I look at this Reds team list and think that they should be capable of beating ANY team in this competition. Yet they DO NOT play for each other - they are NOT a team in the true sense of the word. Sadly I don't have a solution.
What the hell is wrong with the Reds?
Where is the love of winning?
Let's go fishingI bought some new lures today.
We don't win often..but when we do...its bloody satisfying.
That's why I'm still a member of the Force into year 12..farking proud of the boys after that effort
There is not a single Reds playerr who is worthy of a contract for next season on the basis of what was served up tonight. They should all be permananently embarrassed to have ever called themselves professional rugby players. Every player associated with that is an embarrassment or less.
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Good job Force.
Time to go, Stiles. You're actually worse than Richard Graham.
I'm remiss in not saying earlier - full congratulations to the Force, great effort and skill and all-of-80 performance - especially given the horrendous culling debacle.
He's got a long way to go before he's that bad!