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Rugby HQ 2015

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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I stated I wanted the best possible people for the job wether they be male, female or a green little alien from mars

First up, I hope you don't believe the present hosts are the best possible people for the job.

Second, I thought Tom Lawton was really quite good and offered a bit of sound opinion.

Neither of Kearns nor Marto are stand out at the job and there could well be a female player around who could do a better job if given a chance. Equally, or more equally, there are probably many other blokes around who could also do a better job. Won't know unless it happens.


Tony Shaw (54)
It's not about gender equality at all. No one is campaigning for a female to be on the show because it would be discriminatory not to.
It's about diversity. It's the same reason their main panelists are each from a NSW, QLD and ACT background. It gets old if they hosts are all the same. Having a female (of course one that knows what she's talking about) on the show would add a new point of difference adding to the viewing experience.


Arch Winning (36)
Well Scoey I want to put forward that there should be a Japanese man and a Mexican transexual (properly qualified of course) for diversity reasons


Tony Shaw (54)
I don't see what they would add to the show but sure, whatever you reckon.
Well done completely missing the point too, by the way.


Arch Winning (36)
Well with a Japanese team coming into the competition soon I think it would be a valuable addition to the team to get his insight and hopefully help attract a Japanese following

The Mexican transexual would be to engage the large LGBT community that exists within Australia and help them relate to someone within the code which is generally considered a heterosexual dominated sport.


Larry Dwyer (12)
The Mexican transexual would be to engage the large LGBT community that exists within Australia and help them relate to someone within the code which is generally considered a heterosexual dominated sport.

Keep fighting the good fight southsider. Someone's got to stand up against the over representation of gays and women on our weekly rugby shows.

By the way, do you often think about transexuals at 1.10am darling?

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
interesting all this talk of diversity. This show lost that particular plot a few years ago. And is terribly worse for having done so.

We used to get the view 'from across the ditch' (and from SA, whatever that was called). And I for one loved hearing the take on the competition from these other perspectives (call it diversity if you want)

Correct me if I am wrong, but we went thru every australian franchise last night did we not, and the only 'insight' into NZ was the saders? And the bulls from across the ocean?

What, so in an extended extra long show we could fit in yet another stupid comedy segment?

Good luck finding out anything about a team not from australia when it reverts to normal length.

It is so damned australia-centric it is almost embaressing. Which is essentially the same complaint we often hear about marto, that he constantly pushes a given barrow.

The ESSENTIAL characteristic of this competition is it's international flavour, whether liked or not it cannot be denied, yet this show in the last few years seems progressively determined to ignore and lessen this fact.

I mean yeah, for sure, I should keep myself abreast of all the changes but I was mildly surprised to see adrian strauss in the bulls segment! Crikey, what is that going to do to the cheetahs??

Well, for the ONE show we get on the airwaves that is dedicated to our game it obviously is not an interesting question. The one show we have for our sport 'with all the news' there did not seem to be a lot of news about.

Twas certainly funny tho watching a few knuckleheads do some impersonations.

My how I laughed and thought it grand entertainment.

Christ, we have one show and one show only. Let's fricking use it eh?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I thought the show was excellent last night. I thought they had good balance between what they covered. A little bit of comedy doesn't go astray either in my view. If you make the show too specialised and serious you alienate a lot of your other viewers. It has to cover a lot of bases.

A full preview of all 15 sides would have taken forever and I think would have got pretty boring for most viewers. They had enough detail on the ones they covered. If they'd shortened it to cover every team it would have been too light on information.

It's always going to be Australian centric. If you want NZ and SA centric shows, go and download them.

It's just like the GAGR podcast focusing on the Australian games. It is a compromise to be able to provide enough detail on the material that the majority of people are most interested in. There are other providers out there if you want more detailed information about other areas.


Well Scoey I want to put forward that there should be a Japanese man and a Mexican transexual (properly qualified of course) for diversity reasons

Drop the smart arse attitude, everyone is talking about in a civil manner..

No one said they want a female host to purely boost diversity of the panel, it's about improving the catchment of the panel and bringing difference perspectives to the board... This is a common trend across many similar programs, I'd be confident that the market share of the program is 85% male... The NRL Footy Show used to have a similar market share before they moved away from the alpha male macho crap and brought in women to offer a different perspective and attract a different audience..: the NRL footy show is now 60/40 male to female..

Australian Women's 7's are Australian Rugby's most likely chance of winning Gold at Rio and could help boost the exposure of women's rugby union exponentially, this should be capitalised on and harnessed now, help build the profiles of the players and listen to what they have to offer from playing in one of the few professional female sporting teams in Australia.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Chilla Wilson (44)
It's not about gender equality at all. No one is campaigning for a female to be on the show because it would be discriminatory not to.
It's about diversity. It's the same reason their main panelists are each from a NSW, QLD and ACT background. It gets old if they hosts are all the same. Having a female (of course one that knows what she's talking about) on the show would add a new point of difference adding to the viewing experience.

For what its worth last year they had Georgina Robinson, a sports journalist from the Sydney Morning Herald(RugbyHeaven) on frequently last year.
She knew her stuff too, and made a nice change to the all male backdrop.


Tim Horan (67)
I would love to have Ellyse Perry on the show because IMO she is currently the greatest Australian sportsperson. Her rugby link is slightly tenuous - she is married to Matt To'omua. So she's not a former player or coach, but I think she could offer a very interesting angle.


Arch Winning (36)
Keep fighting the good fight southsider. Someone's got to stand up against the over representation of gays and women on our weekly rugby shows.

By the way, do you often think about transexuals at 1.10am darling?

So first you have a go at me for apparently belittling homosexual people and women when all I'm doing is over exaggerating to make a point

You then follow up with taking a swipe at me for supposedly thinking about transsexuals, as if it's a insult and disgusting thing to do. so what if I do think of them? They may float my boat, what's it to you?

You round it off nicely by calling me darling, again used in a negative manner which funnily enough I'm sure some women are all too familiar with.

I hope you land face first when you fall off that high horse you are on.....


Arch Winning (36)
Drop the smart arse attitude, everyone is talking about in a civil manner..

No one said they want a female host to purely boost diversity of the panel, it's about improving the catchment of the panel and bringing difference perspectives to the board. This is a common trend across many similar programs, I'd be confident that the market share of the program is 85% male. The NRL Footy Show used to have a similar market share before they moved away from the alpha male macho crap and brought in women to offer a different perspective and attract a different audience..: the NRL footy show is now 60/40 male to female..

Australian Women's 7's are Australian Rugby's most likely chance of winning Gold at Rio and could help boost the exposure of women's rugby union exponentially, this should be capitalised on and harnessed now, help build the profiles of the players and listen to what they have to offer from playing in one of the few professional female sporting teams in Australia.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's not a smart ass attitude, I was trying to make the point you can literally include anyone on the grounds of diversity. Clearly you haven't read mrtabua efforts including one post that has since been deleted...

Scoey did essential say that I believe

Rugby hq doesn't have the same demographic of people watching it and does not really involve itself in the "macho" crap the the Nrl footy show did/does, it's a completely different situation.

It's a pretty simple statement get the best people to do the job, I dont care if it's all men, I don't care if it's all women but let them be there on their merit, different opinions and perspectives are great but they aren't restricted to gender


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It's a pretty simple statement get the best people to do the job, I dont care if it's all men, I don't care if it's all women but let them be there on their merit, different opinions and perspectives are great but they aren't restricted to gender

What is the best job though? It's an entirely subjective thing.

Many people would probably argue that having some diversity results in a better product overall because it naturally provides different opinions, perspectives and different points of view.

Of course they all need to have knowledge and interest in rugby. That's a prerequisite. Given some of the current panelists, the bar is set pretty low in terms of the amount of rugby knowledge and insight required.


Arch Winning (36)
To a degree yes although I guess such things as presentation in front of the camera, strong views, knowledgable, articulate, some form of experience wether it be playing, administrative or media and following on from that to a certain extent their credibility would be focus areas most people would agree on that are needed to have a good full time panelist

I guess that's true but you can chuck 5 people in a room and ask them a heap of questions, especially about something like sport and you are going to get different answers all over the place regardless of who those 5 people are. Like I said above, different opinions and perspectives are not limited to gender


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Like I said above, different opinions and perspectives are not limited to gender

They're not, but people with differing backgrounds and experiences are far more likely to have different opinions and perspectives. Gender is just one of those differences in experience.

Maybe we should have a panel made up entirely of Shore old boys. Seemingly that's where the best rugby brains in the country come from.
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