan (48)
I think that's a great idea Sully. Trying to avoid match spoilers in this day and age really is bloody tough. Most of my most visited websites have match results and social media is full of spoilers. My general approach is to avoid the forum if im trying to avoid spoilers, but implementing this rule would certainly help


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Well if no one has an objection We will adopt these rules as they stand and see how they go. Please put the rules in the first post of any match thread you start

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
I don't want to make this a big deal but I really don't see a need to discuss anything but that match in the match thread for it. Ever. But maybe that's just me?

It's not just you who wishes that because I often struggle to find time. Even last week: I had to get to TG Millner on Saturday for three games, watch all the 6N games, do a 6N blog, and watch the Aussie Super games. There's still two I haven't seen though I know the results.

But in the real world anybody who visits the forums not expecting to get a spoiler is like somebody pissing into the wind: unless you've got the longest dick in the world you are going to get your shoes wet.

That is why I don't visit in the forums a lot in the Super Rugby season early in the week.

So - should there NEVER be a mention of a result, nor a reference that people would infer the result from—or should there be embargo of 24 HOURS?

And which constraint is likely to be observed more anyway, if any—or will neither be observed, equally?

I have no clue; but one or the other should be tried.

Or there could be a compromise: not to discuss other results in a match until TUESDAY.

Do I have a clue which is best? Hell no.

But whatever is the consensus - the policy has to be the first post of the thread.

PS - Good initiative Sully.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
PPS - now I get it - the warning is automatically posted at the top of every page of every match thread. Didn't know this could be done but it was probably mentioned and I missed it.

So that means that compliance is very likely - I was thinking that it would appear only at the top of Page 1.

Brilliant Sully.


Tony Shaw (54)
PPS - now I get it - the warning is automatically posted at the top of every page of every match thread. Didn't know this could be done but it was probably mentioned and I missed it.

So that means that compliance is very likely - I was thinking that it would appear only at the top of Page 1.
You would think so, but no. I recorded both the Highlanders and Reds games tonight and watched the Reds game on delay when I got home with the intention of watching the Clan game after. Reds game finishes and as the pre game stuff of the clan game is playing I start read the Reds game match thread. It would've been second or third post I read that said something like, "The Saders are really giving it to the Clan right now"
I know it wasn't the score but given the timing it was then next best thing. Anyway......

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
Considering some people are incapable of or unwilling to read any posts other than their own, rather blather from a soapbox, and there were a few in that thread, I am surprised it took that long for someone to fuck it up.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
A big thank you for embracing the rules and posting them at the beginning of match threads.

How are they going? Do they need any tweaking besides the Go the Tahs rule I saw?


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
So when it happened this weekend I decided to add some rules to every match thread. We don't really mind if the match threads ramble about and discuss other games but will this lead to the result being obvious to someone waiting to see a recording?
We've been a little slack this year. Thanks for the reminder.