Would have been nice to hear Doleman call it as such (before the turnover that is)That maul call?
That was confusingThat maul call?
I honestly can't believe I support a team benefiting from doleman6 penalties on the try line and no yellow card. The ref is so so bad
Was it? It should have been a yellow and they conceded 6 penalties. I wouldnt call that immense, really.Reds defending is immense
Yes I was thinking they I never heard "maul" calledWould have been nice to hear Doleman call it as such (before the turnover that is)
It is….immense…Was it? It should have been a yellow and they conceded 6 penalties. I wouldnt call that immense, really.
Immensely illegal and ill disciplined?It is….immense
I'm all for letting the boys play (which Doleman is), but I'm not a fan of the Crusaders playbook of teams getting away with repeat infrigements like thatWas it? It should have been a yellow and they conceded 6 penalties. I wouldnt call that immense, really.
All those penalties and didn’t concede a point is a good indicator reallyWas it? It should have been a yellow and they conceded 6 penalties. I wouldnt call that immense, really.
exactly - play the whistle, childrens stuffIt is….immense
We arent playingexactly - play the whistle, childrens stuff
Yes with the talent they have, one try in 60 minutes is pretty ordinary. They’re devoid of attacking ideas.Tahs need the million dollar man back! They’ve got nothing.