David Wilson (68)
What did people think of Dave Wessels comments in the Super Rugby launch (https://www.facebook.com/foxsportsaus/videos/110980620309933/ ~27min mark) about making a lot of mistakes and not really enjoying his coaching last year at the end of the season and that he was doing a lot of things around the team not brining him much joy/energy and spending less time with the players/hands on.
Said he has a hands on role this year.
Sounds a bit like he was doing more managing than coaching last year.
Stuart Lancaster spoke a lot about the different elements of coaching and how he appreciated the role Leo Cullen played at Leinnster in allowing him to focus on actual hands on coaching/running sessions. Worth a listen (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p080cl9k)
I do wonder how well we are managing our coaches/teams in this country. You get such a different impression from a well run org with happy coaches like the Brumbies vs some of the other franchises.
Haven't heard it but from what you write it sounds good that he's acknowledging his mistakes and trying to remedy it.
I appreciate Wessels might have a much higher ceiling than where he's at currently, just unfortunate for the Rebels his upskilling is happening now.