Goal kickers Reds Cooper 71% (53 from 75) Crusaders: Carter 77% (40/52); Berquist 68% (27/40)
Ref stats
ickinson forced to award, per game average 20.5 pens (11.8 pens at ruck) 4.7 scrum resets & scrum infringes
Ref stats
ickinson 7 (1=most/highest) from 16 refs to award pens, 5th in scrum resets, 7th for scrum infringes
Reds on average (#super15 rank 1=most/highest) per game: 10.2 pens (6); 4.8 pens at ruck (13); 6.3 hand errs (15); 10.3 miss tackles (15)
Crusaders on average (#super15 rank 1=most/highest) per game: 10.5 pens (3); 6.3 pens at ruck (3); 10.2 hand errs (4); 13.9 miss tackles (4)