I see the Honey Badger has finally started to live up to his (and our) expectations.
Clearly he has now out-grown the Force.
Time to sign him up for the Rebels. You know, where all the cool kids come to play. You know it makes sense.
I don't think Melbourne is the place for him.
TurncoatBought my Rebels season membership yesterday boys! Pumped for 2013!
He is listed for the lowly paid Red's College (wider Training Group) maybe you might have to swap Horie for Kingi
Signing of Shota Horie is confirmed on Rebels website.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-ash3/s480x480/532287_4891980979921_894267122_n.jpg
Pre-season training?