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Rebels 2018

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Jim Lenehan (48)
I was not sure if i was wasting my time in replying, but i will bite as i am in the process of an office change at work.

a) for starters the process has nothing to do with fair, its more to do with a lack of transparency and class.
b) the ARU had no jurisdiction over the Rebels, who just like Force if given the opportunity would of shored up their position, unfortunately they weren't in a position to do so. Let me say that again, how could the ARU get rid of the Rebels? if you could answer that sensibly and legally then the Force would like to know.
c) most Rebels supporters are for 5 teams, i challenge you to look through this thread and find 5 statements for 5 different people who have been anti force. Once again you are resorting to dribble and not facts
d) again what is fair? we shored our own finances up this season through investors and the government, what more do you want of us? We'd be the first to admit so much money has been wasted on the Rebels, if the decision was last year, the year before that etc then the Rebels should/would of been a very easy decision for the ARU but this year the ARU had absolutely no where to go.
e) no one to pity you? well stop spending every moment commenting and replying how despicable the rebels are... on a rebels thread. You sound like a bitter/jilted lover, in a loveless marriage, which everyone including you could see was coming to an end. The ex has well and truly moved on, but you spend every waking moment trying to make his, his friends, childrens lives a living hell in spite. We have and still are to a lesser extent refused to speculate over players, etc at the time.
e) whats there to be embarrassed by? rugby is as strong as it has ever been in Victoria. Just like WA our numbers are up every year, the talent we are producing is starting to contribute, but we aren't also under delusion that we aren't even close to NSW or QLD when it comes to talent and what we contribute

Twiggy seems to have built a bridge and trying to move forward, its probably about time others do the same. Like i said in an earlier post, not one person is asking you to forget, but maybe its time to constructively rebuild from what everyone agrees is a shambolic situation


Cyril Towers (30)
I completely support the Force being in SuperRugby but not at the expense of the Rebels. WTF do you expect Rebels fans to do? My number 1 goal is to have a rugby team in SuperRugby (or whatever it becomes) that I can go to the home ground and watch. Everything else is secondary.

I hope that either the Sunwolves pull out in 2019 or another South African team joins the Pro14 and the Sunwolves bugger off there and the Force can return and we can go back to having 5 teams in Australia as soon as possible.

No worries, so you don't support a fair process with integrity, clearly you are a very different type of person to me. "I'm right Jack"


Greg Davis (50)
(and stop cluttering this thread with shambolic guilt trips)

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Mr Wobbly

Alan Cameron (40)
b) the ARU had no jurisdiction over the Rebels, who just like Force if given the opportunity would of shored up their position, unfortunately they weren't in a position to do so. Let me say that again, how could the ARU get rid of the Rebels? if you could answer that sensibly and legally then the Force would like to know.

Actually, Pulver spelled this out quite clearly in the senate enquiry. There were two ways they could have gotten rid of the Rebels: if they could have negotiated a settlement with Cox, or if the Rebels became insolvent they could have folded them.
I actually read the 46 pages (well skimmed some). It reads to me like four Force supporters sitting in a room saying what a bunch of @#$%s the ARU and the VRU are


Greg Davis (50)
Actually, Pulver spelled this out quite clearly in the senate enquiry. There were two ways they could have gotten rid of the Rebels: if they could have negotiated a settlement with Cox, or if the Rebels became insolvent they could have folded them.
I actually read the 46 pages (well skimmed some). It reads to me like four Force supporters sitting in a room saying what a bunch of @#$%s the ARU and the VRU are
And how many separatist WA senators sitting there adding more strings to their long bow of grievances?

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Fred Wood (13)
I (probably we) feel sorry for you and what happened was lacking transparency and class, but please i (again probably we) am over needing to feel pity for you. Coming onto this thread and consistently flogging a dead horse to get some point/what ever it is, is just dragging people down and not helping us, you or anyone for that matter move forward in a constructive manner. No one is asking you to get over what happened, but we ask you to move forward and stop trying to get a point across through pity and negativity. Honestly i can't even read a match report without someone constantly flogging the same dead horse, over and over and over again. We ALL agree what happened sucked, but like i said before stop trying to get others to feel pity for you. I want Australian rugby to move forward with a WA team, but trying to throw anyone and everyone under the bus to achieve this isn't going to help the situation. Support us and we will support you, like i believe 95% of us have.

Sorry, you must be confusing me with someone else


Greg Davis (50)
Christ that's a handy set of rakes. Motu crushing Gerard still gives me the shivers

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Cyril Towers (30)
I struggle understanding people justifying beliefs like yours.
Just re read my first reply to your rambling "I support you" and "I'm over needing to pity you" post.


Cyril Towers (30)
Actually, Pulver spelled this out quite clearly in the senate enquiry. There were two ways they could have gotten rid of the Rebels: if they could have negotiated a settlement with Cox, or if the Rebels became insolvent they could have folded them.
I actually read the 46 pages (well skimmed some). It reads to me like four Force supporters sitting in a room saying what a bunch of @#$%s the ARU and the VRU are

Yes and as Pulver said they did negotiate a settlement with Cox for 4.7m. Who knows why they didn't pay it? maybe ask Rob Clarke, they knew Cox was in financial difficulties.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Yes and as Pulver said they did negotiate a settlement with Cox for 4.7m. Who knows why they didn't pay it? maybe ask Rob Clarke, they knew Cox was in financial difficulties.

If that was the case one option cost $4.7mil the other $0

I struggle understanding people justifying beliefs like yours.
Just re read my first reply to your rambling "I support you" and "I'm over needing to pity you" post.

It's very possible to support and sympathize with someone, but it is also very possible to reach a point where it's exhausting to listen to someone ramble on and on and on. Sorry i think i must of reached that tipping point.


Fred Wood (13)
If that was the case one option cost $4.7mil the other $0

It's very possible to support and sympathize with someone, but it is also very possible to reach a point where it's exhausting to listen to someone ramble on and on and on. Sorry i think i must of reached that tipping point.

I'd really hope that if the club you poured a significant number of years, a load of cash, so much time, love and energy into was driven out of existence in a completely biased, unfair and frankly disgusting process you'd take a bit more than a month or so to get over it.


Cyril Towers (30)
If that was the case one option cost $4.7mil the other $0

It's very possible to support and sympathize with someone, but it is also very possible to reach a point where it's exhausting to listen to someone ramble on and on and on. Sorry i think i must of reached that tipping point.

Yes, my problem is with all the Unions looking after themselves rather than Aust rugby, if we stood together we would all be better off. The system is clearly broken if QLD, rugby's strongest area, are apparently broke again and begging for money.

James Pettifer

Jim Clark (26)
I'd really hope that if the club you poured a significant number of years, a load of cash, so much time, love and energy into was driven out of existence in a completely biased, unfair and frankly disgusting process you'd take a bit more than a month or so to get over it.

I can understand that. But perhaps in another thread ...


Jim Lenehan (48)
Yes, my problem is with all the Unions looking after themselves rather than Aust rugby, if we stood together we would all be better off. The system is clearly broken if QLD, rugby's strongest area, are apparently broke again and begging for money.

Completely agree with this


Peter Sullivan (51)
I'd really hope that if the club you poured a significant number of years, a load of cash, so much time, love and energy into was driven out of existence in a completely biased, unfair and frankly disgusting process you'd take a bit more than a month or so to get over it.
No one is asking you to get over it or forget. Just stop blaming the Rebels and their supporters. Especially on this thread. It was not our fault that the Force were AlWAYS the most likely target because they eere the easiest. It was not ever a transparent process or one with integrity.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I'd really hope that if the club you poured a significant number of years, a load of cash, so much time, love and energy into was driven out of existence in a completely biased, unfair and frankly disgusting process you'd take a bit more than a month or so to get over it.

But we don't have to listen to it and it also shouldn't be expected to be at the expense of our own enjoyment.


No one is asking you to get over it or forget. Just stop blaming the Rebels and their supporters. Especially on this thread. It was not our fault that the Force were AlWAYS the most likely target because they eere the easiest. It was not ever a transparent process or one with integrity.

Double the amount of money given to the Rebels than the Force over their existence($13 million ish?) and the architect of the downfall of the Force is now employed to recruit the new Rebels coach? I think it has a lot to do with the Rebels.

EDIT: As for the 'doing it in another thread' it reminds me a bit of the argument Trump & his lot are putting up about the whole 'kneeling' thing with the anthem at the moment. But the simple fact is having a 'safe haven' like a thread just isn't going to happen when there are so many of us who perceive an injustice was done. And despite your own views some of us view the Rebels being partial at fault because of the way they have been run and some of the characters in charge of the organisation at the moment.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Actually, Pulver spelled this out quite clearly in the senate enquiry. There were two ways they could have gotten rid of the Rebels: if they could have negotiated a settlement with Cox, or if the Rebels became insolvent they could have folded them.
I actually read the 46 pages (well skimmed some). It reads to me like four Force supporters sitting in a room saying what a bunch of @#$%s the ARU and the VRU are
The problem for me is that when Pulver and Clyne talked of the process they referred to the big spread sheet and the score card that inferred it was about financial viability and actual performance on field but now Pulver is clearly saying the spreadsheet had nothing to do with who was to get cut, it was his little way of explaining that a team needed to get cut.
The who, was the Force without a licence until they started the legal action - then Clarke and Pulver thought, hey I know, Cox is always whinging about needing more money, lets buy him out then we can cut the Rebels - so off to Melbourne they went and they began those negotiations - now that is the process that Pulver is talking about.
Pulver is very oblique with his words and meanings. As it turned out, the ARU couldn't pay the for it without losing the Vic Gov money - ooh yummy yummy money $5 m up front in the Pulvers fat little hands and another $14 m to follow subject to Visit Victoria events.
That's why the force fans have the shits (IMO) and I dont blame them. I do blame the ARU and I hope the senate finds them out for their gross mismanagement of our national sport.

and ps, I had an avatar and it has disappeared - so I'll get a new one soon.
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