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RC4 - Australia v Argentina

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Tim Horan (67)
Geez with the Boks beating the ABs and this result Wallabies would have to drop to 6 or 7 on rankings wouldn't they?

Kenny Powers

Ron Walden (29)
Lack of urgency from the Wallabies throughout that game is the thing that stands out most for me.

And the crowd just shows what a pstate Rugby is in in Australia!


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I cant believe Izzy bombed that. Sums Aus rugby up in a nutshell. Bit of flash 0 substance. We are fucked for the World Cup.

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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
The main problems were a lack of a discernible game plan and abysmal execution of skills by every one of the team. The Argies were very poor compared to their effort last week, but we were just much worse. I don't think I've seen so many hospital passes in one game as the Wallabies threw tonight.

Can't see another win for them in this RC.

Kenny Powers

Ron Walden (29)
If there's an upside to Hooper's absence it's that St David's ref management is streets ahead. Hooper somehow just comes across as a whiner & a bit sulky if he doesn't get his way: as I think I mentioned after B2 he's in danger of being ignored/ dismissed by NH refs in particular as SMoore so often was.

After tonight do you still stand by this statement?


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Shit man. Kearns trying to say it's not a coaching issue but maybe it is? I usually defend Cheika but man that was truly diabolical stuff. Pulling To'omua instead of Beale when he was having one of his worst ever games was a terrible move.

The lineout is a complete clusterfuck as well. These are coaching problems.

Getting fucked by the All Blacks is one thing, but having our lineout dismantled by the Argentians is not acceptable.

Maddocks or Banks needs to come in for Koro, for every hit he makes there are three other instances where he's rushed up too fast and left a hole behind him.

Tui had a shocker with ball in hand.

Glad i'm not too invested anymore because that was turd. Lucky only about 3 people turned up to watch it.
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