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Reds 2016

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Tony Shaw (54)
No idea Scrubber. From the squad as announced I would say O'Connor is probably our best bet.

FWIW Scoey, I am still hearing from close sources that it's by no means assured that JO'C will still be here in 2016, and that Toulon still believe he's formally or otherwise committed to them for most of 2016.


Tony Shaw (54)
Yeah I'll believe he's playing next year when he takes the field. That's why I said, from the squad as announced. ;)


Tony Shaw (54)
Works for me. Anthony is a better 13 than he is a 12.

Seeing him at 12 and Taps at 13 (or 15 for fucks sake) used to drive me fucking nuts

IMO, sorry, surely the evidence of recent Reds vintage shows that A Finger's best years are behind him.

If we want to progress to being a serious candidate for S18 Finals in 2017/8, he is not the player to build upon at 13, or anywhere much. His defence is not what it was and his attacking prowess and speed were always 'just OK at best' and were both compensated for by excellence in organising the defensive line.

Time for new players to be risked, well coached and supported.

Train Without a Station

I'm tipping the Reds email server to cop a hammering in the next 24 hours.


Tony Shaw (54)
IMO, sorry, surely the evidence of recent Reds vintage shows that A Finger's best years are behind him.

If we want to progress to being a serious candidate for S18 Finals in 2017/8, he is not the player to build upon at 13, or anywhere much. His defence is not what it was and his attacking prowess and speed were always 'just OK at best' and were both compensated for by excellence in organising the defensive line.

Time for new players to be risked, well coached and supported.

I assume this is high grade irony. In the words of John McEnroe, "You can't be serious!"


Tony Shaw (54)
The Reds' PR machine is really quite something.

Today I rec'd the following email (my emphasis):

Dear (RedsHappy),

As Reds players, we've spoken a lot about our season since it ended in June and we all know we let ourselves and our fans down.

The whole squad takes responsibility for not performing to expectations in 2015.

We're all hurting. The players, coaches, staff, members and fans have all been doing it tough and none of us want to go through this experience again.

At the end of the day we want to win and we've got a lot of hard work to do. We know that and we just can't wait for 2016.

As proud representatives of this state, we're determined to get the best out of ourselves and represent this jersey with pride. We don't take that responsibility lightly. Because when you play for Queensland nothing else matters. Nothing.

Thanks for your continued support.

We are Queensland. We are Red.

The St.George Queensland Reds

The whole squad! The squad, that's just the players in rugby parlance. The whole burden of the last appalling season has fallen it seems on their shoulders, for them to do the public apologising to the fans.

What about the fucking coaching team as a whole, where are they, except, in the next paragraph we are told they are, like us all, watching on kind of thing and 'doing it tough'. And 'none of us want to go through that experience again'.

That latter conclusion is extraordinarily perceptive. It's great that such a state of being is grasped and realised by everybody involved.

Quite seriously, is this not subliminally or worse reflective of the decayed and jaundiced culture that's - sadly - evolved in recent years with the QRU? No leader, no HC, no board of private-box-holding directors owns up to anything or takes public responsibility for anything, it's just the poor fucking players who have PR prose written for them where the season gone is just their responsibility, it's them that let us all down.

What utter, grossly unfair, grossly abrogating, rubbish.

Ballymore's capacity to show the types of leadership and integrity of communication that would deserve our faith and trust has vaporised.

Train Without a Station

Don't burst a vein RH. It's just standard PR/Marketing stuff


Tony Shaw (54)
I assume this is high grade irony. In the words of John McEnroe, "You can't be serious!"

I have been overtaken by the sentiments expressed within the Reds Positivity thread and the quoted examples there of your very own @waratahjesus.


Mark Ella (57)
So TWAS is that standard PR?Marketting stuff just spinning the facts with half truths or should we call it what it really is - lies?

The problem for the Reds PR machine is they are totally out of touch with a very large percentage of their former (or soon to be) membership. This sort of email/contact to already jaded fans does nothing but fire them up more and make it even less likely that they will "continue to support". They would truly be better off saying nothing than committing to "standard PR/Marketing stuff".


Tony Shaw (54)
Don't burst a vein RH. It's just standard PR/Marketing stuff

You post so regularly you must appreciate fan passion TWAS, in all its guises! :)

I get your point, BUT:

- this was sent to every 2015 Reds Member effectively asking them to sign on for yet another season's experiment with the RG-coached Reds (btw the way to non-auto-renew is in fine print at the bottom of the email)

- does this seemingly genuine communication to all Members, seeking more $s from them, not require some integrity, some truth, some honesty and something beyond just forcing the players to identify themselves as the principal source of the let-down?

- does it not - as would be normal - behove coaches and QRU leaders to share some of the communicated responsibility for such consistently damning results?

I could as you infer pass it all off, but I just can't, it's not right and not what I would do if I was running the joint and I suspect nor would it be what you would do either.

Train Without a Station

As I tell my girlfriend RH, you can get yourself all worked up over it, but what's that going to achieve?

I've sent my email opting out of my membership for 2016. Getting all worked up over it will only get me bothered with no gain after that.

Train Without a Station

Obviously this is a discussion board, but what are we discussing. Nobody disagrees with what you're saying.


David Codey (61)
IMO, sorry, surely the evidence of recent Reds vintage shows that A Finger's best years are behind him.

If we want to progress to being a serious candidate for S18 Finals in 2017/8, he is not the player to build upon at 13, or anywhere much. His defence is not what it was and his attacking prowess and speed were always 'just OK at best' and were both compensated for by excellence in organising the defensive line.

Time for new players to be risked, well coached and supported.
Yeah A Finger has no place in a team that doesn't tackle..
IMO, sorry, surely the evidence of recent Reds vintage shows that A Finger's best years are behind him.

If we want to progress to being a serious candidate for S18 Finals in 2017/8, he is not the player to build upon at 13, or anywhere much. His defence is not what it was and his attacking prowess and speed were always 'just OK at best' and were both compensated for by excellence in organising the defensive line.

Time for new players to be risked, well coached and supported.

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk


Dave Cowper (27)
The Reds will announce a new attack coach this week. IMO a positive addition to Stiles and Thorn. The others still have some way to go.


Bob Loudon (25)
The Reds will announce a new attack coach this week. IMO a positive addition to Stiles and Thorn. The others still have some way to go.

What's their track record Intruder? Are they strong enough to be able to ensure that they get their ideas/plans implemented? One has to wonder about Steve Meehan, the last attack coach - he had a good record but couldn't seemingly get his way.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
IMO, sorry, surely the evidence of recent Reds vintage shows that A Finger's best years are behind him.

If we want to progress to being a serious candidate for S18 Finals in 2017/8, he is not the player to build upon at 13, or anywhere much. His defence is not what it was and his attacking prowess and speed were always 'just OK at best' and were both compensated for by excellence in organising the defensive line.

Time for new players to be risked, well coached and supported.

Anthony is one of my favourite players but the game has to move on. I will miss his screaming out to the defensive players to do their job and think the Reds have missed his organisational skills but backs need to score and I think most would agree that Kerevi offers more to the team.

Just as Kerevi proved himself at NRC level and then at S15 I am hoping that Parese can do the same for the 15 position next season.

Who knows, the NRC might be the most valuable thing the Reds have going for them
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