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Reds v Waratahs, rd2 SR2013

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Herbert Moran (7)
Volavola is extremely suspect:
Half arsed first effort in the game was covering the kick down the middle: he was so uncommitted to actually grabbing the ball he knocked it on.
Dropped the ball on his next touch.
Scored on his next.
Missed an easy tackle through lack of will. He has great acceleration but I wonder at his attitude: a poor man's QC (Quade Cooper)?

There were plenty worse than him: on SD's form he would have kicked those McKibbin missed and if it was down to a bee's dick like that, the others may have lifted enough to get the win. Reffing didn't help, especially one of the ARs who wasn't watching where kicked out ball crossed the line.


Syd Malcolm (24)
Really not good enough from the Waratahs. The starting pack were all Wallabies except Ryan, yet they were ineffective. Polota Nau seems burnt out, fat or something yet still has more impact than any other forward. Cap'n Dave was nowhere and while Hooper tried hard he was outplayed by Gill. Well done McKibbin, Foley, Mitchell and Folau, the rest need to look at themselves. If we played a NZ team now it would be a 30 point flogging.


John Hipwell (52)
There is always howls of woe after these derbies. The fact is the Reds at least have been very successful against NZ teams these few years.


John Solomon (38)
There were plenty worse than him: on SD's form he would have kicked those McKibbin missed and if it was down to a bee's dick like that, the others may have lifted enough to get the win. Reffing didn't help, especially one of the ARs who wasn't watching where kicked out ball crossed the line.

Thought the game was well reffed myself. Reds replacements made much more of an impact. Anau in particular was superb. Eddie Quirk is going to make a few eat their words if he can keep up tonights form. Simmons a lot better & ditto Shipperley. Reds forwards much improved on last week.
Foley & Mitchell very good for Tahs but a number ten has no right entering into a scrum stoush! I think the Tahs could have an exciting team here and will be a lot better for their 1st hitout.


Yeah, the Kiwis always looks magnificent in the first round but we compete with them.

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
Ed Quirk please stand up. He was immense tonight. Played hard, and proved the difference at the end of the game. Holmes was a constant terror at the breakdown, his counter rucking upset the tahs at a time when they might have stolen the game. S Finger and Simmons weren't as niggly as last week, and concentrated their energy in the appropriate areas.

Taps - CFS midfield combo was solid. They shut down a lot of tah attacking raids, and CFS made some good meters. Quade was ok, but his resistance to enter contact with ball in hand did put the Reds in a precarious position a few times. Sometimes he just needs to take the hit and go to ground.

Harris' boot was on song, but Morahan is the better player. Quite the conundrum. Diggers was obviously told to make Folau's night a nightmare, and he did. Also a few good carries and a solid defensive effort.

Always good to beat the Tahs. However, both teams need to improve drastically to be properly competitive.

Gill pointed Hooper, but my MOM is Quirk - by a mile.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Happy that game wasn't dour. Normally these games tend to be arm wrestles, but it was more open than I thought. A few too many errors is concerning.

Reds still worry me. At time the gave up ground way too easily to the Tahs midfield. Their scrambling defence is excellent, but then it needed to be as their alignment was often off and line speed way too slow.

Line out was another concern.

I liked Quirk though, the guy has a huge engine. CFS showed hints of what he can do as well. Massive improvement from the Reds backrow this week. There were many good contributions from the Reds but they were too patchy. Good counter rucking late in the game, which is what the Brumbies did to them.

For the Tahs Foley was maybe close to their best. Robinson made a difference off the bench. Not much to say really; the Reds extra game clearly made a huge difference.


John Solomon (38)
. Diggers was obviously told to make Folau's night a nightmare, and he did. Also a few good carries and a solid defensive effort.

Gill pointed Hooper, but my MOM is Quirk - by a mile.

And Digby gave him nightmares and a rugby lesson! Twas beautiful to see.

Seconded on Quirks MoM!


Peter Johnson (47)
To all those decrying the standard of the game - the conditions tonight were very, very hot and slippery - not at all ideal for rugby.

For Queensland I thought Quirk and Gill really stood up tonight. As did Diggers and Shipperly.

For NSW Mitchell showed his quality.
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