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Round 1 2017 Rebels v Blues

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Chris McKivat (8)
Good. We don't want you anyway.

Thats right, its not like they need members or anything , especially Platinum ones .


Greg Davis (50)
After that i am glad i gave up my membership of this joke of a team , they should drop them from Super Rugby , same stupid game plans , why kick for goal ( and miss ) when you can go for tries and build pressure , that so called No 10 ( fat cat ) needs to loose 5-10 kg , man bun is not up to this level , Fainiga is a lightweight , Lions led by donkeys , i hoped Morgs would have helped ,, TT is just not up to the job , AGAIN ,, Timani has improved ( is it just me or does he have good safe hands ) Mafi i liked Jordy ok at times ( great chargedown ) but the rest should refuse their match payments and piss off to another sport ,, will get smashed next week and all year , hopeless ,,,, AGAIN

Me too mate. I'll go to games when I'm available but it's not a good value proposition: I've often bought my membership and attended half the games, which is a bit of a waste.

I'll also take this opportunity to put on my grumpy old man flat cap and complain *fucking loudly* about the non-rugby component of last night. The PA system was turned up to 11. I wouldn't be surprised if decibel readings put AAMI Park in breach of OH&S regs. Painfully loud.

As usual the 'compere' couldn't put the mic down and spent the game exhorting a disengaged and shell-shocked crowd to 'get your Rebels into the game'. Every time we strung a few phases together ol mate got on the blower and shouted over the crowd and the match.

The whole experience was disjointed and really turned me off future games. Such a shame; we started with such good vibes in 2011 and it seems to have been a gradual erosion down to a neutered USA-style WWF entertainment package.


Greg Davis (50)
No, you're right, they do need them, just not poisonous ones.

Pull your head in mate. McCarthy-eqsue bullshit right there.

I'll retract if you can explain what the member proposition is, apart from the over-emotive rubbish about carrying the club.


Greg Davis (50)
" its Rugby Tex, but not as we know it" apologies to Star Trek circa 70's

the show biz bit is getting worse
Yeah it's a shame. I reckon they got the balance pretty much right last season, hopefully they pull it together as its rolls on.

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Greg Davis (50)
Make sure you give this feedback to the club.

Mate it was that bad that I was texting the 'report antisocial behaviour' number! I've sent reams of detailed feedback post-season but I guess I'm not the demographic they're trying to attract. Rusted on supporters can be counted on the turn up regardless; it's the kids they're trying to capture.


Mark Ella (57)
Rebels were pretty poor last night.

To write off and "bag" one's team after a shit performance is absolute rubbish. It's quite reasonable to express one's disappointment in the night's performance. The Rebels are better off if those types of "supporters" piss off and follow the only horse in a one horse race - then you'll be happy following the winner.

Loyalty in life (and even rugby) is everything. All clubs have a stalwart following with the fringe followers getting on board if the team is winning winning and winning.

The reds supporters have had it tough for a few years but those stalwarts are still supporting them. Hopefully 2017 may reward them (us) somewhat.

It'll turn for you guys in time.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Rebels were pretty poor last night.

To write off and "bag" one's team after a shit performance is absolute rubbish. It's quite reasonable to express one's disappointment in the night's performance. The Rebels are better off if those types of "supporters" piss off and follow the only horse in a one horse race - then you'll be happy following the winner.

Loyalty in life (and even rugby) is everything. All clubs have a stalwart following with the fringe followers getting on board if the team is winning winning and winning.

The reds supporters have had it tough for a few years but those stalwarts are still supporting them. Hopefully 2017 may reward them (us) somewhat.

It'll turn for you guys in time.
Well said (and good luck).


Greg Davis (50)
To write off and "bag" one's team after a shit performance is absolute rubbish. It's quite reasonable to express one's disappointment in the night's performance. The Rebels are better off if those types of "supporters" piss off and follow the only horse in a one horse race - then you'll be happy following the winner.

Respectfully, rubbish. Skewering your team the morning after an another insipid, flaccid, bloodless performance is the sacred right of every supporter. Pollyanna-ism can piss off - call a spade a spade.

The Rebels were shithouse; looked unfit, disorganised and disengaged. Again. People who log on and trot out blind "I have faith" BS and use it as a cudgel to belt those who question the management should take a bex and a lie down.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Respectfully, rubbish. Skewering your team the morning after an another insipid, flaccid, bloodless performance is the sacred right of every supporter. Pollyanna-ism can piss off - call a spade a spade.

The Rebels were shithouse; looked unfit, disorganised and disengaged. Again. People who log on and trot out blind "I have faith" BS and use it as a cudgel to belt those who question the management should take a bex and a lie down.
OK, we all support in different ways. True, I accept I am too forgiving as a supporter, but that is my choice as a supporter. I also accept others choose the harsher, tough love route. I believe having both breeds of supporter is healthy for the club and gives a good balance. #Respect


Greg Davis (50)
Fair enough mate, I don't mean to pick you out. If anything I envy the positivity - makes it a less stressful experience!


Tony Shaw (54)
Have to agree in relation to Garden-Bachop: there's more Garden than Bachop.
Funny thing is he never set the NPC alight so it surprises me that anyone thought he could cut it a tier above.
The position as I understand it is: Brums dont have an oz 10 they can trust, rebels down have an oz 10 they can trust and the Force have Lance playing 10.
we are in deep shit in this country

I was sort-of with you until the "Lance playing 10" comment. Until he got injured last year he was playing great and the Force looked a cut above where they finished. As soon as he went down their season was over. By the end of this season he could easily be our reserve test 10.

The implication of your comment - that Australia can't seem to grow good 10's - is 100% spot-on. Why NZ can and we can't is a riddle wrapped in a mystery. But, from the country that produced Ella and Larkham, its killing us that the top three NZ 10's are better than our top three and West, Black, Mo'unga and McKenzie are all coming through (plus there are several more Barratts). We have Hegarty and ??? and then we're back to U-20's.
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