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Returns from injury

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Peter Johnson (47)
Drew just tweeted
The song of the day is; Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve..

So what can we read into that.

My first thought is that he passed the test but didn't bet picked but that makes no sense.

He did get picked but is sad that Gits didn't. That is a little more likely.


John Thornett (49)
I wonder what people's reactions will be if Drew doesn't get picked despite passing the fitness test.

Personally I will be disgusted if that happened.


Greg Davis (50)
Let's not kid ourselves about our backline.
It is misfiring at best in attack right now. We have these amazing players who can by their own admission "tear anyone up" on their day, but it is just not happening.
Most of their enterprising play is coming in the form of counter attacks and kick returns.
I don't think McCabe is the answer at 12. I would like to see Fainga'a there against the Blacks in Brisbane to see how he goes.
But I suspect we do need JOC (James O'Connor), Barnes or Giteau at 12 to make the backline fire.
I would go with JOC (James O'Connor).

It's early days. We've played only three tests. The team needs continuity, not changing.


Tony Shaw (54)
Just seen news that Juan Smit is out of the Springboks team for the World Cup. He's off to have an operation on his Achilles and won't be back till next year's Super comp.

The odds on SA repeating just got waaayy longer. He will be missed as much as anyone in that team, only Matfield gets close in importance.


Mark Ella (57)
Juan Smith was IMHO the best 6 in the world, followed by Kaino and then Dusatoir, big big loss for the Bok.


John Solomon (38)
Palu - grade 1 hamstring strain. I guess that means they will likely keep him in NZ?
Mccabe - subluxed shoulder. Did the same in a brumbies game and missed no games. I would say that means shoulder reconstruction in the off season but not sure short term.
Horne - non displaced facial fracture. ?No surgery.
Rumours Taps and Hodgson on standby.
Anyone got any other updates??


Herbert Moran (7)
Palu - grade 1 hamstring strain. I guess that means they will likely keep him in NZ?
Mccabe - subluxed shoulder. Did the same in a brumbies game and missed no games. I would say that means shoulder reconstruction in the off season but not sure short term.
Horne - non displaced facial fracture. ?No surgery.
Rumours Taps and Hodgson on standby.
Anyone got any other updates??

Any more news on this front yet???


Herbert Moran (7)
Cliffy gone!!!!! grrrrr

McCabe, Horne, Fingers to stick it out.

Just out of interest when was the last time Cliffy finished three consecutive games?


Ward Prentice (10)
Papers over here report that Wycliff Palu is out for the tournament. I'm sorry to see any player go down with injury knowing how much effort went into their being selected.


Bad luck for Wycliff - he has been struggling to be fit practically all year. Big gamble to include him in the squad.
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Peter Fenwicke (45)
I cannot imagine just how angry, disappointed, angry and fucking disappointed I would be if I was Cliffy. Really feel sorry for the man.


Desmond Connor (43)
Palu being out is no surprise. Deans picking a player who hasn't put a run of games together for years was a dumb move. could see this happening a mile away .
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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I don't think it was a stupid move having Palu in the squad. If he hadn't got injured he would have been in the 22 in the knockout stages.

Any other number 8 we'd have included probably wouldn't have been in the 22 so what would have been the point? I don't think Hodgson or Robinson missed out because we picked Palu.


Michael Lynagh (62)
I don't know, I guess I was one of the few who was not really impressed by Palu's physicality. I didn't see him make a dominant run or tackle in the time he got - his one highlight was a wonderful pop pass to put Horne into a gap. Hell, Higgenbottham came off the bench v Ireland right after Palu and was more physical and made more impact. A guy like Palu is very very unlikely to get some form back after playing so little rugby this year - in my opinion Palu would be a shade of what he is capable of if at full form and fitness.

I agree with louie - he hadn't played for months prior to the World Cup, and before then he only lasted a few games. He was an out and out gamble, and it backfired in more ways than one, as I reckon they took a gamble with Palu instead of the second openside.
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