Slim 293
George Smith (75)
Wow, cant even put a sentence together. Need to try harder at home school son.
I don't engage in this kind of discourse, but feel free to keep it up.........
Wow, cant even put a sentence together. Need to try harder at home school son.
OK, so there's a replay immediately after the Suncorp horror show: is it worth staying sober for?
yeah me too. Eden Park's always been like that. 'We don't like to make a fuss' as the old bFM ad went. Bit different to the flamboyant Argie crowds with their rakish displays of passion and effervescenceWell I'm one of these stereotypical grim New Zealanders who sits there in deathly silence, so the mausoleum atmosphere doesn't bother me at all.
But the biggest rise was a weird boo when Duffie tripped over someone. Not sure what the hell they were booing about.
OK, so there's a replay immediately after the Suncorp horror show: is it worth staying sober for? Bearing in mind that courtesy of the tropical low formerly known as Cyclone Debbie we did a week's worth of sales in two days despite due to flooding being three men short yesterday & two men today I'm pretty thirsty...
EDIT: TBF our Nambour & Noosa stores did more like two or three weeks figures in two days so maybe I need to take a HTFU pill
some bottleshop by the look of it
So where do you work WOB?
Nah, every tradies second-favourite type of shop....
... a tool shop (a real one, not Bunnings )
Nah, every tradies second-favourite type of shop....
... a tool shop (a real one, not Bunnings )
Wow, some of my posts have been deleted by the mods. So the problem is not that people look to provoke? The problem is people shoot down the provokers?
Are we not allowed to stick up for our team, our beliefs and our opinions because someones feelings may get hurt? Do we not have the right the reply to garbage nonsensical trolling?
Just goes to show, if you pick on someones team, beliefs or opinions you will get away with it scott free. That goes to show that we do not have the basic right to defend our team, beliefs and opinions. Thats not how freedom of speech works. Thats how a controlled but misrepresented dialogue occurs. Thats where bullying and intimidation is allowed but not condoned.
Cheers for the private message Slim, it was very sweet.